This is probably the biggest project I've ever taken on. It's been exhausting, albeit rewarding and I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I enjoyed making it and seeing the finished product.
This is very Laura Roslin and A/R centric (and does contain a good amount of Mary McDonnell worship), but considering it was almost completely a Laura Roslin and A/R centric episode, that's fair right?
So, here we go.
- - -
(Laura's vision)
Laura: Elosha...oh my gods.
My thoughts exactly! I've always thought Laura needed a 'friend', and Faith most definitely satisfied my wish, but I think Elosha was the first female that Laura bonded with in some way. I was completely unspoiled about her return, up until the preview aired, so seeing her return in whatever way made me all giddy and excited.
Also, HAIR. GORGEOUS, RED, CURLY(!) HAIR. It's so season three! *touches*
Laura: Why'd it jump? Where are we?
Eight: I'm more concerned with why we're here.
Both Mary and Grace are gorgeous in this scene, yes? The basestar scenes have been known for their gritty quality, but for some reason, the control room is better lighted than other areas of the basestar (and therefore easier to color, yay).
One of the reasons I absolutely love this episode is, not only my undying love for Mary McDonnell, but my purest intrigue in her chemistry with every single damn actor she works with. AND, in this episode, we see Laura interacting with people she either hasn't in a very long time or never has at all, really. She's just so talented of an actress, I honestly find myself taking interest in characters I normally wouldn't when they're in the same scene with her. I believe that's saying something.
Elosha: Will you walk with me?
Laura: Galactica. What's going on? It's empty.
Elosha: It is. Feels bigger this way, doesn't it?
Laura: It's so quiet. Strange.
Elosha: A lot of things are strange.
(Elosha brings Laura into sickbay, where Laura looks upon herself dying)
There's a quality that Mary is bringing to the screen that she rarely does in BSG. If you've seen any of her films before, you probably know what I'm talking about. It's this 'giddiness' or 'playfulness' that I absolutely adore and wish I could find a better word for. You see it mostly while she's walking through the halls of the empty Galactica in her visions with Elosha during this episode.
Eight: That's unusual, to jump again so quickly.
Laura: (pauses) What do you think it means?
Baltar: Look, it knows me. It trusts me. I think it even likes me.
Eight: ...the Hybrid's panicking.
Laura: So she's upset. Okay, fine. Can you calm her down, can you tell her to jump back?
Eight: It doesn't work like that, she makes her own decisions. And we can't unplug her because now she's wired herself into life support.
Baltar: Alright then, so why don't we give this ago? (motions to quiet down with his hands) Shhhhhh. Hey, stop jumping the ship, alright?
Hybrid:...cease countdown, cease countdown...(continues to ramble)
Baltar? You see that? I just opened myself up to it on a spiritual level.
Hybrid: JUMP!
I LOVE Baltar in this episode. He's so season one and so freaking hilarious. I missed this Baltar, to be quite honest. I was beginning to get rather bored with his recent 'space Jesus' storyline, but this level of humor that we've been missing for a while is extremely refreshing and is allowing me to fall back in love with the character. And I think it's hilarious how, even with this selfless, loving nature that he's teaching, he's still completely full of himself. LMFAO.
(Laura's vision)
Elosha: Don't you just hate these people?
Dying Laura: (weakly) No.
Elosha: Oh, but you don't love them either. The people in here are the closest thing you've got to family and you, you've been their president. (Kara and Lee hug, Bill touches Laura's face) Watch them try to comfort each other. At least you haven't taken that away from them...yet. You didn't rob them of their empathy...yet. You just don't make room for people anymore. You don't love people. Is that clear enough, practical enough for you Madame President?
I love this reverse psychology whatever that Elosha is doing for most of the episode. Laura has lately lost a good portion of her morals and her judgment, and I think the only way to have gotten through to her would have been a more rash approach. And how adorable and yet heartbreaking is it that Kara and Lee are there too?
Okay, here's where I start to criticize certain characters, my first choice being Helo.
His character in almost this entire episode is so hypocritical to me. Ever since season two-ish, he's made it very clear that he wants good for the Cylons as well, but since when is he the one harping on about honesty and what's fair and making the right decisions? I would be perfectly fine with his character doing a 180 if we had seen that journey, but this is the guy who, not that long ago, got away with murder and mutiny. The hell? I understand people like Kara or Laura's character turnarounds because we saw the evolution that brought them to where they are, but Helo? It's almost hilarious.
