The Queen And I / Mild Aphros

Jul 07, 2010 13:05

Orihime kept her face plainly devoid of emotions as best she could as the suitor sneered, spat on the floor, and stalked away. She knew she shouldn't let people like that get to her; he was a liar and a con artist trying to take advantage of the sheltered princess, and the advisor had called his bluff. But even so, she felt a small twist in her ( Read more... )

series: bleach

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Either one! <3 I just love the idea of ninjas mingling with medieval times! leekspin July 8 2010, 03:50:56 UTC
She no longer jumped at the ninja's abrupt appearances. It had taken her years to grow accustomed to Hanzo's ways, but now they were a familiar comfort to her.

It was amazing just how well he seemed to know her innermost thoughts. She had been fretting! "You're very kind," she smiled at him gratefully, taking his open hand to step down from the dais where her shoes clicked lightly upon the marbled floors.

"Anyway, we've got two weeks at the very least. There has to be someone out there who'd be a good king!" She just...didn't know anyone offhand who wasn't already a necessary member of the castle staff.

Which made her wonder why Hanzo hadn't offered to take the job. He was an excellent protector, and being what he was, he'd learned more about politics and the monarchy than almost anyone else after guarding all of the king's meetings and audiences. She turned to him, lips parted to ask... But then she realized the implications of such a question, so she smiled instead.

"So! Where should we walk today?" she beamed, holding her hands behind her back. There were the gardens, of course, as there always were. The kitchens, the armory, the stables, the courtyard...and the sparring room. Secretly she hoped he might demonstrate some of his combat skills again, or even teach her a little. But it was late, and he was probably tired.

Actually, she wasn't even sure when he found the time to sleep. It seemed like he was always there beside her when she needed him.


Me too. xD I figure the kingdom could be on the eastern reaches of a nation or something. :P tokugawakage July 8 2010, 04:12:44 UTC
Hanzo allowed himself the briefest of smirks beneath the mask that he was constantly wearing. He remembered the first time she had seen him as a child. He was still training to inherit the mantle of the Iga from his father, when a demon had attempted to attack her father at a public assembly. He had struck from nowhere and fell the beast with a single blow.

She clung to her father's leg for hours. She had come a long way since then, as had he. His own clansmen had asked him the same question. He had cited the creed of the ninja to protect from the shadows. It was not their place to interfere directly in politics. They had the thankless job of protecting the true rulers with their lives if needed.

"Wherever you desire, your highness," he replied, as he always did. Their walks had become routine, and while he did enjoy them, he worried that if seen together the rumor mills would have a field day with them.


It's the hotel, everything makes sense even though it shouldn't, ho ho ho! leekspin July 8 2010, 04:19:46 UTC
Ah, rumors. What she wouldn't give to hear one in person! Princesses didn't get to enjoy such things, since they were usually the subject of those rumors. As such, if people talked, Orihime was oblivious to the existence of such tongue-wagging.

One of these days, he'd surprise her and suggest a spot. One of these days, she was sure of it! Just...not today.

"Let's see," she said. As much as she longed for the sparring room, the courtyard was starting to sound more appealing the longer it dwelled in her thoughts. Fresh air would do her good. "How about--"

Her stomach abruptly snarled. Orihime fell silent, frozen with an open-mouthed smile, as red slowly filled her cheeks. "--the kitchens first, and then the courtyard?" she suggested. It wasn't very princess-like to have her stomach growling. She couldn't help it! At least she knew Hanzo wouldn't laugh at her for it. Ninjas don't laugh.


Yay for Hotel Logic! :D tokugawakage July 8 2010, 04:42:02 UTC
Laugh, no. Smirk, yes. Still, a ninja was always prepared. As such, he reached into his gi and produced a small rice ball he had brought just in case she got hungry. With his patented speed and stealth, he slipped it into her hand. After all, it would not be 'proper' to be seen accepting the charity of a non-noble, even though Hanzo knew better than to think anything about the small snack was contaminated just because he carried it for her.

