gaze into my eyes, let me know you'd fight thousands for my love.

Jun 11, 2008 01:05

does anyone else know that feeling that comes when you're sort of just peacefully and casually listening to your music, not trying to hear things that relate to fandom, but it accidentally happens? you're listening, and suddenly the words became actual images in your head of a certain relationship and it just all makes so much damn sense. the lyrics, the sound of the song itself, the all creates a story with pictures and emotions inside of you and you become instantly overwhelmed at the perfection of it all. I would guess that it's in this moment when one would open up their video editing software and create a music video, but since I'm not a talented video editor myself, and I just don't have the time and patience to become one, I'll express myself in another picspam.

warning: picspam contains spoilers up to 4x09 'The Hub'

~I highly suggest downloading the song and playing it while you look at the picspam; then maybe, it will make as much sense to you as it did me~

For My Love
An Adama/Roslin Picspam
Music by Bethany Dillon

walk towards me
I want to hear
the heavens singing over you

and when you breathe
and look at me
I want to be captured by you

gaze into my eyes
let me know you'd fight
for my love

slip your hand in mine
ask me to dance with you tonight
just ask me
for my love

I want to hide
what's deep in my eyes
I'm scared to be known by you

but when I turn my head
and see you there

I want to be pursued

gaze into my eyes
let me know you'd fight
for my love

slip your hand in mine
ask me to dance with you tonight

just ask me
for my love

a dream I won't wake from

a story that will never end

the ground your feet walk on

let me be there
let me be there

gaze into my eyes

let me know you'd fight
thousands for my love

slip your hand in mine
ask me to dance with you tonight

just ask me
for my love

the end

adama/roslin, picspam, music

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