Possessiveness || Directed to ninjainviolet but Open to All! || BYOA

Jun 17, 2011 21:24

At least, there was something Jigen couldn't really complain about: nothing bad had happened to him for almost a month or so. It seemed like that place just wanted to give him the shock of his life and then leave him alone for good.

But if that place was done with him... why it didn't allow him to leave? It seemed pointless for him to wander around those hallways without anything happening. Based on what he saw and heard, people were constantly exposed to stuff in that place. Strange how he stayed immune to those for so long.

He found a particularly quiet room where he stayed for awhile. The air in there wasn't so heavy as in other places - in fact, it even felt quite pleasant and relaxing - and the walls seemed to be a lot more soundproof than the ones in regular rooms. He certainly felt at peace there.

And then he got hungry.

As much as he didn't want to leave that quiet room, he had to find something to nourish himself. Well, he would come back to it as soon as he found something to eat.

So down the hallways he walked, feeling particularly fine.

(( ooc: OK, so, ninjainviolet kind of convinced me to do this XD Young!Jigen hung around the Possessiveness room for a while, and now the first person he lays eyes on, he'll be forever fascinated and will want to protect you and be with you FOREVER. Seriously. You guys don't know how this boy can be clingy when he wants to. Everyone is welcome for CR and smut threads. Anyone who RPlayed with this character or m19_lover is more than welcome to join! /hugs ))

series: lupin iii, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m

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