A Fairy Tale Nightmare -- Room 3172//BYO Aphro

Aug 12, 2011 18:59

Akiko stared despairingly at the spinning wheel sitting next to an intimidating pile of straw. How in the world was she supposed to turn that into gold? Who came up with that ridiculous story? Well, whoever did got her stuck in the wicked queen's highest tower, door locked from dusk until dawn ( Read more... )

series: wolfencrest, pairing: m/f

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ofmywill August 13 2011, 10:12:51 UTC
She wouldn't have to be waiting long. While his name could be known, his face would not; Minato had been doing the 'wandering hero' thing for at least a year now, and as soon as he'd heard the rumour of a beautiful girl trapped up in a tower...well, he knew just what he had to do. There were already rips in his tunic and blood on his sword when he delivered a calculated kick to her tower door, sending the thing swinging to hit the wall with a mighty crash.

The violence of the maneuver would be quite at odds with the skinny youth strolling on in, pushing some of his thick blue hair from his face, gaze turning around the room until it alighted on her. His eyes widened the tiniest bit- the rumours of her beauty had not been exaggerated.

"Miss?" he said, simply, voice accented with something from a faraway land. "Here to rescue you."


ms_nosy_teach August 13 2011, 22:07:59 UTC
A noise like a squeak escaped her as the door suddenly slammed open, and she stared wide eyed at the youth that wandered in.

"Ah, what? You're here to...are you hurt?" she asked, noticing the blood on his sword and the rips in his clothing.


ofmywill August 13 2011, 22:27:31 UTC
"I'm fine."

...he said, while bleeding. Minato does seem to be gripping onto his sword arm with his other on the approach, stopping in front of Akiko. The boy glanced around a bit before taking up a fold of cloth from a nearly table, wiping his sword clean before returning it to its sheath with a metallic click.

Minato extended his hand to her now, a gesture of placation; she could be safe with him, it seemed to promise. Her escape was at hand.

"We need to go."


ms_nosy_teach August 14 2011, 13:15:45 UTC
The hesitation was brief as she took in the sight of a mere boy promising her freedom from this death sentence. Then she nodded, reaching out and taking his hand.

"I'm ready."


ofmywill August 14 2011, 20:52:14 UTC

There's the tiniest smile again, before his face hardens again into the expression needed to hold himself in battle. All pain ignored for now - freeing this woman was more important, no matter what else was going on - he began to lead her out and down that long, long stairwell. She'd get to see exactly how possible escape was when the backup retinue of guards started their attack, intent on recapturing her; for every large, bulky guard recklessly charging in false confidence, Minato showed exactly how important skill was.

His blade span and swung, sending heavy boots to their stomachs, sending guards tumbling back down the stairs as they came. Each hit to himself was borne stoically, free hand coming back again and again to clasp hers every time they had a free bundle of moments. Might have been more than thoughts of golden reward in his head, each time he glanced back at how well that peasant dress accentuated her curves...but that was for later. Now was escape time.


ms_nosy_teach August 15 2011, 22:30:31 UTC
Akiko's eyes are wide every time he looks back at her, thoroughly awed by the skill he displayed. She had never seen anything like it before.

But she was quite a lucky woman that he had decided to come save her. She acknowledged that to herself, gratefully squeezing his hand each time it was taken. Each time she saw him hit, she hissed in a breath, planning on giving him whatever he wanted if they got free of this. Including first aid.


ofmywill August 15 2011, 22:41:19 UTC
His thoughts were certainly turning to more illicit ideas now they had finally reached the ground floor, feeling a much tighter sensation in his pants than he was used to. But he was nothing if not chivalrous, and such thoughts were ignored for now, striking down the final guard standing in their path with a hard strike from the pommel of his sword. Minato wiped some blood from the corner of his mouth and turned to her, finally facing her properly again for the first time since he'd entered her room.

"Still unhurt?"


ms_nosy_teach August 15 2011, 22:46:02 UTC
"Y-Yes," Akiko nodded, expression concerned as she looked back at him, gaze quickly moving over his body to assess the level of his injury somewhat. "Thank you for rescuing me. Are you badly hurt?"


ofmywill August 15 2011, 22:56:05 UTC
"Not badly."

Hurt and bleeding, certainly; definitely bruised up. But if he could still stand, that meant he could still defend her. Minato's ears are pricked for more danger, but that sixth sense that kept an adventurer one step ahead of death told him that they were safe for now.

His gaze flicked down to her body too, but only for a second in the inappropriate way, remembering himself. Her face was just as bewitching as her body, he found, having to pause for a moment just to take in her beauty. Only then could he nod an answer, accepting the thanks silently.

"My pleasure."


ms_nosy_teach August 15 2011, 22:59:09 UTC
The look on his face made Akiko's breath catch, as though she was some sort of teenage girl. But that had to be because of the adrenaline from her capture and subsequent rescue.

"We should get out of the town. I'm sure the queen knows by now what happened," she suggested, trying her best to cover up the blush rising in her cheeks.


ofmywill August 15 2011, 23:01:51 UTC
"Mm. Got a hideout near here...they won't tell."

With a flush on her cheeks, it was even more difficult to resist the urge to kiss her, right then and there. Minato could definitely feel things growing tighter down there, but simply took a long, composing breath; not here, where she had lain captive for who knew how long. The boy simply took her hands, clasping both with his own, and looking her right in the eye.

"You'll be safe with me. Promise."


ms_nosy_teach August 15 2011, 23:06:29 UTC
Akiko breathed out in relief, a shadow of a smile flickering over her face as she nodded.

"I know. I trust you," she said earnestly, the sword roughened hands warm around her own, making her shiver a bit. It had been cold up in that tower. "Please, let's go there."


ofmywill August 15 2011, 23:23:23 UTC

Nothing left to do but leave that place, then, and disappear into the back-roads of the land. Thankfully, the journey would take less than a day, Minato keeping on high alert the entire time. As much as he could, anyway, with this lady next to him- no guards were following them, at the least. He almost dared to hope that he'd actually killed every single one of them, sent a message to the evil queen that this sort of villainy would not be tolerated.

The safe haven turned out to be a small roadside inn, owned by old friends that he'd made thanks to other assorted heroics. The pair would enter just after night fell, through the back, coming up to a hidden room of Minato's; but for a bed, a chair and desk, and a rack of swords, the room was almost entirely bare.

"Here. Make yourself comfortable."


ms_nosy_teach August 15 2011, 23:49:54 UTC
Akiko had to admit she felt relieved when they had made it to the inn, and she moved to sit on the edge of the bed, feet aching with the long walk.

"Thank you again," she murmured, watching him as well as taking in the simple room. "What's your name?"


ofmywill August 15 2011, 23:54:43 UTC
"Minato," he said, and nothing more- it'd be better for her safety if she didn't know too much. The boy busied himself with cleaning and setting his sword back in its place on the rack before, far too used to privacy, he started taking off his tunic.

Once it was bare, it was clear just how hard battle had been on him. There were no heavy wounds, the boy too agile and learned in the ways of battle to get hit much, but bruises and lightly bleeding wounds were evident all over his chest. He examined his tunic, wrinkled his nose a moment, then tossed it into the trash.

"And you're Aoshika Akiko."


ms_nosy_teach August 15 2011, 23:57:23 UTC
Akiko frowned as she saw the revealed wounds, wondering if this boy's friends had any bandages or at least some sort of salve to put on them. No sense risking infection.

"I'll make you a new one," she murmured, nodding at the disposed tunic. "How did you know my name?"


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