Intro | Zombie Outbreak | BYOA

Oct 22, 2011 17:45

Zombies. The walking dead. Living corpses. Rika had only heard of them in comic books and movies, foolishly watching with wide-eyed fascination, only to later spend nights on end cowering beneath her covers for safety. But of course, they'd never exist in reality...

Except that now, this was her reality. She had first thought it was a pleasant dream ( Read more... )

series: euphoria

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fuckyobancouch October 25 2011, 01:30:17 UTC
Some people say that when Hell had no more room, the dead will walk the Earth. Others say that when douchebags start experimenting with biological weapons and end up creating ungodly abominations, Hell better MAKE room. That 'other' was, in this case, Shinji Hirako. And he had just hit the motherlode...

Rika's escape had drawn out several zombies, all shambling their way towards the cottage moaning for the scent of her flesh. But even if some of their cries reached the hut, they themselves did not. Rika could hear the faint sound of metal cutting flesh and someone... or something falling, as Shinji made short work of the walking dead before wandering up to the station and knocking on the front door.

"Anyone in there?"


fifthkey October 25 2011, 06:00:24 UTC
Her breath caught in her throat was she heard knocking, but rather than risking opening the door, she placed her hands tightly over her ears, tucking her head further against her knees. What if they thought she was a zombie, or tried to kick her out of the station?

"G...go away!" She cried. "There's no more room here! It's full here!"


fuckyobancouch October 26 2011, 02:28:01 UTC
Good- whomever was in there was still alive.

"... Heh. Well ain't it a good thing I've cleaned out this area, then. 'F all these guys were to put their heads back on and start huntin' again, they might've brought the house down."

Was humor really the right response to the situation? Most likely not, but it was how he usually coasted by and he wasn't about to change his habits anytime soon.


fifthkey October 26 2011, 02:50:28 UTC
"...!" She sucked in her breath at the idea of those things coming back to life yet again, warily getting up from her crouch to peer over the top of the table she had been hiding behind. " rid of them all?"

Maybe he might be someone helpful to have around after all.


fuckyobancouch November 3 2011, 02:07:51 UTC
“I did. Dunno ‘bout the rest a’ the island, but I’ve been cleanin’ house since I woke up today… could use a rag ta clean my sword,’f ya can spare one.”

He would play along with her lie, at least for now. No reason to call her out or be overly confrontational, at this point in time.

[OOC: And then exams, Halloween festivities and Ljlogin woes killed my RP-drive. BACK NOW THOUGH and sorry for the delays.]


fifthkey November 3 2011, 02:15:30 UTC
A...rag? She glanced around; she didn't see any rags. There was a first-aid kit, and some cloth bandages, that could work? She got to her feet, bracing herself as she opened the door, looking at the intruder.

At least he wasn't too intimidating-looking. Though she would've perferred a female guest, there wasn't anything she could do. She opened the door at little wider so he could step inside, glancing behind him.

"Hurry up...! They might follow you!"


fuckyobancouch November 5 2011, 01:50:21 UTC
He walked in with quick, confident strides- quite confident that all the zombies on the outside were going to STAY down. He was already in the middle of the room by the time she had shut the door, looking around for anything to clean his sword up... bandages? Doubtful, those could be useful for later on if they were NOT covered in infected blood. What to do instead?

Maybe take in his surroundings- they were the only two around, and they made for a sad sight. The girl was a tiny, wide-eyed and frightened little thing- pretty in a petite kind of way, but you could tell with a glance she wasn't suited for something like this. He only hoped she wouldn't ask where he'd got his hands on a very genuine katana in the middle of a paradise island resort...

"You okay, miss...?"


fifthkey November 7 2011, 04:58:46 UTC
"Rika's...okay," She nodded, her gaze anxiously drifting down to the sword, dripping blood. But...he was a good guy, right? Of course he was. He had to be! After all, he had stopped the zombies. He was protecting her!

She gave him an uneasy smile. "Rika think she saw some towels, or bandages, if maybe you want to clean that..." She would only get infected if she was bitten, right? Blood dripping on her didn't count. But still, she would allow him to clean the weapon himself.


fuckyobancouch November 9 2011, 00:11:35 UTC
"... Thanks fer the heads-up, Rika."

