The Queen And I / Mild Aphros

Jul 07, 2010 13:05

Orihime kept her face plainly devoid of emotions as best she could as the suitor sneered, spat on the floor, and stalked away. She knew she shouldn't let people like that get to her; he was a liar and a con artist trying to take advantage of the sheltered princess, and the advisor had called his bluff. But even so, she felt a small twist in her ( Read more... )

series: bleach

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yaminomariku July 8 2010, 05:46:00 UTC

A deep voice rang out from the back of the assembled suitors, and a purple-robed figure stepped forward, the men parting to either side of him like the Red Sea. They all watched him suspiciously, but Mariku, the great sorcerer, unrivaled throughout the kingdom in magical ability, seemed to hardly care much.

His purple hood was pulled down, revealing a tanned, tattooed face, contorted with the ugliness of hate. A slightly insane gleam shown in his eyes.

"I believe I have not yet been able to present myself to the princess," he said. "I will not be made to wait with the other peasants."

And if the royal advisor tried to make him wait, Mariku would take the opportunity he desired one way or another.


leekspin July 8 2010, 06:20:05 UTC
Both the advisor and the princess turned, regarding the sorceror -- one with contempt and distrust, the other with quiet unease. Neither believed that Mariku's presence boded well, but the decree had been open to anyone.

Orihime could see that her advisor was about to refuse. The way he frowned, the way he wrinkled his was clear as day.

"All right," she interjected quickly, turning to face Mariku. The corners of her mouth lifted in a brief smile. "Just one more, then. That's all right with me," she said, glancing at the advisor. There was really no telling what he might do if he were turned away, but it was a safe bet to say that it wouldn't be a good thing. This way, he could speak what he wished, be satisfied, and depart. The sooner, the better. Orihime didn't necessarily need to choose him, just hear him out. She could manage that.

The advisor looked less than pleased, but exhaled, straightening his shoulders. "Very well. Proceed."


yaminomariku July 8 2010, 06:28:40 UTC
A smile oozed across Mariku's face, the glint in his brightening as he stepped forward. His eyes swam over the princess's body, taking in every curve, and clearly wondering what those curves might look like without the lovely dress that currently covered them.

"Thank you, my dear," said Mariku, in a gravelly voice that did not contain any genuine gratitude. He stepped close enough to reach out and take one of Orihime's hands in his, rubbing his fingers over her soft skin, and brought it--forcibly, if necessary--to his mouth to kiss her knuckles.

"As you are no doubt aware, I am the most powerful mage in this kingdom. If you were to choose me, there would be no limit to what I could do... for you, and for the kingdom. Think of it, my lady."


leekspin July 8 2010, 06:38:54 UTC
The guards tensed visibly as he took Orihime's hand, gripping their spears. The advisor looked furious.

She allowed him to take her hand, though she was obviously surprised that he would. Keeping her anxiety carefully penned away so it wouldn't show on her countenance, she maintained her polite and cheerful smile. "That's true! It's definitely something to consider," she conceded. And truthfully, it was.

But it was his character that she just couldn't trust. There was a certain air of cruelty about him that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. He seemed like the sort who would flog a servant for blinking too hard, or for not smoothing down a wrinkle on his bed. No, she didn't trust him at all.

She could pretend to, however, if only to avoid inflicting any harm on his ego and evoking his wrath.


yaminomariku July 8 2010, 06:43:09 UTC
"I'm glad to heart that. Truly, I am. So what do you say?" The smile didn't waver. However, Mariku's grip on his wooden staff did. He waved it, and around him, everyone but Orihime became still as stone. The guards, the advisors, the crowd of suitors... all might as well have been statues, for all that they moved or spoke or saw.

"Do forgive me, Princess. I just think it's easier to discuss this in private. Just between us. I'll release them all in good time."

When she agreed to take him as a husband, that was.


leekspin July 8 2010, 06:47:15 UTC
Okay, now she was frowning. It was one thing to ogle her and take liberties with romancing the back of her hand. It was entirely another to mess with the people she had known and loved since she was a baby. He'd crossed a line.

"I cannot accept at this time," she replied formally, though her dark eyes were darker still with anger. "Every suitor must be heard. That is the law. It cannot be broken, not even by me." And the very last thing she wanted was to see this man seated upon the throne. It was unthinkable!


yaminomariku July 8 2010, 06:52:11 UTC

Now his smile vanished, disappearing immediately, replaced by a furious scowl. "No?" It returned, though, if possible even wider and nastier than before. His still-present grip on her hand tightened and he tried to yank the unfortunate princess towards him.