While we're on the subject of morals (we are on that subject aren't we?), I've been hearing some anti-Laura feedback lately due to her unofficial 'dictatorship' and morale-decline. Up until midway through this episode, however, I just did not get the hate. Secrecy and control maybe aren't the best way to go about things, but if you look at Laura's decisions in retrospect, every one of them have either benefited the fleet or were an attempt to benefit the fleet. I don't think Laura has been or ever will be 'power-hungry', because a desire for power stems from selfishness; Laura has never been selfish when making her 'presidential decisions', because she's always wanted the best for the fleet no matter what it takes to get there. Going way back, I don't even think stealing an election was her being selfish, but I think it was a genuine act of kindness towards the people, albeit not the most moralistic act. She didn't want to be president so she could be president; she wanted to be president so Gaius Baltar (whom she knew would only fail in leading the people) wouldn't be president.
But anyways, now that I've produced my 'I-love-Laura' sticker, moving on...
Cavil: Welcome home, D'Anna.
D'Anna: You told me I'd never have to go through this again.
Cavil: I lied.
D'Anna: Boomer's an Eight. Shouldn't she be on the other side?
Cavil: Boomer's my pet Eight. She's seen the light of reason, and an Eight can make a passionate ally.
D'Anna: Until she sees something shiny.
HAI D'ANNA! I missed Lucy. She's so pretty, isn't she pretty?
After Tigh and Caprica Six, D'Anna's my favorite Cylon. Maybe the fact Lucy Lawless is pure awesomeness in a body affects my decision, but let's face it: D'Anna just kicks so much ass. And she totally just owned Boomer. LMFAO. SOMETHING SHINY. *dies of lol*
Speaking of Boomer, what happened to her? Ugh. I used to like the poor girl up until the image of her and Cavil doing the naked pretzel popped into my head. Um, ew?
Hmm, trying to remember why I included this one. I think I decided that Tricia looked gorgeous and needed to be here. Other than that, 'kissing their gasholes' and Seelix were the only other good things to come out of this scene in my opinion. The rest consisted of a lot of whining, a passionate speech by the Eight model, and Helo having a mid-life crisis and an affair with...his wife...except not. Doncha just love this show?
Baltar: Just go and ask it already.
Laura: I've been told you said something about an opera house and I'm--because it seems pointless.
Baltar: Look, there was an opera house. An opera house! Are you listening to me? Apparently I was in the opera house.
Laura: I had a vision! I was chasing after a little girl, I came to a door. I saw Doctor Baltar and the Six take the child and--she's not listening to me.
Hybrid: ...protect the child, protect the child...
Laura: Protect the child! Protect the--she said protect the child. That's what Caprica Six said.
Baltar: So I was the one holding the child, so obviously I was the one protecting the child, wasn't I, in the opera house...I was...
Laura: No. No, no, it wasn't at all clear what you were doing in the vision. Let me listen.
Baltar: I mean, obviously you've done this a thousand times before.
Laura: Oh I'm just doing the same thing you're doing.
Baltar: No, you're not actually. No you're not. Because if you watch what I'm doing, what I'm doing is I'm actually focusing on her, alright? (yells) Now tell us what I was doing in the opera house, alright?!
Laura: Oh, the only thing you're doing is yelling.
Hybrid: ...close the doors...
Laura: Close the, no, open the door, open the door...
Baltar: Close the door, open the door (begins to walk off)...
Laura: I want to open the door. Do it again, do it again!
Baltar: I'm going for a walk. I'd love to see you do any better.
Laura: Alright, I'll do it. (yells) Open the door!
(Laura's vision)
Laura: Why are we doing this again? I don't want to see this again.
Elosha: The Ancients used to say 'a people is only as strong as the body of its leader'.
Laura: If I follow that thought...are you saying that humanity died because I died? If you're my subconscious, I've got to say you're a little full of myself.
Elosha: Humanity didn't die because you did. The Ancients, they got a lot of things wrong. The body of the people is not the same as the body of its leader, but the soul and the spirit might be.
Laura: Oh, I see. You're only laying morality on my people, that's okay. I can take that. I mean there are a lot of people who have sins far greater than mine.
