Jan 21, 2005 20:33
Starting from last night . . .
The "up" is that, right before I went to bed, I finally decided to write down all my MB thoughts down on paper (rather than trying to keep track of them in my head) and I think I've finally made sense of it all. So there's hope and direction for my poor little story. :P
The "down" is that I had to go to work this morning.
The "up" is that I got to leave at 4 o'clock . . . since I didn't have any time to break for lunch and subsisted off of two pop-tarts and a cup of coffee all day long.
The "down" is that I went to the grocery store after work, along with everyone else and their mother. They're calling for eight inches of snow, starting tomorrow morning, so everyone's at the grocery store right now. The lines were a crazy mess and I couldn't figure out where one started and ended. I asked a man, in my most polite and friendly voice, "Are you standing in line?" His answer was, "What do you think?" My retort, "If I knew, I wouldn't be asking." His assinine comment, "Have some common sense." *fumes* Some people are such annoying ingrates. It's not like I was trying to cut in line or started out as rude. Anyhow, put me in a bit of a pisser mood.
But the "up" is I just got an email from R, who is apparently still at work and clearing out her inbox since she will be out of the office for two days next week. Apparently the defendants finally responded to my Reply to their Motion, and decided I was right when I not-so-subtly pointed out to the Court that they were being idiots. They have withdrawn their Motion! *karate kicks* Made my night as I finally feel affirmed, for the first time this week, that yes, I do serve a purpose at work.
Let's hope my weekend remains on the "up."