"As you wish, my lady." He half suspected she would try to get him to eat while she watched just so she could see him without the mask again, and had even stationed a genin to stage a distraction so that he could accept the food offering so as not to offend her, while still maintaining the emotional distance that was proper for one sworn to give their life for her at the drop of a hat.

"Have you any prospects for tomorrow's suitors? My scouts have only been able to verify the claims of three that claim to be of noble blood. One will claim to have bested the greatest warrior in the land in single combat, at which point I will step forward and challenge him."

He walked exactly two steps behind and one step to the right of the princess, as was acceptable as they made their way to the kitchen. The setting sun was already a crimson and orange, and as he walked, he couldn't help but marvel at the princess' beauty, especially with the setting sun glinting off her hair.


leekspin July 8 2010, 06:14:24 UTC
Orihime blinked, examining her hand and the riceball that had 'magically' appeared in the hollow of her palm. Her eyes widened with wonder. No matter how many times he did it, he never ceased to amaze her...not only with his quick reflexes, but his thoughtfulness. He must have known she would be hungry after seeing all those suitors.

Though she wasn't allowed to thank him verbally, the gratitude was clearly written in the width of her smile. There wasn't a soul in the world who seemed to know her better than he did.

Just as he expected, she broke the ball into two pieces, offering one to the ninja. He was probably hungry too, and it wasn't nice to eat in front of someone like that. ...and maaaaaaybe she did indeed want to see what he looked like without the mask again.

She laughed, shaking her head at the forecast of tomorrow's suitors. "I feel bad for him. He doesn't know what he'll be up against," Orihime grinned up at her companion, happily eating the riceball. And if rice grains got on her cheeks, so be it. Either she didn't notice, or didn't care. It was so good! was difficult talking back over her shoulder like this. She knew he took his position for the sake of her safety, to ensure that no unwanted blade found itself buried between her shoulders, so she couldn't complain. And since Hanzo didn't seem to mind either, well. That was that, wasn't it?

"So there are three that will be telling the truth?" she asked, wanting to fill the space of silence. "Or just three who think we won't know?"


tokugawakage July 8 2010, 13:40:00 UTC
Hanzo had to concentrate to keep from rolling his eyes slightly as she offered the rice ball half. He took the offering but used the conversation as a distraction, planning to slip it back into his gi while she wasn't looking.

"He believes your affection can be won simply through combat. I intend to set him straight." Hanzo took a second to reach forward, brushing the rice from her cheek. After all, it would not do to have the princess walking around with a dirty face. Even if he did find it unbearably cute.

"There are, yes. One is from a neighboring province, the son of a minor lord, one is the son of Lord Harrowmont. The third, however, will not be granted an audience. He is a descendant of the dynasty your ancestors deposed to come into power. My scouts have reason to believe that he has been plotting revolution, and will be taking measures to quell such an uprising before it starts."

He left it at that, and would not trouble her with the details of the plot against her. She did not need to know that there were several noble houses in the royal court who would betray her for their own personal gain. He'd instructed his scouts to make the deaths look like natural causes, using poisons rather than weapons.

In this particular case, it was best that she didn't know, so as to preserve the honor of the kingdom.

"If it pleases you, your majesty, might I ask a question? What are you looking for in a husband? Your father would have wanted you to marry for love, not politics, and I cannot simply stand silent through this charade, your highness. I can hold off the advances of the neighboring king as long as needed, all I require is the command from you, princess."


leekspin July 8 2010, 14:17:43 UTC
"Huh? Me?" she blinked, surprised not so much that Hanzo had asked her, but because she'd actually never thought about it before. Her steps slowed as she bowed her head, mulling it over. If she were able to choose a companion for her sake?

Orihime chewed on her rice ball, uttering a thoughtful sound. "I don't really know," she admitted, smiling sheepishly. "I just want someone who loves this kingdom as much as you and I do. I could love someone like that." She paused, then amended, "...But someone with a sense of humor would be fun." Anyone who knew Orihime was well aware of her love of laughter. She was a naturally happy person, and while her own humor was a little off the beaten path, it was never mean or condescending.

