Intro | Zombie Outbreak | BYOA

Oct 22, 2011 17:45

Zombies. The walking dead. Living corpses. Rika had only heard of them in comic books and movies, foolishly watching with wide-eyed fascination, only to later spend nights on end cowering beneath her covers for safety. But of course, they'd never exist in reality...

Except that now, this was her reality. She had first thought it was a pleasant dream ( Read more... )

series: euphoria

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fifthkey October 23 2011, 01:52:13 UTC
She nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of footsteps dropping down, prepared to shriek as loud as she could when she saw the young man move closer. She hesitated as he bent down to her level, speaking kindly, and finally managed to nod in reply.

"R-Rika's not hurt, but-those people out there, they tried to-to eat Rika-" She gave a nervous glance to the door, as if expecting hoards of more corpses to burst in, and looking back at her newfound ally.

"Do you to stop them?" If he didn't, then...they were cornered. She looked ready to burst into tears once more at the thought.


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fifthkey October 23 2011, 02:08:23 UTC
His confidence and assurance was comforting, and Rika slowly got to her feet. She began to relax a tad; not only had she been lucky enough to escape injury, but she had someone to protect her now. As long as she wasn't left behind and they stuck close together, everything would turn out alright.

...Wouldn't it?

She gave him a shaky smile, hands clutching at the hem of her skirt in an anxious gesture. "Thank you; Rika was really scared, back there..."


liminarity October 23 2011, 02:43:56 UTC
Nanaya heard footsteps above him ( ... )


fifthkey October 23 2011, 02:55:43 UTC
She tensed up as the floor opened up, revealing some kind of trap door...and a person? Cautiously, she looked for any bloodstains or vacant expression, and seeing none on his face, replied between broken breaths.

"Not injured...Rika's not hurt too much..." She managed to say, still too winded and frightened to properly speak, her side aching and one small foot scraped from a rock as she ran, but nothing major. "U-um...Is this your house...?"


liminarity October 23 2011, 03:06:45 UTC
"Something like that." Nanaya answered instantly, lifting a hand above the floor to wave dismissively. Sure, he supposed. It was his house. "There are tunnels underneath. You wanna come down? Should keep you safe. The monsters might break this place down, but I don't think they can open latches."

It was the safest place nearby, wasn't it? So it should be easy to make the girl want to stay down there with him. And he genuinely wanted to protect her, at least from something as wasteful as being clawed to death by zombies. There were much more exciting ways to kill her, and he wouldn't even consider those for the moment. He could find other uses for her, right? He started to climb back down the ladder leading to the door, suddenly forcing Rika to make a hasty decision.

"Shut it if you're not coming, shut it behind you if you are. Oh, my name's Nanaya."


fifthkey October 23 2011, 03:13:45 UTC
"Rika is coming down!" She hurried to assure him, scrambling down the ladder after him. Something about him...worried her. Perhaps it was his casual attitude or his lack of empathy, but it was better than being alone! "N-nice to meet you, Nanaya...-san?"

At least he wasn't locking her out and leaving her up there. She had to be grateful. Even if the idea of hiding in tunnels frightened her almost as much as the zombies. "Is there...anywhere else to stay? A-aside from tunnels? Rika's scared of the dark, so-"


fuckyobancouch October 25 2011, 01:30:17 UTC
Some people say that when Hell had no more room, the dead will walk the Earth. Others say that when douchebags start experimenting with biological weapons and end up creating ungodly abominations, Hell better MAKE room. That 'other' was, in this case, Shinji Hirako. And he had just hit the motherlode...

Rika's escape had drawn out several zombies, all shambling their way towards the cottage moaning for the scent of her flesh. But even if some of their cries reached the hut, they themselves did not. Rika could hear the faint sound of metal cutting flesh and someone... or something falling, as Shinji made short work of the walking dead before wandering up to the station and knocking on the front door.

"Anyone in there?"


fifthkey October 25 2011, 06:00:24 UTC
Her breath caught in her throat was she heard knocking, but rather than risking opening the door, she placed her hands tightly over her ears, tucking her head further against her knees. What if they thought she was a zombie, or tried to kick her out of the station?

"G...go away!" She cried. "There's no more room here! It's full here!"


fuckyobancouch October 26 2011, 02:28:01 UTC
Good- whomever was in there was still alive.

"... Heh. Well ain't it a good thing I've cleaned out this area, then. 'F all these guys were to put their heads back on and start huntin' again, they might've brought the house down."

Was humor really the right response to the situation? Most likely not, but it was how he usually coasted by and he wasn't about to change his habits anytime soon.


fifthkey October 26 2011, 02:50:28 UTC
"...!" She sucked in her breath at the idea of those things coming back to life yet again, warily getting up from her crouch to peer over the top of the table she had been hiding behind. " rid of them all?"

Maybe he might be someone helpful to have around after all.


inb4lolicon October 30 2011, 02:58:41 UTC
Blade had managed to have fight his way through the zombies with his special abilities. Having Doppleganger had proven to be very effective for him in this situation. Not to mention, his endurance and strength were no match for these zombies. He was almost... bored at the fact he had to fight them, but the biggest worry was looking for actual living people around.

His venture had lead him to the liftguard station... He wasn't sure if anyone was around whenever he entered, but he had to be sure. "Yo! Is anyone alive in here? If you're a zombie, I'll have to crush you to pieces."


fifthkey November 16 2011, 00:38:47 UTC
Crush you to pieces? The description didn't make Rika feel any better, a whimper being torn from her throat as she bravely spoke up form her hiding place. "! Don't crush Rika! Rika is a human!"

Why did someone have to come?! They'd just steal her food, and take her bedding, and attract more of those zombies! He wouldn't help her! No one ever helped her.

"Rika doesn't have any valuables! O-okay?! So don't hurt her!"


Sorry for being super late! inb4lolicon December 30 2011, 14:41:04 UTC
Was that a person? A little girl from the sounds of it! Blade had looked around and decided to speak again.

"Oi, I'm not gonna hurt you! I'm here to save you!"


fifthkey December 30 2011, 23:44:18 UTC
Save her? Really...? But then, he might be trying to trick her!

"T-then why didn't you come earlier?! Rika's been waiting here... Prove that you aren't one of those things outside!" She remained curled up, her knees pulled tightly to her chest. He wouldn't find her...right? He shouldn't be able to find her, so...she should be safe. For now, at least.


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