Dec 12, 2009 23:47

Lelouch was not amused ( Read more... )

series: code geass

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Comments 53

thirdoftwelve December 13 2009, 06:16:17 UTC
That would only go so far for you unfortunately.

As soon as Lelouch had stepped out of his room, Gino rounded the corner wearing a jacket that matched his casual gear to hide his arms which were peppered with bruises and marks indicating he'd been restrained. The jacket was a bit of a godsend in this time, until the marks healed. He didn't feel like retelling the tale, so he was more than content to hide his bruises till then.

Though he still moved a bit stiffly, he was feeling much better than he had initially and was even walking with a bit of energy in his stride. It was this upbeat and alert feeling that had him noticing the familiar print of the uniform in front of him, to which he called out with enthusiasm as he recognized that familiar mop of dark hair.

"Senpai!" And quick as a flash, his arms were around the waist of the shorter boy as he grinned. "Got you too huh?" He asked, chuckling and completely unaware that he was hugging a newly made king.


king_take_pawn December 13 2009, 06:40:36 UTC
Oh lord it was Gio. He couldn't decide it he wanted to groan or blush when the other's arm snaked around him, but he at least decided not to wriggle away. In a way that arm was comforting, far strong than his own spindly limbs. Despite having a Geass he knew it's limitations, and there was always the possibility it would not work on others in this place. He had to have direct eye contact, after all, and it was entirely to possible his captors knew of his abilities if someone had decided to betray him from within. Though, of course, with Gino here that particular scenario seemed all the more unlikely, but precautions were nonetheless necessary.

"So it would seem," he said, letting a trace of bewilderment creep into his voice. "But, does that mean you know where we are and why?" he pressed, eager for any information he could get. "I just woke up in this strange room, and..." He trailed off, looking back to where the elegant four poster bed sat, a shudder passing through him as a wash of heat pooled into his belly.


thirdoftwelve December 13 2009, 06:45:57 UTC
Glancing into the room where Lelouch claimed to have come from, the blond shrugged.

"I'm not too sure, the others said it's a love hotel like the kind you'd find in Area 11. Only no one remembers how they got here and there's no way out." His voice, distinctly somber at the reminder of their situation was lightened as he hugged Lelouch closely to his chest. Glad to have someone he knew in his arms for comfort like a security blanket.

His knowledge recounted, Gino proceeded to examining Lelouch, blinking at what he found. For some reason the male seemed... different than the Lelouch he knew. Nothing overly serious, just unusual. Perhaps this was more of that time difference?


What part exactly is Gino from anyways? king_take_pawn December 13 2009, 07:11:35 UTC
Lelouch blinked, not sure how to take being hugged so close. He couldn't quite say he hated it, if he wanted to be perfectly honest with himself. In his months as King, in the many more years as Zero, he'd given up on human contact as a sour of comfort. Perhaps Suzaku could be counted as that, but he could never seem to break the wall of resentment the other held for him, for everything he'd done. Not that he could particularly blame him, but neither would Lelouch apologize for his actions ( ... )


I'll have you know, this is entirely your fault. ...Somehow. >_> oathtotheking December 14 2009, 00:45:03 UTC
And others were similarly exploring the new location. He, in particular, had simply stepped out of his own quarters to meet with Lady Nunnally about one of the many upcoming talks regarding the situation of the Areas and a slow, delicate conversion back to individual nations. And yet he found himself in a place very much not the hallway outside his room. Because for one, the former master of the place simply would not have tolerated such a gaudy scheme. The reaction it would have earned played in his head ( ... )


I'll take that as a compliment ~ king_take_pawn December 14 2009, 01:48:07 UTC
A powerful warrior he might not be, but he retained some reflexes from the war. Suzaku insisted he keep such senses alive, even though Lelouch was perfectly sure that Suzaku would keep him safe, as would Jeremiah. Orange would, after all, die than let harm come to Lelouch. But he had never found it in himself to deny Suzaku this little comfort, perhaps as a way to make up for what he planned to make him do even if he would never apologize for anything he'd done.

He paused in his walking when he spotted the familiar flutter of black fabric, the shine of dark glass on a purple mask. He couldn't decide if he should be angry or relieved to see that costume, and decided to take the middle road - perturbed. He pulled off perturbed well.

"You've jumped the gun a bit, haven't you?" Lelouch began walking forward, arms folded behind his back and head raised in that subtly imperious way. "The fitting wasn't for another week. Though I have to say you do pull it off well."


