"My Very Own Chocolate Frog Card"

Feb 05, 2009 06:01

Title: "My Very Own Chocolate Frog Card"
Author: missgranger2
Rating: GP
Characters: Ron Weasley, Hermione Weasley, Rose and Hugo Weasley
Genre: Total fluff!!!

Ron gets excited that he finally has his own Chocolate Frog Card!

Thank you to Queenb23more for the beta work. She is a delight to work with! I apologize for this being so "fluffy". I have felt kind of down lately and needed a lift. I just felt like writing a "feel good" short story all of a sudden! *hugs*

Hermione put her hand to her forehead and sighed. It had been a rather long day at work. There was a stack of parchments that still needed to be gone through. Will it ever end? She enjoyed her job in Magical Law, but sometimes a case would come her way that required her to put an incredible amount of time in.  With this new case, she had been researching since seven that morning and it was close to seven in the evening now.   Hermione glanced wearily at the stack of parchments she hadn’t been through yet and shook her head. I just can’t look at anything else tonight. I should have been home two hours ago as it is!

Her mind made up, Hermione stood up and grabbed her cloak from the coat rack. She then picked her satchel up from where it had been leaning against her desk and opened it, stuffing the last of the parchments inside and moved to the fireplace and took some Floo powder from a container on the mantle. She stepped inside and disappeared in a sea of brilliant green flames.


Hermione stepped out from the fireplace in the lounge. She wanted nothing more than a long, hot bath and perhaps some of Ron’s leftover stew he had made the night before. Hermione gasped as she looked down at the coffee table. There was a mountain of Chocolate Frog wrappers upon it, with several more littering the floor around it.


His slightly muffled voice came from the kitchen. “Yeah?”

Hermione shook her head and walked straight to the kitchen. She covered her mouth with her hand and gasped again in shock. An even larger mountain of Chocolate Frog wrappers was on the kitchen table. Hearing the rustling of paper, Hermione walked over to peer around the large paper hill. There at the kitchen table sat Ron, along with their nine year old daughter and seven year old son. They were each busily unwrapping a Chocolate Frog.

“What on earth is going on here, Ronald?”

Rose and Hugo jumped up at the same time and yelled, “Mummy!”

As the kids ran to give their mother a hug, Ron smiled sheepishly. “Well, you see… my ah…my Chocolate Frog came out today.”

Rose and Hugo excitedly walked back over to the table and sat gingerly back down by their father. Hermione put her hands on her hips. “So?”

“I wanted to see if I could find one so I did a bit of shopping.” He gestured with his head behind him, where a dozen or so boxes sat. Ron cleared his throat as Hermione began to glare at him. “I figure we’ll find one eventually.”

“Are you mad? Just how many Chocolate Frogs did you buy exactly?”

Ron gulped. “I bought all they had at Honeydukes.”

“And exactly how many was that?”

Ron bowed his head and mumbled something.

“What was that?”

He sighed. “Twenty-five boxes plus what they had out on the shelf.”

Hermione groaned. “Ronald Weasley!”


“Why on earth would you buy up all the Chocolate Frog cards they had when the company sent you the first one ever made? You had it framed along with mine and hung them both up on the wall in our study, for goodness sake!”

Ron ran his hand through his hair. “It’s not the same.”

“What do you mean ‘it’s not the same’?”

“Well, you see the fun in collecting Chocolate Frog cards is trying to find the one you want.” As she began shaking her head in frustration, Ron continued. “Plus, you never know which famous witch or wizard you’ll come across.” He gestured with his hand to the three large stacks of cards in front of him and the children. “Why, Rosie even found a Gertrude Gasby card and there were only something like five hundred ever made!”

Hermione arched her eyebrow at him. “Remind me again how many of our cards the company said they were making.”

“Thousands. But that’s not the bloody point!”

“Language, Ronald.” Hermione folded her arms as Ron scowled at her. “The point, as I see it, is that you went and spent Merlin knows how many galleons on boxes and boxes of Chocolate Frog cards for no good reason as you already have one of your cards!”

Just as Ron was about to retort, Rosie chimed in. “Mummy! Mummy! I found your card!” She jumped up and ran over to Hermione, holding the card out to her.

Hugo jumped up and ran towards them. “Let me see! Let me see!” Rose rolled her eyes and allowed for her brother to take a look before offering it back to her mother.

Hermione unfolded her arms and took her card from Rosie. She couldn’t stop the corners of her mouth from twitching as she smiled. “So it is.” A moving picture of her was on the card. She was carrying a copy of  Hogwarts: A History under one arm and holding her wand with the other. She almost gasped out loud when she read what the card stated as her greatest accomplishment -- helping defeat Voldemort!  Admiring her card, she glanced up at Ron, who was smiling knowingly at her. Rose and Hugo went back and sat down. Hermione cleared her throat and pulled a chair from the other side of the table. She pulled it over next to Rosie and took a seat. “I suppose I can help you look, too.”

Ron winked at her and nodded. “Brilliant.” He picked up another Chocolate Frog pack and began to open it.

“One thing, though.”

“Yeah?” Ron asked as he ripped the pack opened.

“Please tell me the three of you haven’t eaten all these Chocolate Frogs.”

Hugo shook his head and gave his mum a lop-sided grin. “Of course not, Mummy! Daddy’s been making us drop them into this box.” He pointed downward with his finger.

Hermione saw that there was, indeed, a box completely filled with Chocolate Frogs. She took a deep breath. “Thank goodness!”  She picked up a pack and began to open it, noticing Ron eyeing her with amusement. “What?”

“Exciting, isn’t it?”

“What’s exciting?”

“Seeing your face on a Chocolate Frog card.” He grinned at her. “Admit it -- you were all in a dither when you saw your card, love.”

“Maybe.” Hermione shrugged but couldn’t help smiling back at him. “Do you think we’ll find one of yours?”

Ron shrugged. “There’s bound to be one of my cards in these boxes.”   He looked at the card from the pack he just opened and his face fell. Ron sighed as he dropped the Chocolate Frog into the box and placed the card on top of the stack.

Hermione gave him a sympathetic look. “Don’t worry, we’ll find one.”

“I’m starting to think we won’t, as we’ve been at it all afternoon.”  Clearly irritated, Ron grabbed another pack and violently ripped it open as he grumbled. The Chocolate Frog and wizard card fell from the pack as he tilted it downward towards the table. Ron’s eyes went wide when he stared down at the card. “Th-that’s me! I found one!” Clearly excited, the kids leaned towards him to see their father’s card.

“Wow, Daddy!” Rosie said in awe.

“That’s cool, Daddy!” Hugo hugged his father tightly.

Hermione smiled and pushed her own card towards Ron. He picked them both up and looked at them intently, a broad grin on his face. Hermione got up and came to stand behind his chair as the whole family admired their cards.

“This is one of the greatest days in my life -- my face on a Chocolate Frog card!” He shook his head in disbelief. “Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought such a thing could possibly happen to me!”

Hermione bent down and gave him a peck on the cheek. Seeing Ron and their kids so excited and happy made Hermione forget about her long day at the office. She smiled fondly at Ron, who was reading his Chocolate Frog card to his children. Hermione had always been proud of him. And now the Wizarding world would know just how brilliant her husband was too.

ron and hermione

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