Juggling these darned balls is difficult.

Mar 17, 2010 08:58

My AAR proposal to the Queer Theory and LGBT Studies in Religion consultation has been rejected.  Le Sigh.  That leaves one still to hear back on.  If I don't get picked to present there's no way I can justify paying to go to Atlanta. Beaucoup de sigh.

Their feedback was that they had "trouble connecting your proposal to the conference theme as we did not perceive sufficient explicit connection to religious studies."  Now part of this I can understand.  A lot of my work is difficult to connect with religious studies.  Alas!  Note to self: make the religious angle more explicit next time.  Their difficulty connecting it with the theme is a little mysterious since they specifically asked for papers about "queering family and kinship." Unless they mean the theme of the entire conference, which is focussing on Australia and Oceania (although hardly anyone will actually do this). That's just out of my range of expertise. I haven't even watched Crocodile Dundee since it came out on VHS.

In happier news I finally got my hands on Daiya cheese and it was yummy.  We made pizza with mushrooms, green peppers, veggie pepperoni, and the Daiya.  Yum.  I also went to the aerobics class at Scadding Court.  Wow, and I out of shape.  A very fit asian guy led us in ass-kicking moves for an hour.  The first 15 minutes I was sure I was going to die.  I couldn't always see him in the crowd of people, and couldn't always make out what he was yelling through the music.  I spent a lot of time imitating the other people and feeling inadequate and uncoordinated.  It was much like highschool, except I was surrounded by people older than me who had better stamina.  But I think I'll catch on quicker next time. There was cardio, stretching, yoga, weights - very diverse.  I'll try it again on Thursday, when they have a different instructor and get a feel for that class too.

I've got a ton of stuff going on, which is usually how I like it.  There's the errand of picking up a friend's degree which requires some document finesse.  There's the upcoming  gaming evening on Monday the 22nd.  There's out staff diner on Wednesday the 24th.  There's a workshop at the library that I'm interested in on the 25th.  Then I'm away the 26th to the 28th in Clarion, Penn.  Then there's the student loan forms to fill in, my taxes to arrange, End of the World club,  Canada Council grants to write, dentist appointments, and paper writing and speech practicing for Ottawa.  I must get a rush from the panic this kind of shit induces, or why else would I do it?  

writing, socializing, exercise, schedule, body issues

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