The Queen And I / Mild Aphros

Jul 07, 2010 13:05

Orihime kept her face plainly devoid of emotions as best she could as the suitor sneered, spat on the floor, and stalked away. She knew she shouldn't let people like that get to her; he was a liar and a con artist trying to take advantage of the sheltered princess, and the advisor had called his bluff. But even so, she felt a small twist in her ( Read more... )

series: bleach

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Comments 119

bruteinglasses July 8 2010, 01:57:39 UTC
[ooc: Taking a page from King Thrushbeard, with Katsuya being a fill-in for Thrushbeard. AKA, a prince in disguise, but with less "training a spoiled princess to be humble" :V]

The guards lead in a dirt-covered beggar, his clothes well worn and partially threadbear. His eyes were a vibrant blue, but that was the only thing that stood out. He could have easily been any number of beggars on the road. "Hail, the royal family!" he said with a laugh, bounding into the room and looking around in quiet awe. "How wonderful.. You must have more money than you know what to do with."

The guards frowned at him. "Present yourself accordingly!"

Coughing into his fist and straightning up, Katsuya bowed playfully. "My most humble apologies. Hello, Princess."


leekspin July 8 2010, 03:03:32 UTC
(OOC: Ha ha, yeah, Orihime is far from spoiled!)

Orihime regarded the beggar, uncertainty conflicting with curiosity upon her face. She wasn't really sure what to make of this. The advisor had just dismissed all the candidates. Would one more really be okay, or would it open the floodgates to the others demanding their turn because if a dirty beggar got to present himself, then so should they.

She looked to the advisor to see what he thought about this, seeing the open displeasure on his countenance. The advisor stepped forward, his stance protective as he moved in front of the princess.

"The audience is at an end for the day. You may come back tomorrow with all of the rest, if you wish to present yourself as a candidate for the princess's hand," he spoke sternly, crisply. This was not to be tolerated!

"Hello," Orihime replied. It was only polite, after all, since he'd greeted her first.


bruteinglasses July 8 2010, 08:34:45 UTC
Standing back up, Katsuya looked to the advisor, then to Orihime. "It was my understanding that once the princess adresses you, the audience is still active. And since she's done that, it would be nothing but rude not to continue to talk with her. At least give me that much."

Logic fallacies were one of his more amusing ways of shutting people up, as well as proving his point. Katsuya gave Orihime a smile and then looked in surprise as his stomach growled. Laughing, he scratched the back of his head. "Your Highness will have to excuse my stomach, but it's been a long time since I've eaten what you would consider a full meal. But if you were willing to provide, then my conversation would be more lively and enjoyable for everyone."

"Perhaps the princess could even join me?"


leekspin July 8 2010, 13:22:54 UTC
"You request too much!" the advisor spat, positioning himself protectively between the beggar and Orihime.

A small hand touched his shoulder, throwing his anger off-balance. "It's okay," Orihime smiled. "I'm a little hungry too." She didn't know how lively his conversation would or wouldn't be, but considering his state of dress and appearance, he hadn't eaten much in a long while. He came all this way to see her, the least she could do was share. There was a lot of royal food to spare.

The advisor sighed, frowning at Katsuya. "You will mind your manners with the princess. Dare to cause her harm, and you will be executed on the spot."


Have a ninja/knight in shining armor? (Smut is not a necessity, CR is always fun right?) tokugawakage July 8 2010, 03:36:25 UTC
It wasn't until all the suitors had filed out and even the adviser had taken his leave that the figure that had stood silent and unmoving in the shadows beside the princess allowed himself to be seen. Hanzo and his clan had long been in the employ of the Princess' family, and had done what was needed to keep peace and prosperity while keeping the throne blameless ( ... )


Either one! <3 I just love the idea of ninjas mingling with medieval times! leekspin July 8 2010, 03:50:56 UTC
She no longer jumped at the ninja's abrupt appearances. It had taken her years to grow accustomed to Hanzo's ways, but now they were a familiar comfort to her.

It was amazing just how well he seemed to know her innermost thoughts. She had been fretting! "You're very kind," she smiled at him gratefully, taking his open hand to step down from the dais where her shoes clicked lightly upon the marbled floors ( ... )


Me too. xD I figure the kingdom could be on the eastern reaches of a nation or something. :P tokugawakage July 8 2010, 04:12:44 UTC
Hanzo allowed himself the briefest of smirks beneath the mask that he was constantly wearing. He remembered the first time she had seen him as a child. He was still training to inherit the mantle of the Iga from his father, when a demon had attempted to attack her father at a public assembly. He had struck from nowhere and fell the beast with a single blow.

She clung to her father's leg for hours. She had come a long way since then, as had he. His own clansmen had asked him the same question. He had cited the creed of the ninja to protect from the shadows. It was not their place to interfere directly in politics. They had the thankless job of protecting the true rulers with their lives if needed.

"Wherever you desire, your highness," he replied, as he always did. Their walks had become routine, and while he did enjoy them, he worried that if seen together the rumor mills would have a field day with them.


It's the hotel, everything makes sense even though it shouldn't, ho ho ho! leekspin July 8 2010, 04:19:46 UTC
Ah, rumors. What she wouldn't give to hear one in person! Princesses didn't get to enjoy such things, since they were usually the subject of those rumors. As such, if people talked, Orihime was oblivious to the existence of such tongue-wagging.

One of these days, he'd surprise her and suggest a spot. One of these days, she was sure of it! Just...not today.

