If someone were to be keeping track of the number of felonies, misdemeanors, and health code violations committed during the weekend excursion of one Melaka Fray and one Rikku of the Al Bhed tribe, they would note a sharp spike of activity during the late hours of Saturday, July 28th leading into the wee hours of Sunday, July 29th.
Following their successful
defacement of federal property, the two fugitives set about on a spree of vandalism, destruction of public property, and arson. Needless to say, heavy explosives, spray paint, and chimichangas featured heavily in these events.
Florida became, as the story goes, too hot to hold Our Heroines, and so with The Fuzz on their heels, they burned rubber for Fandom.
It was en route that they discovered the one downside to the so-called upgrades they had made to their stolen vehicle; to wit, they had not placed Evasion on the Volkswagen Beetle, but rather, a similar customization known as Evade and Counter.
Counter, of course, being short for Counterattack.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"
"How did we miss him?! He was coming right at us!"
"We teleported! It worked! ... Whoa, why are we speeding up?"
"I'm not doing it! Why are we turning around!?"
Carrying on a high-speed police chase on a public interstate in a car which is on fire - and appears to be developing a bit of bloodlust - is certainly good for getting the heart pumping.
Most of the flames had died out by the time they crossed the state line into Georgia, and so Our Heroines decided to switch to the backroads for a while.
This would explain the second cabbage vendor, whose cart was - what else? - smashed up by the Deadpoolmobile.
There is nothing quite like having flaming cabbages fall onto your head through the artificial sunroof you've installed on the stolen car you're zipping around in.
The second cabbage vendor, incidentally, was indirectly responsible for the cow. By the time the wreckage had blown away from the dashboard enough that they could see the road again, poor Bessie was already instant barbeque.
It was thus that a very tired and smoke-stained Mel and Rikku decided to pull over for a bit, munch on some of the freely provided dinner, and sleep out under the stars.
Hopefully, the car would stop making those terrible noises.
Hopefully, they would make it home to Fandom safely.
Hopefully, none of the big parts that seemed to have fallen off were very important.
Good night, Mel and Rikku.
(OOC: cowritten with the wonderful
cantjossme. Acronym time: NFI, NFB, but OOC is love.)