Love is always around for the_hp_love, especially in February.

Feb 02, 2009 21:53

Hey guys!

We hope you all are doing well and  feel inspired for share with us all The HP love your Muses may come up with in this new year.

We would like to say two special things before we speak about our new Writing/Drawing Subject:

1) Welcome to all new members who have been requested to be part of our community lately. You all are who make this place be alive and kicking. We can't wait for your contributions for make our archive in 2009 as much good as it was in 2008. Thank you all very much for be together with us.

2) Although the official list is not up yet, there are a  few fics shared here that were nominated for 
  Congratulations to everyone, it's such a honor as we host your wonderful work. Thanks for sharing such amazing HP pearls.

And now it's time for we  open our usual Writing/Drawing Subjetcts!

There wasn't  Writing/Drawing Subject in January, as Mods were expecting for a few late prompts of other Subjects could have been posted. As it didn't happen, New Year, New targets, right?
So let's take care of our February W/D Subject.

It's quite simple. During the month of February write (or draw) and post a Ron/Hermione romance fic(or drawing). It may be a Harry/Ginny, Remus/ Tonks, Molly/Arthur , as it will be about a canon pair.

The fic/drawing must follow our guidelines, which you can find in our Info Page.

Have fun!

Thanks in advance!

The Mods

new members, february writing/drawing subejct, rhr_awards

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