Third person referals. That was... unusual, but he could bear it. It wasn't like he lacked bigger things to worry about out, but for now- cleaning. He decided to sacrifice a towel instead of useful bandages, spending some time washing it clean while throwing the occasional glance at his "fellow" survivor. Nervous little thing looked like she was about to keel over from stress if the zombies didn't get to her first. Perhaps it would be best if he tried calming her down...

"Where'd ya come from? Did ya see any other humans but yerself'n the way here?"


fifthkey November 11 2011, 05:31:58 UTC
She shook her head slowly to answer to his last question, but appeared to struggle with coming up with a proper response to the first.

"Rika...Rika used to live in a city. But..." One hand drifted up towards hr throat, towards the collar there; a harsh reminder of the predicament she had been rescued from, only to end up here. "...Rika lived somewhere else for a while, after that."

She mustn't cry. She couldn't cry! Even if she was frightened, and hungry, and tired, at least she was out of that white room. And at least she had a companion who didn't seem to want to hurt her.

"...Where are you from, mister?"


fuckyobancouch November 12 2011, 12:28:59 UTC
Well. The speed at which THAT conversation turned awkward surely had to set some kind of record: Shinji noticed the way she scratched at her collar, and the purposefully vague way she talked about her past was an extra serving of disconcerting to a full-course meal of the stuff. It seemed as if his initial plan to get out and look for others would have to wait. Keeping the conversation going could probably serve to ease at least SOME of the tension.

"... Karakura. 'S not a big town'r anythin', suburb ta Tokyo. Always been a travelin' man though- but I've had way better vacations than THIS one."


fifthkey November 16 2011, 00:30:08 UTC
She nodded, not really listening but at least trying to focus on hearing the words, to swallow down the tears that threatened to build up. "And...what's your name?" She asked, with the same hesitancy as before, and quickly went on to introduce herself.

"Rika's full name is Makiba Rika. She's in her first year of high school. She likes sweets, and stuffed animals, and she doesn't like thinking about difficult things, and she doesn't like painful things... Rika's kind of stupid, too...e, ehe..." Her feeble little attempt at a laugh died away, a pitiful attempt at humor. "Rika doesn't really know what to do, in these kinds of situations..."


fuckyobancouch November 16 2011, 03:12:38 UTC
... With a put-upon sigh, Shinji placed his sword back inside its sheath and moved it out of her sight. He then sat down on a nearby bench and motioned for her to sit down as well, managing a friendly, if tired smile.

"It ain't 'xactly somethin' they teach ya'n school, is it? The name's Shinji- Hirako Shinji. There ain't any monsters around now, so... sit down. Rest up a li'l. Ya look like ya could use it."


fifthkey November 16 2011, 04:38:29 UTC
Sleep. Rest. The offer was too tempting; Rika couldn't remember the last time she had slept through a whole night. She slowly began to relax when the sword disappeared and he at last smiled at her, nodding as she repeated his name. "Hirako-san, then...?"

"It's okay. Rika can't sleep," She forced herself to look away from the cots that were set up, instead taking a seat where he had motioned. This was no time to sleep! "U-um...thank you for getting rid of those things."


fuckyobancouch November 17 2011, 02:07:41 UTC
"Nothin' to it, Rika-chan."
There he went again, foregoing manners and social standing. He let out a short-lived chuckle at his own indiscretion, wondering if she even cared that he spoke so familiarly when the whole world had gone to hell...
"Jes' did what I had ta do... jes' like ya oughta do. Not gon' tell ya ta sleep if ya ain't tired, but ya seriously look like..."

A short pause, as he briefly pondered how to put this in a nice way... and then promptly forgot about it.

"Crap. Barely held together one, that could use some rest."


fifthkey November 24 2011, 06:05:16 UTC
"But..." What if she woke up, surrounded by those monsters? What if she woke up alone? "You won't leave Rika, right? Promise?"

But even as she waited for his answer, she was curling up onto a beaten, worn cot. "Y-you better not leave...Rika's trusting you, so..." But she allowed her words to trail off, tucking one folded arm beneath her head, as a pillow. "And wake her up at the first sign of trouble!"


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