<3~ ALMOST grabbed KoZ!Zaku, but I can't write his brainmeats that way. oathtotheking December 14 2009, 04:04:27 UTC
Well, this seemed more memory than reality, although this... To say that Zero was a little offset would be an understatement. The mind could not determine what it was facing and eventually settled on the notion to humour what could potentially be not-real. Because that was all that made sense, really.

Maybe he was losing his mind early. Might as well indulge it for the moment.

"Have I?" Little tone found its way into those two words, the man behind the mask having since tried to subdue his self. He stood only as a symbol, his emperor's dying words held more dear than he'd originally anticipated. And he, too, was dead. He existed, persisted, but he had died in some fashion. Zero took what steps remained to bring him eye-level with Lelouch, the lifts of his boots bringing him up that tiny bit to be even with the Brittanian. "You have been dead for as many days, Your Highness."


xD king_take_pawn December 14 2009, 04:32:55 UTC
Lelouch cocked a brow, not letting it show how those words unnerved him. If Suzaku was playing a game he did not appreciate it in the least. Yes, he knew the plan was for him to die so that might hand over the world to Nunally, might make it so that he granted her ultimate wish. He was aware of his own fate, prepared for it and attempting to prepare Suzaku, though he was unsure how well his preparations were going as far as his Knight went. Oh, he knew he would complete his mission, but after that he could not be sure. After all, he wouldn't be around to see the ramifications.

"Now is hardly the time to be practicing such things," he shook his head, reaching up without preamble to grasp Zero's helm, knowing where to press to make the locks release and pull it away from Suzaku's head. "We have far greater concerns, Suzaku." He held the helmet in his hands, memories filtering up about the days he had worn it, the pain and the blood and the heartache. "How long have you been here?"


myaodesu December 19 2009, 07:07:14 UTC
Nunnally was alone. At least at the moment. Not because she had to be, no, not in a place like this. She probably could have knocked on any door and gotten some company, at least if the occupant wasn't already busy. But she didn't really want company at the moment. The girl was savoring the fact that she was just another face in the crowd and had found a nice, small table. And a case of tea testers to drink through. She'd already gone through a cup of green tea and was just waiting for the electric teapot while allowing her mind to wander.

Perhaps she looked a little bit odd, a girl in a pale yellow dress sitting alone with an electric teapot and a stack of cups. A girl sitting with her eyes closed and just listening to the sound of a portable music player on the table next to the tea timer.

((ooc: Poor Lulu... One year post-series!Nunnally? Also, totally stalking loving the Suzero/Lulu thread!))


Sorry this took so long! Hectic last few days! @_@ king_take_pawn December 22 2009, 00:54:51 UTC
The place wasn't as revolting as Lelouch initially thought, though again he had to seriously question this propensity for red. Red red red. He was so tired of the color red. He much preferred the soft beige and creams of his own rooms, that or the darker colors of Zero's uniform, the glistening white of his kingly robes.

He turned a corner, following the scents of tea and food. He came to a halt, his sharpened skills (thanks to Suzaku) falling on the form of a young woman, hair like a field in autumn rushing down her back in thick waves, eyes closed in a dress of yellow with a teapot before her. The Nunally he knew loved pink (though if that was her choice he'd never really known), but yellow... yellow was a good color on her. Perhaps he could convince her to wear it more when he got back to the Palace, if she would speak to him that is.

"Nunally?" he called, approaching slowly, trying to keep the shaking of his hands from his voice.


Ack! Tell me about it! <3 myaodesu December 23 2009, 18:43:19 UTC
The plush carpeting managed to muffle footsteps until a person seemed to be right behind her, so it wasn't until he called her name that the girl's eyes slid open and she looked in his direction curiously. Then she smiled brightly and motioned towards the chair across from her.

"Onii-sama! I haven't seen you for a while so I thought maybe you had left." She wasn't sure exactly which one he was, she'd have to ask in a few moments. But he wasn't the one from the far future since his hair was short.


king_take_pawn December 28 2009, 01:11:47 UTC
He was unsure how to take this. He knew that Nunally had been cured of her sight, but as of late, in his world, she was not... to pleased to see him. He felt she blamed him for much of what had happened, and he had to wonder what she would think of his plan to place the world squarely in small hands.

He took a seat, pouring himself a cup of tea and keeping himself composed, with a small smile gracing his lips.

"No, never quite left," he assured her. "How have you been, Nunally?" he decided to keep the subject off himself.


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