"If you won't, then perhaps I shall have to ruin you for any other man." It made perfect sense, in Mariku's mind. "What suitor will want you then? You'll have no choice but to accept my proposal!" He cackled.

When she did that, he would have all the power he craved.


leekspin July 8 2010, 07:01:07 UTC
Orihime's breath hitched in her throat as she was jerked toward the magician. Every word he spoke solidified her decision even further. This man...this monster...could never be allowed to take the throne.

Setting her jaw firmly, Orihime's other hand rose sharply to crack against his cheek, slapping him for his depravity.

"No," she said again, frowning deeply. The things he was saying, the things he threatened to do...! Had he no shame? "I would sooner die than see a tyrant take this kingdom. You can't have it." Her heart was pounding, and her stomach clenched with fear. With everyone frozen and unable to move, it left her vulnerable. She had no magic of her own, and her only means of defending herself was what she'd learned from her best friend. In other words, it didn't look pretty. But she was the princess, and for the sake of her people, she had to be brave for them.


yaminomariku July 8 2010, 07:07:03 UTC
Mariku's smile did vanish permanently this time. His eyes widened and he glared angrily at the girl, the hand that had been gripping hers leaving to rub his cheek now as he looked over her with rage he made no attempt to hide. How dare she? No one talked to him like that! No one touched him like that! She would pay!

"Impudent girl!"

Mariku's decision was solidified, too. He was more determined than ever to have his way with this girl, both to convince her to take him as a husband, and to punish her for speaking to him so boldly.

There was another wave of his staff while Mariku continued to glower, and Orihime's clothes disappeared. Now he could see ever inch of her, rather than merely undressing her with his eyes.


leekspin July 8 2010, 07:12:50 UTC
It was suddenly very drafty.

She'd been expecting a ball of fire, or a lightning bolt. Something painful! A chill was nothing. At least, so she thought, until her breathing made her realize that she was lacking proper support and restraint for her breasts. Orihime looked down. Shock widened her eyes and stained her face with color, but it was quickly replaced with anger.

There was no telling what else he might decide to do with his magic. Orihime didn't plan on letting him try. Instead of squealing and trying to cover herself up, she instead lunged forward, aiming to drive her elbow into his stomach. And if that blow landed, then the knuckles he'd been so attentive with would soon be meeting the space between his eyes.


yaminomariku July 8 2010, 07:24:16 UTC
It was almost endearing that the girl thought her attempt to fight him off would work. When she dove to elbow him in the stomach, Mariku caught Orihime by the elbow she had so bravely tried to assault him with, and against she was pulled close to him, her arm yanked high up over her head as she was tugged close.

"Is that the best you can do?" he taunted. Snickering cruelly, he dropped the elbow, only to wave his staff again. Soon, golden chains appeared in midair and spun around Orihime, before they darted directly for the poor princess, aiming to wrap themselves around her wrists and restrain said wrists behind her back, if she couldn't somehow dodge or escape them.

All the while, Mariku laughed.


leekspin July 8 2010, 07:35:51 UTC
What the--! Too fast! Orihime gasped as he seized her arm, caught off-guard by his reflexes. But sorcerors weren't supposed to be any good at melee combat! All the books said so!

Her skin crawled at the feel of his body, even clothed, pressed against hers. She grit her teeth as she struggled to wrench herself free, but there was no need. He released her of his own volition, causing her to stumble. When she looked up, she saw the glint of gold around her, and hesitated. It was a mistake. The gold chains captured her slim wrists and yanked them behind her back. Orihime yelped, the seed of fear planted in her insides beginning to blossom into something ugly.

Desperately she pulled against her restraints. She couldn't let this happen! "Let me go!"


yaminomariku July 8 2010, 07:51:13 UTC
Mariku shook his head. He stepped closer to her. She was restrained now, and completely helpless. His breath rose and fell slowly as his eyes traveled over her. He answered Orihime's plea with one word.


And then he reached out, finally dropping his staff as his hands coasted up along her sides beginning at her waist and pausing at her breasts, which he wasted no time molesting. With one hand, his fingers tweaked her nipple of her left breast, while he too the right one in his hand entirely.

"What say you? Would you take me as a husband now and save yourself this fate?"


leekspin July 8 2010, 13:18:21 UTC
Orihime grit her teeth, strangling the cry of alarm and disgust as he fondled her. No one had ever dared to touch her that way, and she felt dirty and soiled.

"N-no way..." she shook her head vehemently. "You won't get away with this!"

While she was restrained, she wasn't completely helpless. She still had two strong legs, one of which shot forward as she tried to strike him in the groin. Surely a hit like that would break the spell he'd laid on the castle!


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