Hogwarts AU (kind of) // Possible student/teacher // possible soft medical kink

Nov 22, 2011 02:24

Anders could only sum up his past few weeks here as amazing. After spending his life running and hiding for what he was, to discover a world of magic such as this was the stuff of his dearest dreams. He had needed an escape from his own world, for his crimes there would mean he would be hunted until his death. Tavinter magic offered him a one way trip to a brand new world with a blank slate and he took it without thinking to hard on it. At least the shame of running away could be eased by the notion of living the rest of his life.

At first, Anders had been wary of the idea of a magical school. It sounded too much like The Circle of his home, where magic users were condemned to be imprisoned. But Hogwarts was so much more than anything he could have ever dreamed. It was the reality he always dreamed magic-users deserved. No demons, no twisted magisters... just magic-folk teaching magic-folk alike.

He'd rode his initial seamless bliss for the first few weeks, getting settled into his new job. Teaching was never something he expected himself to fall into so comfortably, but there it was. The faculty seemed happy enough to have someone as specialized in healing magic as he was, and Anders just just as happy to share the knowledge. Hell, he enjoyed his craft so much that he'd often donate his free time into helping out in the infirmary.


And that was where he was at the moment. A few hours of brewing potions and he'd made enough to stock the infirmary to full capacity. He hummed softly, standing before an open row of shelves whilst lovingly arranging the various potions and elixirs inside.

There was something calming about the infirmary, he thought. It reminded him of this clinic at home, only cleaner and much better staffed. The rows of beds dressed in their neat white linens had a darling charm to them, as did the backdrop of white noise composed of quiet conversations and the shuffle of house elf footsteps.

The large oak doors yawned opened as someone made their way inside. Anders glanced over his shoulder, curiosity etched softly into his haunted amber eyes.

"Ho there friend, is there anything I can help you with?"



Three weeks into teaching and Anders had yet to grow sick of it. It was tiring at times, and the students didn't go easy on him by any means, but the work was enjoyable and fulfilling. Magical First Aid was a subject he was quite knowledgeable in, after all.

It was after class and the students had filed out for the moment part, while Anders remained to organize the scrolls that had been handed in that afternoon. He stood by his desk and packed the assignments into his bag, a content smile hung halfway across his mouth. From the corner of his eye he spotted someone looming, and turned his attention towards them with a smile.

"Do you need anything?" he asked kindly.


[ooc: Okay, so here's the deal!

For either scenario, your character can be a student, a teacher, or someone else with reason to be present at Hogwarts. Scenario one has some potential for very light medical kink, mostly by Anders just fussing over/healing your pup if they happen to come in injured. No one under the age of 16 please, males and females both welcome, extra credit for Harry Potter muses :) Prefs in the journal's user info.

CR, romance, and smut all welcome! Noo oneliners, please and thank you :)]

series: dragon age, series: harry potter, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m

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