"Let's see," she said. As much as she longed for the sparring room, the courtyard was starting to sound more appealing the longer it dwelled in her thoughts. Fresh air would do her good. "How about--"

Her stomach abruptly snarled. Orihime fell silent, frozen with an open-mouthed smile, as red slowly filled her cheeks. "--the kitchens first, and then the courtyard?" she suggested. It wasn't very princess-like to have her stomach growling. She couldn't help it! At least she knew Hanzo wouldn't laugh at her for it. Ninjas don't laugh.


yaminomariku July 8 2010, 05:46:00 UTC

A deep voice rang out from the back of the assembled suitors, and a purple-robed figure stepped forward, the men parting to either side of him like the Red Sea. They all watched him suspiciously, but Mariku, the great sorcerer, unrivaled throughout the kingdom in magical ability, seemed to hardly care much.

His purple hood was pulled down, revealing a tanned, tattooed face, contorted with the ugliness of hate. A slightly insane gleam shown in his eyes.

"I believe I have not yet been able to present myself to the princess," he said. "I will not be made to wait with the other peasants."

And if the royal advisor tried to make him wait, Mariku would take the opportunity he desired one way or another.


leekspin July 8 2010, 06:20:05 UTC
Both the advisor and the princess turned, regarding the sorceror -- one with contempt and distrust, the other with quiet unease. Neither believed that Mariku's presence boded well, but the decree had been open to anyone.

Orihime could see that her advisor was about to refuse. The way he frowned, the way he wrinkled his was clear as day.

"All right," she interjected quickly, turning to face Mariku. The corners of her mouth lifted in a brief smile. "Just one more, then. That's all right with me," she said, glancing at the advisor. There was really no telling what he might do if he were turned away, but it was a safe bet to say that it wouldn't be a good thing. This way, he could speak what he wished, be satisfied, and depart. The sooner, the better. Orihime didn't necessarily need to choose him, just hear him out. She could manage that.

The advisor looked less than pleased, but exhaled, straightening his shoulders. "Very well. Proceed."


yaminomariku July 8 2010, 06:28:40 UTC
A smile oozed across Mariku's face, the glint in his brightening as he stepped forward. His eyes swam over the princess's body, taking in every curve, and clearly wondering what those curves might look like without the lovely dress that currently covered them.

"Thank you, my dear," said Mariku, in a gravelly voice that did not contain any genuine gratitude. He stepped close enough to reach out and take one of Orihime's hands in his, rubbing his fingers over her soft skin, and brought it--forcibly, if necessary--to his mouth to kiss her knuckles.

"As you are no doubt aware, I am the most powerful mage in this kingdom. If you were to choose me, there would be no limit to what I could do... for you, and for the kingdom. Think of it, my lady."


leekspin July 8 2010, 06:38:54 UTC
The guards tensed visibly as he took Orihime's hand, gripping their spears. The advisor looked furious.

She allowed him to take her hand, though she was obviously surprised that he would. Keeping her anxiety carefully penned away so it wouldn't show on her countenance, she maintained her polite and cheerful smile. "That's true! It's definitely something to consider," she conceded. And truthfully, it was.

But it was his character that she just couldn't trust. There was a certain air of cruelty about him that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. He seemed like the sort who would flog a servant for blinking too hard, or for not smoothing down a wrinkle on his bed. No, she didn't trust him at all.

She could pretend to, however, if only to avoid inflicting any harm on his ego and evoking his wrath.


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No worries! It's never late! leekspin July 8 2010, 16:40:36 UTC
The guard grit his teeth, torn between irritation at the traveler's rebuke, and irritation at himself for having missed the intruder. "Very well," he grunted. "Go with haste. Captain!" he called out, striding quickly toward an armored figure. Already he was explaining the sudden appearance of the assassin, and the two rushed forward to examine the corpse. A decision was reached quickly, and soon calls began to span across the courtyard, ordering soldiers to secure the perimeter and stand ready.

Within the throne room, Orihime turned her head at the uprise of the men's cries. That...that didn't sound good. She shot a worried look at the advisor, who nodded faintly.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. You'll be safe within the castle. Come."

She inclined her head reluctantly, glancing toward one of the windows to see if she couldn't catch a glimpse of what was going on outside. Were some of the suitors raising a ruckus at being turned away?


(The comment has been removed)

Oooo? Sounds fun, go for it! leekspin July 8 2010, 17:04:54 UTC
Orihime blinked in surprise. At first she'd thought he was another suitor, one that was thankfully much closer to her own age, but...the urgency in his voice and etched into the way he held himself told her otherwise. She looked at the advisor for his opinion, seeing the sobriety in the man's face.

"Come," he said. He recognized David, and had been the one to recommend him for the job to the king. "It is good to see that you have returned safe. Please escort the princess to the council chambers, I will fetch the guards."

W-whoa... It was rare for the advisor to leave her in the sole company of anybody, even her most reliable guardians. He must have really trusted this guy! Orihime held her hands in front of her, no small amount of confusion and curiosity written all over her face.

"'s your name?" she asked with a wry smile, unsure just what she should say in a situation like this. How was it that she never knew about any of this?


tardytardis August 2 2010, 03:13:09 UTC
The Doctor sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Dressed in long, white robes and a large headpiece, he acted as Orihime's advisor. He had a bad taste in his mouth ever since the beginning of this suitor business, but he hadn't any other choice. Holding his golden staff in one hand, the other still on Orihime's shoulder, he watched the potential suitors leave for the next day. Another day full of regret and phonies-he wanted to call off the search already. Removing his hand, he looked over at the princess, kneeling down next to the throne ( ... )


leekspin August 2 2010, 04:46:32 UTC
Orihime smiled wearily, but gratefully. She stood from her throne as well, placing her small hand in his and stepping to his side. She'd often held his hand as a child, allowing him to escort her to and from various functions. It was a familiar comfort to her, one she was glad he still entertained for her sake ( ... )


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