I blame my dream for my unproductive day...

Apr 25, 2010 16:09

Guys, I finally had a Misha dream.

Not a Dean/Castiel dream, not a "Dean's a dick and Castiel's sad" dream, not a "let's join forces and save the world with Dean and Cas" dream.  A Misha dream.

So I was at a con (probably the NJ one I'm planning to go to this summer), and it was time for Misha's panel which started at 8am both Saturday and Sunday.  And me and the person I went with were the first ones there, so we sat right in front.  All this took place in a dining hall type thing, and so everyone was sitting at these tables.  And then this girl I used to be friends with in high school showed up, wearing this weird, bowl-looking hat.  And it was 8 o'clock, and there were only, like, 30 people in the room.  And so my friend stands up, is like "Do I have to do this?" and this woman who's in charge of everything is like "YES!" So I'm laughing, at what idk, and then I look towards the doorway and Misha's there wearing this police hat and smiling like a dork waiting for my friend to say something.  So she says whatever she's supposed to say (Which is something like "Ten hut!" or "Attention! Misha's in the house!") and Misha starts marching in, with this big-ass, dorky smile on his face.

Halfway to the stage thing he drops the act, takes the hat off, and drops it near his chair. Then he's dorky Misha with answering questions and stuff.  He's answering questions, and I can't remember what they were.  And I just remember not wanting to take out my camera or take a pic with my phone because I was thinking "Oh gosh, he probably gets that a lot and is sick of it... and I'm in front so he'd notice and I don't want to look like a tool."  So I don't take pictures.

But as the time on his panel is running down he drags about 6 people up onto the stage, and I'm one of them.  And so we're going to play this game.  I"m like "Oh shit" because I don't like standing in front of an audience.  But then Misha comes and stands on my left and I'm like "This... might not be bad after all."

So Misha starts explaining the rules: You dish out, to the person next to you, something painful and something calming/gentle.  It goes around in a circle, can change directions at any time, but that's what you do.  Then he leans down and nips me on the back of the neck, and I'm like o.O because hello! for obvious reasons, and then his hand falls to the back of my neck and he starts explaining the rest of the rules in a calm, gentle manner. And I realize "Oh... calm/gentle words and touch... tricky, Misha."  So the game continues with everyone in the circle dealing out pain and pleasure. And the person next to me is smirking, and I know my face is red because I'm like "Everyone's gonna know I have a crush on MIsha!" but she keeps turning the circle's directions so I have to do the pain/pleasure thing to Misha. And so flirting ensues, yada yada.  The games over, and I get off the stage quick because awesome game, but hello embarrassment.

Then we're all suddenly in a bar, and Misha's all smiles and talking to people when his wife comes up to me and says, "You know, we're in an open relationship."  And then this woman comes up to her and they hold hands and I realize they're girlfriends.  So I look over at Misha, and he waves to his wife and goes back to talking with fans, and his wife and wife's girlfriend leave.  Then I'm talking with Misha and he says sorry about the game, and I'm like "nope, no, it's all good" or whatever.  Then somehow we decide to go to the beach, and then are at this huge beach house.

Another dream/storyline happened here, with this other guy and this other girl, and to make a long story short I had to rescue the girl.  The beach house had lots of traps and stuff in it, and so she had ended up in this trap in the attic that had shoots out into the water.  So I'm looking in the water for her, through these shoots, but I'm not seeing anything.  But a storms coming in, and the water is rising, and the water is murky and there are, like, killer fish in there.  And I hate fish.  But I need to save this girl.

Meanwhile, Misha is on this... barge/raft thing in the ocean with these other people trying to save turtles.

So I go down one of the shoots and end up in the water, hoping to God I'm not eaten by killer fish.  When I surface, I try to look for the girl, but keep finding baby turtles instead.  Then I look to the shore, and the girl's there, safe and sound, but I can't leave the turtles.  the ocean's still rising, and I'm helping the turtles get to the raft thing.  Eventually I get to the raft, but then the ocean's rising really quickly now, and all the people and turtles on the raft have these bubble things that they can use to breath underwater.  So everyone draws in a breath, and sinks below the next wave, and there's nothing I can do but go with them.

So I sink with them, and can't breath, and a few bubbles are floating to the surface, so I try to catch them and breath them in so I don't drown.  A few turtles and people notice around me, and then Misha's there and drags me to the surface.

And I think that was it.  We stayed at the beach house, the turtles were rescued, and more flirting ensued.  And yes, there were lots more Misha smiles.

The End. 

misha collins greatness, dreams, idek

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