"T" and company....

Apr 14, 2007 16:08

ok so I found this meme on a post from
lunaserenade , and she gave me the letter "T" .... (you get given a letter and have to list 10 things you like starting with that letter)

1. Taz - my gorgeous dog who I love to death
2. Travel - if I could afford it; anytime, any where
3. The Glory of Love - New Found Glory
4. The number 10 - its even, its my birthday, and I like it
5. Treasure - Wanna be a pirate with me? Savvy?
6. *tacklehugs* ... theyre playful, fun and make me feel special
7. T-Shirts (Boys) - for some reasons boys tees are more comfortable than girls
8. The Two Towers ... awesome movie!
9. Trying new things
10. Ten Inch Hero - cant wait *squee* Priestly!

Ok and then she gave me three of my interests to explain...

1. Acting - I have this fascination with being an actress.... not a "lindsay lohan" kind of actress ... more "natalie portman" kind of actress.... I wanna do all kinds of films and Im not really that interested in the whole fame thing ... the whole acting thing just really appeals to me - I really think that some films can totally change the way you look at things, and if the elements are used in the right ways (music, the shots, the script) a film can be enormously powerful ..... and I guess it goes back to childhood..... dressing up; or reading stories wishing you could be in it.... you know? I think it would be really awesome... but I have no idea where to start.

2. Photography - Like my fascination with film, this touches on my love of all things beautiful. Like capturing a moment in a photo. I am addicted to black and white photos although if the colour is good I appreciate those just as much. Beautiful doesnt mean pretty in this instance though. Anything that evokes emotion - it can be picturesque or it can be sad or it even could be disturbing ... if its done right it can have a huge effect. And I love that. I really want (when I can afford it) to buy a digital SLR (im just learning about camers) .... I so want to get more into photography....

3. Roadtrips - I have this thing with Roadtrips.... when I was younger and we lived in Canada and the US we would travel alot (there and overseas) and drving was a big part of that. Just us, the road and more often than not, good music..... and then the movie Elizabethtown came out (best movie ever) and my fav part is the roadtrip part, its the heart of the movie.

Thats all from me.... for now

[music| ] Love stoned.../...I think she knows - JT

acting, travel, ten inch hero, meme, music, taz, roadtrips, photography

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