She smiled at Hanzo, touched that he would care for her decision so much. "I think...if it was someone I liked even better than I like you, that would be the one." She wasn't sure that such a person existed, however, so it was best just to stick with a candidate who had the people's best interests in mind, rather than her own.

"I miss him," she said after a moment. "I wish he were here. I haven't even really had time to mourn for him, you know?" The kingdom came first, as it always did, and Orihime was just too young and inexperienced to rule it alone. It would also be shown as a sign of weakness if she remained unwed, encouraging invasions, battles, and wars. That was the last thing she wanted!

Orihime smiled and shook her head. This conversation was getting really heavy! "What about you?" she grinned, polishing off the treat. "You're going to pass on your heritage too, aren't you? What kind of person are you going to marry?"


tokugawakage July 8 2010, 15:09:06 UTC
"I miss him too, your highness. He was like a brother to me. But, in a way, I'm sure he would have wanted it that way. He wouldn't want you to be sad. He lived a full life, and would want you to be happy more than anything."

After a quick glance to a scout of his stationed in the shadows, who knew the signal well and quickly made sure nobody would disturb them for a while, Hanzo took a couple steps forward, placing a hand on Orihime's shoulder as he moved to look her in the eye.

"He loved you as much as he loved his people, and he will always be with you."

His eyes closed slightly as he stepped back to the side and addressed the question she had asked of him. "The leadership of the Iga is not a bloodline heritage. When a new leader comes to power, an heir is immediately named. A ninja must be ready to lay down their lives at every moment, and many of the leaders die in battle before having children of their own. I was already born when Father came to power. Because he was a bit of a rare exception to the rule, I was the natural choice to succeed him."


leekspin July 8 2010, 16:34:26 UTC
The warmth of his touch still lingered after he withdrew. Orihime smiled, brushing her fingers under her eye. She hadn't really let herself cry since she watched her father fade away, and she'd almost broken down right there on the spot. He always seemed to know just what to say.

"I know," she said, inclining her head. "Thanks, Hanzo." She brushed at her other eye, composing herself. Now wasn't really the time, there was too much to do, and too much to consider.

And Hanzo had also avoided her question, she noticed. Or he just hadn't got to it yet. "But you will marry someday, won't you? I love having you here, but...I don't know...I don't want you to devote everything to me. You should be happy too." While she knew it was a point of honor for a ninja to lose his life in the service of the royal family, she couldn't think of anything that would hurt her more.


tokugawakage July 8 2010, 18:13:42 UTC
Hanzo had hoped to satisfy her curiosity while avoiding the question. He had in his younger days expressed a desire for the princess to his father, but the senior ninja had been quick to remind Hanzo of his place in the shadows. It was tradition for ninjas to die in obscurity, honored only with a small prayer and then nothing. While marriage among ninjas was definitely not forbidden, and Hanzo's dedication to stoicism was his own and not something that was standard among his clansmen, Hanzo had never felt any kind of affection toward anyone else.

"Perhaps," he said, careful to keep his own feelings in check. He knew it simply would not work between them. Especially given Orihime's innocent nature. He couldn't make her live with the worry that her husband might be killed in battle or by an assassin's blade at any given point in time.

"However," he added a moment later, "I am happy, your highness. Simply being able to count you as a friend, makes me happy. I am not talking about the honor or prestige that comes with serving the royal family, either. I enjoy our walks more than anything else. I would not trade it for the world."


leekspin July 8 2010, 18:24:28 UTC
"No...nor would I," Orihime smiled, her voice sticking in her throat. She found herself wishing that he would make an attempt at courtship. It would make it so easy to choose a suitor, he was more than qualified in every that he would no longer be a ninja. And it would be cruel to deprive him of the duties he cherished.

