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Comments 43

Scenario D egyptianmage June 18 2011, 00:47:41 UTC
He had been sent by his ruler as a preliminary before a true ambassador would be sent from his home land to a nation near Ancient China. Where didn't matter anymore, he never made it there. As amid his trip his caravan had been raided and he had been drugged. Mahaado had been passed from one set of hands to another for who knew how many times. Yet now... His memories of the time of the original attack and the present were lost. Even as the original drugs eased away a new drug was poured down his throat.

He was bound, hands behind his back, gag in his mouth, legs just as immobile, and barely getting his bearings...


guardian_beauty June 18 2011, 05:52:32 UTC
While the kingdom of Wu was not as goody two-shoes as the Shu kingdom, they were most certainly on the side of good and would never attack a caravan that did not threaten them or their people in some way. However, the Wu army frequently did battle with pirates and bandits, and it just so happened that they had attacked the bandits that had most recently acquired Mahaado. While normally Mahaado would have been rescued and given the absolute best care the Wu kingdom could have spared, the attack launched by Wu was a night raid, and his drug-addled state was nearly indisdinguishable from that of the sleepy and dazed bandits they had taken prisoner. That, and the Wu not having much experience with foreigners meant the poor boy was mistaken for one of the bandits and treated as such ( ... )


egyptianmage June 18 2011, 20:40:39 UTC
Nightmares had plagued him for some time now, thanks to the drugs that he had been exposed to. Because of that he couldn't quite place if Lian was a goddess of mercy to save him, or something a little more primal. Then again, he couldn't say much with the gag. Despite his state he tried to keep his head up, after all, he wasn't a lowly bandit and he still represented his ruler...

Even if it was in such a shameful condition.


Scenario A, please! magicperversion June 18 2011, 00:49:52 UTC
The masked warrior grinned wide as he stepped into his tent, looking over the lovely little prize that had been bound and wrapped for him. "Ahh, what a lovely sight," he said aloud, moving forward to get a closer look at Lian Shi. "I knew my loyalty to the lord would pay off eventually. I'm going to enjoy you quite thoroughly, my dear."

He stepped away then, toward his wardrobe, slowly removing the armor he wore, piece by piece. Gradually he revealed a broad, muscular torso, strong arms and legs, and a long, thick cock that was already beginning to harden slightly. The warrior hung up his armor carefully, drawing the anticipation out for his poor trophy.


guardian_beauty June 18 2011, 06:03:46 UTC
"Mmmh?" Lian Shi was prepared for this, having already steeled and resigned herself for the treatment she knew was to come. But finally seeing the man who would own her and seeing him strip naked? It brought a flush to her cheeks that had nothing to do with the tightness of the gag. Suddenly, thoughts of the things this man could do to her while she was helpless began to fill her head... and they didn't fill her with immediate dread.


magicperversion June 18 2011, 15:57:09 UTC
Once he was completely naked (though his mask remained), the warrior returned to the bed, leering down at her again. With a chuckle, he reached out to the sheet that was her only barrier to complete exposure.... and whipped it away, letting it flutter uselessly to the floor. His eyes roamed up and down her voluptuous body, hand twitching slightly as if to grab her, but he waited teasingly, wanting to see how she would react to his shameless admiration of her nudity.


guardian_beauty June 18 2011, 17:50:42 UTC
Any resolve or defiance she had had before now vanished as she felt the potion start to fully take hold of her. When her body was exposed she suddenly squeaked into her gag and blushed quite openly. She squirmed in an attempt to try and hide herself, but all she accomplished was falling on her back onto the bed.


Scenario C healingslayer_x June 18 2011, 03:05:01 UTC
Fate it was.

She clenched her teeth, wrought with a combination of sorrow, anger, and well... sexual frustration. It had been ages since she fought, and the Wu nation had single-handedly toppled her division despite superior numbers. If word got out that she had been defeated by shrewd strategy and weaksauce weaknesses, she'd be a laughingstock.

Well, that wasn't even enough. With arousal that been built up even before they made her drink that awful cocktail, she found that being prisoner had turned her on in ways she didn't like, and it had driven her near mad. She was supposed to be a princess of a proud kingdom, why was she letting this enemy get to her so much?

Maybe part of the problem was that the young princess, while a good tactician, was never a warrior, or even mean enough to fight regularly. Her attempt to scowl at Lian would probably look far more cute than menacing.


guardian_beauty June 18 2011, 06:25:40 UTC
Indeed she did. Lian Shi couldn't suppress a light giggle at the girl's look. Lian Shi took a seat next to the princess on the bed before lightly pulling down the sheet that covered her, letting it spill down and reveal her body from the waist up. The handmaiden cooed appreciatively at the sight of her bound body ( ... )


healingslayer_x June 18 2011, 12:21:17 UTC
Well, that was only slightly relieving. So she wouldn't be skewered on a pike or anything like that. Unfortunately, that was not complete--the princess had a very supple body, and getting her nipples pinched made her squeak, thanks to the heavy arousal coursing through her.