Elosha: You're thinking of Gaius Baltar.
ANOTHER LMFAO, CAPSLOCK-WORTHY COMMENTARY. Mary McDonnell, when given the proper material, is absolutely hilarious. If you don't believe me, go watch High Society. And this also relates to what I said back in the beginning, about Mary carrying this certain 'playfulness' in this episode, especially during her visions. And I know that's not the right word, but I'm sure it's plain enough for everyone to see. Well, whatever it is, it's adorable and hilarious.
By the way, HAI BOOBIES. We get the hair back, the power suit back, some humor, and a hell of a lot of cleavage. How is this not the perfect episode again?
I love that reading has become their language now, in a way. It's how Bill first communicated with the audience that he officially had deep feelings for Laura, it's how their relationship began to mend after their argument in Six of One, it's even how they first noticed each other as something more than human beings way back in season one, and because of that, I think we'll continue to be able to relate books to the relationship.
LOL. This is SO Baltar. Who else could you actually see witnessing to a walking chrome toaster?
STFU HELO. Okay, no, I see his point, that's the problem, but I still can't get over how fucking hypocritical he's become. Honesty? Where were you and honesty last season or even two seasons ago? Ironic, totally ironic. BUT I do think it's adorable that, despite his inhibitions, he still has enough respect for his dying boss to make a caring gesture. What's funny is how much I love and hate him in this episode; he's the first season Helo we all loved for one moment, and then the next he's whining again. I am proud of him though, because he has so many reasons to hate Laura and he's pushing all that aside and actually obeying orders for once. See? Love him, hate him.
*sings* Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? I've seen the way you're acting like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated...
I also love that the makeup artists are trying to make Laura look like she's dying (I think Mary has even lost weight for the role, yes?), and because Mary is such a natural beauty, she ends up looking all mysteriously beautiful instead. Ha.
D'Anna: No. Why don't you ask about the Final Five? You never asked about them.
Cavil: It's because I don't believe we're meant to know them.
D'Anna: I'll tell you, I'll start shouting out their names. Why do you risk it?
Cavil: Are you going to help end this war or are you useless?
D'Anna: Inhibition's been lifted, oh I sense it.
Boomer: It's the rebel baseship! I think they're going to attack. They're going to blow the hub!
Cavil: That would be mass murder. Death would be permanent, for all of us. They've gone insane!
D'Anna: Permanent death. Well that makes this all the more meaningful (chokes Cavil).
Did I mention that D'Anna kicks ass yet? Ugh, I was having enough of Cavil on my television screen anyways. I'm guessing he won't be coming back then, right? Or do you guys think that he resurrected before the hub was destroyed, and he and Boomer ran off to have beautiful Cylon babies together?
Selix: Cut the frakking cable now you frakking bastard!
I love you, Diana 'Hardball' Selix.
Visually, this is one of the best battles of the series, I think, after the Exodus Part Two and possibly the miniseries (because who doesn't feel so damn nostalgic thinking about that one, huh?). Maybe it's just me, but it seems like they're evolving their CGI a little bit more, perhaps expanding their special effects budget. I don't know, I won't pretend to be an expert in that division. Whatever they've done, it's gorgeous and cool.
Baltar: And that, my friend, is the parable of the mustard seed.
He's so Jesus, isn't he?
On the subject of visuals, this scene and basically up until the end impressed me so much. EVERYONE LOOKS SO PRETTY! Even the blood looks...pretty. And the coloring is pretty. And, and...THE SHOW'S JUST PRETTY, ALRIGHT?
Serious now, there's this thing that James does at the end of this scene, once he looks down and sees the blood. He's speaking without making a sound, making it appear Baltar's in shock, and it's just so fucking brilliant, yes? This episode is also making me remember that James Callis is, like, almost Mary McDonnell...minus the boobs. And the legs. And yeah.
Laura: Put him over there! Easy, slow, easy, easy. Find out what's going on!
The lady's in charge! LOL.
And this begins one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. Why, you may ask? Because this is one of the only scenes I can remember that tested my emotions in a way I've never experienced with a television show really. What I mean by that is, this scene has a complete element of surprise; the minute I was so sure I fucking loved it (I mean, Laura just taking control of the situation!), I began to literally hate it, despise it. And once I was sure I hated it, I began to love it again. This scene also tested my love for Laura Roslin, who up until midway through the scene, was my favorite television character. But don't worry, by the end of it, she went back to her eternal slot as love of my life. Er, maybe that was a little too much to confess for a first picspam.
