Back Home/Military Kink || semi-intro || Aphro

Jun 17, 2011 17:05

Scenario A:

It was a long and hard battle, but your army has finally and completely subdued the Wu army. Maybe you did exceptionally well in the battle, maybe you're the son or daughter of a prominent figure in your army. Whatever the reason, the higher ups have decided to reward you with a piece of the spoils of war. The lovely Lian Shi, lady-in-waiting to Princess Sun Shang Xiang, whom your forces were fortunate enough to capture alive, has been offered to you as your very own trophy.

When you enter your large tent, you'll find her kneeling on your bed, but not by choice. Despite the white sheet draped over her that barely remains on her voluptuous form, you can tell she's been thouroughly bound with rope. Her hands are secured behind her back and her arms are firmly pinned to her sides. Her legs are tied together so she can't run, though even if she could she wouldn't get far past the two guards posted just outside your tent. A red scarf is tied tightly across her mouth, keeping her beautiful and silent. When you enter your tent, she affixes you with a glare that says everything her mouth can't: 'I know when I've been beaten. As dissapointed as I am by this, I won't resist you and will play my part. However, that doesn't mean I have to like it.'

Scenario B:

Wu has been conquered. Your country has fallen, and you have been taken as a prisoner of war... or have you? Whether you're feisty, crafty, or just damn lucky, you've managed to escape captivity and no one has noticed. This is your chance to escape the enemy camp, but you can't leave yet. You overheard from some of your captors that Lian Shi had been left as a prize in one of the officer's tents. Maybe she's a former lover, a friend, or maybe you just can't bear to leave an ally behind. Whatever the case you're going to save her!

Whether you kill all in your path or use stealth to sneak in, you manage to find the tent Lian Shi's being held in. You see her there on the bed, bound hand to foot with rope and gagged with a red scarf. The only thing preserving her dignity is a white sheet that threatens to slip off at the slightest movement. Her head turns to face you as you enter and her eyes widen in a mixture of shock and relief to see you still alive.

Scenario C:

Wu has conquered your nation, and you have been taken as prisoner. After a long discussion your fate has been decided. You are to be offered to the warrior handmaid, Lian Shi as a reward for her service in the previous battle. Even if you're the type to not be excited by this kind of fate, your captors have given you a tonic to... calm your nerves so to speak.

And so, you were stripped of your clothes, had your hands tied behind your back and your arms pinned to your sides, your legs tied tightly together at the ankles and above and below the knees, and a cloth tied tightly across your mouth to silence any protests you may have had. Then you were hoisted over the shoulders of one of the guards and unceremoniously carried through the camp to Lian Shi's tent and placed on her bed. As a joke, the two guards draped a white bedsheet over your front to preserve your dignity. A little while after they left to stand guard outside, Lian Shi herself entered her tent. She stopped in her tracks upon noticing your presence, her eyebrows rising in surprise. Then she recognizes you from the battle and gives a small almost-apologetic smile.

"So," she says as she places her hands on her hips and walks slowly across her tent to you. "This is the fate you've been assigned?"

Her stare hardens as she comes closer, looking straight into your eyes. "I want you to realize that I have no ill will to you personally, but I will not easily forgive one who stands against the people I've sworn to protect. You will have to be punished for your actions against the Sun family."

And just like that, a smile graces her beautiful face again, though the subtle arch of her eyebrows makes it look somewhat... predatory. She cups your chin in a gloved hand. "Do not worry. I always make sure to treat all my prisoners... kindly."

And suddenly the tonic you were given slowly starts to take effect. If you weren't looking forward to this before, you'll find it harder and harder to stick to that sentiment.

(OOC: Okay, three different scenarios to choose from and all take place in 3rd century China during the time of the three kingdoms. If you don't know the history of this era, no problem. Feel free to be as vague as you like, I am about as far from picky as you can get. The scenarios are summarized as follows: A) Your army has defeated the Wu army and you've been given the lovely Lian Shi as a prize for your efforts to do with as you wish; B) You are part of the defeated Wu Army who escaped captivity and has come to rescue Lian Shi; C) The Wu army has defeated your army and you have been taken prisoner and offered to Lian Shi as a reward for her efforts in battle; D) If you wanna try a scenario that I didn't list, feel free to run it by me.

One more thing to note, in the first two scenarios, Lian Shi has been given an aphrodisiac cocktail to make her more... willing. In the last scenario, you've been given the cocktail. All fetishes are welcome except for bathroom stuff, bloodplay, anal, and gore. Open to men and women. Castmates are love (especially actual Wu soldiers for B), but any fandom is appreciated. Have fun!)

series: dynasty warriors, pairing: f/*

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