Photoshop = love

Apr 13, 2007 00:49

Ok so I am the biggest newbie when it comes to photoshop, but look - its my new header!(! Its my new header ... and ok so the borders arent perfect and all but I am so happy that not only did I make it, I figured out how to put it on my journal (was so stumped before). So happy is me! *brainded from staring at screen*

Dad is going to pay for a new motor for my car too! I mean technically he should cos he owes us a crapload in child support but in the end there is no time for resentment ... it just eats you up. So I am happy cos my car is getting fixed and that I am not as poor as I wouldve been. Thanks Dad.

So I already ate all my Easter choc, but I had soccer prac the other night and ran my ass off (well, I wish!) so I think Ill be ok. Maybe. *grins*

So a huge, massive, gigantic, tremedous, encompassing, ginormous thanks and hugs and cookies go out to  sapphs

cos of all the help she gave me tonight with photoshop. As I said I like totally suck at it and I would not have been able to make my header had it not been for her help. So.... she wins! you suck! she rules all! a mini - wave in celebration to her!
Ok so I stole that from FRIENDS (the line is "I win! You suck! I rule all! A mini-wave in celebration of me!" - Chandler) but I thought it fit here. :D

"Clear your mind of cant" - Samuel Johnson

Love to my flist (esp.
trust_your_lust ) who was there to lend an ear and kind word when I needed it most this last week. And love to my flist who always gives me something to brighten my day.... fan of J2? Go and see the new fanvid by
zenamydog ,
snfan3 and the amazing
michaela3105 at - it will blow you away. Seriously. And the Oscar goes to ....

Well thats all for now. Laters. Be excellent to each other

Bye for now...

[music| ] The Adventure - Angels and Airwaves

car, easter, friends, photoshop, quotes, flist

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