Anyways, let me explain what that jumble of words up there ^ meant, but first, dialogue...
Laura: (stabs Baltar with morpha) Sorry. You've got this, uh, you've got this big whole in your hide as Cottle would say.
Baltar: Thank you.
Laura: It's the least I can do. I think you're gonna live, as usual.
Baltar: You know something?
Laura: What?
Baltar: You're very pretty.
Laura: (scoffs) Yeah, that morpha worked fast.
Baltar: know why I'm so serene right now?
Laura: You're doped out of your mind?
Baltar: Because I know God. You need God, Laura. Really, you'd be a different woman. I know God, therefore I know myself. The truth is, I was harboring the most awful, desperate guilt. I had a dark, unimaginable, soul-breaking guilt. But now it's gone. Now it's gone, it's been transformed...I have been transformed.
Laura: What was your guilt about?
Baltar: I gave the access codes to the Cylons. They wiped out most of humanity.
This is very reminiscent of TABFAYW, yes?
Alright, this is where I began getting 'iffy' about the scene. Baltar's confession was unexpected, at best, but it also made me regret in advance what Laura would do. She had never been the type of person to 'forgive and forget', so immediately, I was worried.
Looking back in retrospect, knowing how the scene resolves, I am in utter amazement of Mary McDonnell during this scene. She's such a flexible actress, and the emotional 'journey' she's portraying here is so believable when it may have not been had any other actress been in her shoes.
And then, when she makes the decision to murder him, the actual hate that I felt in my gut was overwhelming. Also looking back in retrospect, I worship the writers for creating a scene that actually made me love it, hate it, and then love it again, all in the matter of, like, ten minutes.
So let's talk about why I hated it so much, from that point on.
Laura's decision to murder Baltar (or maybe she was seeing it as 'letting him go', I don't know, she was so far gone at this point). It was selfish. This wasn't a decision she was making for the 'benefit of the fleet'. No, this was her own, personal vendetta; a score she needed to settle out of complete hatred. And as I watched that, I got so mad at the scene itself and at Laura (lol, what other show can make you this upset at a television character) because this wasn't the character I originally fell in love with back in the miniseries. I kept thinking 'if this isn't going anywhere, I'm gonna have to change my layout and usernames and everything'.
Too bad the writers are so much smarter than I. Well, anyways, scene change, so we'll get back to this soon. Wasn't there a commercial break at this point? All I remember was being left hanging scared shitless.
D'Anna: And every Cylon in the universe begins to die.
I like this scene because it's interesting how Helo is handling the Cylons' loss of immortality worse than either D'Anna and the Eight (we need to give her a about Sharonette or Sharon's fangirl or something).
Elosha: I'm not saying Baltar has done more good than harm in the universe. He hasn't. The thing is, the harder it is to recognize someone's right to draw breath, the more crucial it is. If humanity is going to prove itself worthy of surviving, it can't do it on a case-by-case basis. A bad man feels his death just as keenly as a good man.
Laura: What do you want from me here?
Elosha: Just love someone.
Laura: Love. Heh.
I wonder if it's on purpose or completely coincidental that Laura looks like she's praying after she's decided to murder him?
Thank [the] God(s?) for Elosha!
Mary McDonnell, by the way, is a very sexy woman, and I don't think it's something she tries to do. Just look at her standing there in that first frame of her vision.
So we're moving into a scene that I actually started crying over while capping. This is how deep I am, it's terrible.
Bill: Laura...(monitor beeps and goes flat, Laura has died)
Oh and of course the Roslin and Adama theme has to start playing. Just make me even more emotional, Bear.
(Deep down, somewhere inside, Justine really does love this scene in a heartbreakingly beautiful way)
Bill: (kisses her) You go. You go. You go, you rest now. I'm not going to be selfish anymore. You go, rest (takes off his wedding ring and places it on her finger).
Laura: No, no, no, no. Stop the bleeding, stop the bleeding. Don't go. Please don't go, Gaius.