"Speaking of which, I've been keeping you standing still for too long, haven't I? Ha ha!" She gave herself a good mental shake to uproot her feet from the carpet, walking a little more swiftly. There was no need to visit the kitchens now that her stomach had been placated, so it was off to the courtyard.

"If you see anyone in the suitors that you'd recommend, will you let me know? You sort of have a gift for seeing people as they really are, and I kind of don't have that at all." She only saw the good. If she could see the bad as well, she might make a very formidable queen. But as it was, she knew she could be too idealistic when reviewing the candidates, and depended heavily on the advice of Hanzo and her advisor.


tokugawakage July 9 2010, 00:27:16 UTC
It was definitely something he was beginning to seriously consider. But, he pushed further ideas of him entering that particular ring from his mind as they resumed their walking.

"I will, your highness," he replied. Of course, it was in Hanzo's training to see the bad in people. He envied Orihime for the gift of seeing the good in people. Even his closest friends - what few he had - were subject to his scrutinizing look, and he is constantly seeing the flaws in everyone. Except Orihime at least.

"If I might make a suggestion, however, have you considered naming a regent? Someone you know would hold your father's political ideals? The advances of the neighboring kingdom could then be dealt with, and regardless of your decision on the matter, the nation would stay a free one. This would allow you time to get your affairs in order, decide on a suitor - or if indeed you wish to have one - and when you were ready, you would be able to ascend to the throne."


leekspin July 9 2010, 00:34:36 UTC
"A regent..." Clearly she hadn't considered it, but now she was, and the prospect certainly had her attention. But finding a regent would be almost as difficult as finding a future king. She could think of only two people who would fit the role and perform it well: her advisor, and Hanzo.

"I don't suppose you would want to be a regent, would you, Hanzo?" she asked, craning her head back to blink at him over her shoulder. She kind of hoped that he would, but she also hoped that he wouldn't, if only because she wasn't sure if that would enable them to spend more time together or less. Whatever he chose, these walks would definitely remain a staple of their friendship! Of that, she was unwilling to budge.


tokugawakage July 9 2010, 01:47:02 UTC
"I am honored, your majesty," and he was, really, but he was more comfortable in the shadows of politics. "However, I do not believe I am the most qualified choice. Your uncle and advisor has more experience in that realm than I."

He would always accompany her on these walks, so long as he lived, he would be there, somehow. There was no denying that. Nothing could keep him away from those walks. He could tell a lot from that look though, and felt the need to reassure her.

"Whatever you choose, princess, just remember, I will always be your personal guard. Though you may not see me, I'll never be any farther from you than your shadow."


leekspin July 9 2010, 02:49:11 UTC
She smiled, feeling her pulse quicken and her heart grow warm. Again and again, his gentle eyes and kind words touched her spirit and gave her the comfort she hadn't known she'd needed so badly. She loved that he would always be an intimate part of her life. When everything was so uncertain, it was a godsend to have someone she could depend on to always be there.

Orihime considered asking, but decided not to. It would just make it awkward. Well. More awkward, really. She glanced around to make sure there weren't any servants who would see, gasp, and titter, and assured that there were none, she stepped forward to close that shadow's distance between them and folded her arms around his neck. The ninja had just been hugged.

Closing her eyes, she held to him securely. "You've always been so kind to me. Thank you, Hanzo. I really don't know what I'd do without you." She wished there were something she could do in return for him. But the things a noble warrior valued weren't exactly tangible, nor things even a princess could grant. She rested her forehead on his shoulder, exhaling. "Thank you," she said again.


tokugawakage July 9 2010, 13:03:36 UTC
Servants? No servants around. But there was one kunoichi stationed on a nearby tower that snickered slightly. He turned his head slightly so as to glare at the ninja. He'd have to have a word with her later regarding stealth. Still, he couldn't just let Orihime catch him off guard like that without some sort of reward. As such, his own arms came and found their way to hug her back.

"You'll never have to find out. I will always be here for you, Orihime."


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