Dec 12, 2009 23:47

Lelouch was not amused.

Of course that probably wasn't saying much as far as Lelouch was concerned, what with his sense of humor being particularly skewed. But all the same he was not amused. For one he'd woken up in a strange room, painted with a red that made him want to vomit and that quickly overwhelmed him. So much red. What, had the designer never heard of such colors as blue or yellow or even beige? Beige was a lovely color for a room, in his opinion. At least the bed was comfortable - plush, with silken sheets and plenty of pillows. Still, it did nothing to alleviate his irritation.

Especially with this damn heat. What, was there no air conditioning in this building? He was positive that violated several construction and safety laws, but since he wasn't doused in sweat he supposed it was not the immediate concern. He licked his lips, slowly working himself off the bed gingerly, hissing at a sudden heat in his belly that made the area between his legs throb. With a determined sniff he rose though, smoothing his expensive clothing (a king couldn't go around wearing anything but the best, now could they? Looking like some of the unwashed masses).

With delicate patience he looked around the room, taking in the bed, the dresser, the vanity, the chaise lounge, the bathroom just off to the side. At least he knew these were not his chambers at the palace. So, that left kidnap as the obvious choice. Brilliant. Suzaku had obviously fallen down on the job, as had Orange and the other knights he employed. When he saw them again there would be consequences, but he'd have time later to ponder that. For now he needed to figure out who, exactly, had kidnapped him and why. Further more, did they know whom he was? Well, of course they did if they'd kidnapped him, but there was an off chance he could convince them they had the wrong person.

Wandering to the wardrobe, he opened the cherry wood doors and smirked when he saw his school uniform while at the same time it brought an uncomfortable twist in his stomach. Still... Without wasting time he changed into the black and gold cloth, assuming the air of a confused and partial terrified student. Yes, it would have to do. Confident in his disguise he went to the door, turned the handle and pulled. The door gave easily. A surprise, but not an unpleasant one. The hall was as red as the damned room, unfortunately. Glancing one way than the other he stepped out, on the alert.

Time for some exploration - again.

[ooc: Okay! This is Lelouch, taken from S2 from a point just after he becomes king. For those of you who know the series, you know the other end of this in between, but I won't spoil it for those who don't. Canon mates are teh awesome, males are preffered; females are good to though (though girls will have to work harder for it or order him). Have fun with the young king~ and kind of sorry for the longish post. Lelouch is wordy muse.]

series: code geass

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