Being at this woman's mercy was so very irritating, and yet she hoped her struggling and squealing would hide the fact that she was very turned on--even before the help of the cocktail.

Speaking of tails, hers wiggled in its binds, perhaps unnoticed until now.


guardian_beauty June 18 2011, 18:00:55 UTC
She chuckled at the struggling, but held her fast. This little princess wasn't going anywhere until Lian Shi wanted her too. She gently stroked the side of her face.

"Now now, my lady," Lian Shi purred. "You have two options. You can continue to throw an immature tantrum and be returned to the dank, cold and uncomfortable cell you came from...

"Or," Lian Shi lowered her hand, gently passing over all of the Princess' generous curves before arriving at the bound tail, which she began to stroke. "You could quietly submit to becoming my pet. In which case you will have my company, my protection, my care..."

After trailing off, Shi brought her hand up to the overlord's face again and tilted it up. Then she planted a teasing kiss on Konoka's scarf-covered lips. "And if you're very good, then my affection as well."


Scenario C mountain_sage June 18 2011, 13:08:42 UTC
Saleh had no regrets if this was the result of defending his own kingdom. Even at the mercy of the enemy, he would not give in to their demands.

As he lay bound and gagged on his captor's bed, he gave her a very firm look. Not one of hatred, but one of resolve. His resolve would remain strong, even in these circumstances.


guardian_beauty June 18 2011, 18:15:55 UTC
Fortunately for Saleh, Lian Shi had but one demand: That he continue to look so appealing. The sight of such a handsome man all bound up and offered to her made her heart flutter a little bit.

The smile she gave Saleh at the sight of his resolve held no malice or ill-intent, but open respect. She earnestly admired a man who would refuse to lose his resolve even while at the mercy of an enemy. Under normal circumstances, she probably would have returned him to his people.

Unfortunately for him though, it had been a long campaign, and Lian Shi had been... frustrated. As such, she was going to reward her fellow warrior's resolve in a... different fashion first. Taking great care, she removed the sheet that covered him, looking on his naked form with clear admiration. Reaching down, she placed a hand on his chest, trailing it downwards slowly.

"You're a very handsome man, my lord."


mountain_sage June 18 2011, 18:28:10 UTC
Unfortunately, Saleh could not respond to her compliment thanks to his gag. He hadn't expected such a compliment, so he looked at her in a mild surprise.

He watched her hand as it trailed down his body. As it moved lower, Saleh let out a soft moan, flexing his bound body in front of her.


guardian_beauty June 20 2011, 06:55:10 UTC
Oh she enjoyed that flexing. So much so that she decided to change her intended target for now, hoping to make him a little more hard. She brought her hand up to Saleh's chest, and slowly circled an index finger around his nipple before giving it a little tweak.

"Please don't worry my lord," she said almost absently as she played with his nipple. "I have every intention of giving you your freedom once I can be assured that your kingdom is no longer a threat to my people. As for your punishment for crimes against the Sun family.... I'm going to make choosing between freedom or remaining under my custody very difficult."


shiningwind June 18 2011, 13:46:15 UTC
When defeat had become certain, Fuu had offered to cover her liege lord's retreat. He may have been discussing his terms of surrender with the Wu at the moment, but at least he was free now.

Fuu had steeled herself for the worst of prisoner treatments, but despite the humiliation in being stripped and 'calmed', the soldiers had done nothing too bad to her. Now she knew why: they were not about to spoil someone else' prize.

The tonic was making it hard to properly look defiant (and made her notice the beauty of her 'owner' overmuch) but she was still not going to give her the pleasure of bending to her will so easily.


guardian_beauty June 18 2011, 18:29:27 UTC
Lian Shi had been told about Fuu's actions during the battle, and if she were to be perfectly honest, she greatly admired them. Mainly because she would have done the exact same thing if their positions had been reversed. So just for the moment, she gave her new pet a reassuring smile.

"You needn't worry about what becomes of your people or your lord," she said kindly. "Lord Sun Quan is a kind man who wouldn't dream of hurting the innocent, and I have heard him speak well of your lord. I cannot promise that the resulting treaty will not favor Wu, there is not a doubt in your mind that your nation will retain it's sovereignty, and your people will retain their freedom."

Continuing her warm smile, she reached around to untie the gag over Fuu's pretty mouth. "I have heard of your actions during the battle, and I want you to know that I would have done the same had I been in your position. May I have the honor of knowing your name, my lady?"


shiningwind June 18 2011, 19:38:57 UTC
Despite herself, she felt calmer at the kindness of... well, she supposed she was to be her mistress now.

"If my freedom is the price to pay for my lord and people's wellbeing, then I will pay it gladly, my lady." She said, smiling politely. "I am Hououji Fuu, at your service. May I also be granted the honor of knowing your name?"


guardian_beauty June 18 2011, 20:30:11 UTC
She smiled at the woman's submissiveness, placing a gentle hand on her cheek. However, it was important to not that her other hand still held the scarf that had silenced her, and it showed no signs of putting it down ( ... )


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