And amidst my tears, ladies and gentlemen, this is where I went from hating to loving the frak out of this scene. Her regret, fear and desperation when she realizes what she's done; the way Mary plays this out makes my heart just hurt for her.
Plus, I just really like watching her work with her hands...
Sharon's Fangirl: Alright, we've got to get D'Anna to the control room.
Helo: No, that's not the plan.
Sharonette: What? What plan?
D'Anna: Interesting...
Helo: I have to take her directly to the president, no on else.
Mini-Me: No, that wasn't the deal.
Helo: I'm just doing what she told me to do, okay?
D'Anna: Double-dealing. It's very human, you never got that, Eight.
Helo: I'm not saying I agree, I'm saying it's my orders.
Memory-stealer: So I pretty much just made a prize fool of myself didn't I? Trust...
D'Anna: Can we go find the president now?
This dialogue is cheesy. Isn't this dialogue cheesy?
LMFAO at D'Anna not really caring what the hell is going on in Sharonette's complicated little mind.
D'Anna: He's injured but I think he's going to survive.
And Laura's like I know that, bitch. I decided to murder him and then I saved his life.
Isn't Lucy Lawless pretty? Guh.
D'Anna: I think it's going to be a long time jumping back.
Laura: I've got time.
D'Anna: (scoffs) Is that right? Well you went through a lot of trouble to bring me here, deceiving your so-called allies. I suppose you've got some questions for me.
Laura: Yes, I do. I'd like to talk about the five Cylons in my fleet.
D'Anna: So you know about the Final Five...
Laura: I know that they're supposed to know the way to Earth.
D'Anna: ...but you don't know that you're one of them?
Cue dramatic music. Go Bear, go Bear.
D'Anna: (laughs) Oh, your face! Oh, that's ridiculous. No, look, I'm not giving you any names, not till I feel like I'm safe because information is all I got, sweetie. I'm mortal now. In fact, I'm the only Three in the whole darn universe. So I got to worry about protecting myself. I'll tell you who the Final Five are, when you take me back to your fleet.
So I'm a bit disappointed, because I'm guessing that since they gave us one omfg-Laura-is-a-Cylon scare, they won't do it twice. And truth is, I kind of wanted her to be a Cylon. Apparently that makes me a bad fan. OH WELL.
I like Laura's reaction, how it's totally uncharacteristic of what she had become so far. She doesn't get pissed off at D'Anna, or get all 'hey bitch, I've got marines outside this door who are ready to take that new mortal life of yours away from you with one bullet, so spit it out!' She's serene and actually finds it a bit humorous that, of course it wouldn't be that easy. But I think her reaction is really testimony to one thing:
TPTB made Laura Roslin a bitch this season so that they could make her not a bitch.
If that doesn't make sense, I think it's like this: Laura needed a journey this season, a trajectory. What better way to plot that journey out then by taking one of the most moralistic and levelheaded people of the series - the leader of humanity - and make her question everything she is and believes, and in the process, turn her into a bit of a bitch that half the fanbase wants to airlock, and then, suddenly, when she's finally lost it, we'll give the character her character back? As cheap as it sounds, it's interesting; it makes an interesting story and it's a reflection of our nature as humans, and I think that for Laura, it most-definitely did its job. I would have rather had this journey for her than one where she sits in sickbay getting treatments all season and doesn't devolve or evolve at all with the exception of hair loss and regrowth.
Laura: You lied to me.
Elosha: Did I?
Laura: I thought I was earning humanity's right to survive.
Elosha: It's not a vending machine, Laura. You don't save a life and then--cue the celestial trumpets--here's the way to Earth.
Laura: I know.
Hybrid: JUMP!
Elosha: It's disorienting, isn't it? All these little, limping steps back.
Laura: I like it, I'm used to it. Every jump brings us a little bit closer to home. home. Maybe there's something there for me.
Elosha: Maybe, even closer.
So now that Laura's learned her lesson about love and she's not getting visions during the jumps, who is this? Head!Elosha? Will she be seeing more of her this season? That would be really interesting I think. Maybe the 'Heads' really are angels of God that He sends when a person is on the right track to their 'salvation', or maybe when He has a big plan for their life set up like he did with Baltar. I don't know, but that makes sense, right?
Oh and, you know how I was talking about Laura looking mysteriously beautiful despite efforts to make her looking like she's dying? I CANNOT TAKE MY EYES OFF OF HER IN THIS SCENE. GUH. SHE IS SO GORGEOUS. And I love the banter between her and Head!Elosha.
There are so many emotions portrayed on Eddie's face here. Determination, fear, worry...just everything you could possibly imagine a man in Bill's position would be feeling. My heart sort of jumped in my chest when he sees the basestar and the Roslin and Adama theme starts up again. :D :D :D
I'm not sure how she got everyone off the deck, but I LOVE that she's standing there all alone waiting for him. Can you imagine how he felt when he first saw her through the Raptor as he was landing?
Mary does that thing when Bill gets off the Raptor that James did earlier, as if she's about to say something but either can't find the words or her voice just doesn't work because she's almost in 'shock'. I fucking love it, it's brilliant and so believable because words? Can you imagine all the words in her mind right now? She's realized that she loves him, needs him even much like he needs her for survival, but how do you say that? I imagine it would be so overwhelming, and I love that Mary did that small yet very important gesture. AND AGAIN, SHE IS KILLING ME WITH THE PRETTY.
Bill: Missed you.
Laura: Me too.
Her face when she says that, it's so vulnerable and little and quiet and makes my heart break with happiness. She looks so serene and overwhelmed at the same time as he reaches for her, doesn't she?
She looks so relieved to finally be in his arms, to finally be 'home', and he looks like a man who literally would have died if she wasn't in his arms. I love how these two powerful, strong individuals need each other. It's such the anti-typical love story, isn't it? Mmm.
Laura: (gasps) I love you.
Bill: About time.
I don't know, some people don't like his response, but I love it. It's so them. They're not a conventional couple, that's the cool thing about them. They're these two opposites yet so much of the same individuals who never would have even looked twice at the other had the world never ended. They went from hating each other to loving and needing each other, from two different extremes and thus being brought together by extremes, that the journey that they've been through is what makes this scene so special.
It's like Bear said in his most recent blog, that he's been a fan of the show since the beginning and he's waited four years for THIS, RIGHT HERE in front of us.
I love, love, love that RDM didn't write them as sexually frustrated individuals who hated each other and yet really wanted to frak each other in the beginning, because had they slept together once or twice during the series and then frakked each other over, it would have ruined this long-awaited moment. I love the Mulder/Scully-ness of the abstinence here (although I think this scene was delivered much better than the X-Files delivered their ship in season 7, sorry to say).
I have so many words to explain why I love these two as a couple, and not just as a couple, but as individuals. In fact, I think one of the reasons I like the ship so much is that I can like each character separately, that if they had never become a canon ship, I still would have gone on adoring Laura Roslin and Bill Adama as separate people.
This has been talked about over at the A/R community, but I definitely noticed it during my first watch. There is so a deleted scene here! You can see, as soon as they've pulled away from the hug, she looks towards his lips and goes in for the kiss, and then it cuts to him pulling away, his lips looking an awful lot like he just got a nice smooch from Madame President. God, that better be on the deleted scenes for 4.0 or Justine is going to cut a bitch or two.
p.s. Mary McDonnell has this scary ability of looking as gorgeous as can be when she's crying. Like, the tears make her just SHINE and I don't get that, LMFAO. Who can do that? Who can look utterly breathtaking when they're crying?
And then we have this beautiful moment, the only moment in BSG history that left me feeling complete when the credits began to role. I can't even explain what I feel when I watch this scene, this collection of incredibly gorgeous moments compiled into one incredibly gorgeous ending. It's perfect, that's all, and if we never get another moment like this in the rest of the series, I can honestly say I would still be satisfied. I never dreamed my OTP would be where they are right now, so all of this is way more than I can ask for.
- - -
And there we have it, my first and maybe final picspam. Feel free to tell me I talked too much (although that was kind of the point, lol), I suck for not calling Cottle the Cylon God even once in this sermon, or should really go to bed now. I would really just love to hear your thoughts on the episode!
I do ask one thing:
- please do not crop these pictures or use them in any way for your own artwork; I worked hard and long on the coloring and composition of everything here and it's only fair that you please respect that.
If you would like to use any of the unedited images, I have compiled all of my screencaps that you see here and many more (334 total) from 'The Hub' into a downloadable .rar file
I'm still having a hard time believing I actually finished this. LMFAO.