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fan_elune August 26 2008, 09:19:50 UTC
That had better be a look due to being deprived of food/water/sunlight/conversation (clearly vital as well) for so long, and not him ageing and eventually dying. Or maybe it's from a future where he loses his powers. But it doesn't have to come to pass. No, seriously, they don't have the right to kill him off.


the_grynne August 26 2008, 09:32:37 UTC
I would be so unbelieveably pissed if they did. SO PISSED. I would STOP WATCHING HEROES AND START WRITING ANGRY FIC DO YOU HEAR ME.

Which is why, for now, I'm choosing to give them the benefit of the doubt.


fan_elune August 26 2008, 09:37:49 UTC
It would actually be bad writing to kill him off, beyond any bias we might have for him. You don't kill off a character like that, not unless you have a damn good reason and I can't think of one.

AUs would bloom all over the place. Denial would be the word. Dude. Seriously.


the_grynne August 26 2008, 09:50:46 UTC
So far, Heroes has be incredibly stupid in NOT killing characters when it would have made a lot of sense to do so. Now, for Nathan or Sylar or Niki to still be around (ESPECIALLY Sylar), and yet to kill off the ultimate villain who is unkillable, is STUIPIDITY. For heaven's sake, show, have a little common sense.

I enjoy watching the Petrelli's overwrought family drama, don't get me wrong, but it wouldn't be enough to keep me watching if the show lost both Adam and Elle. The melodrama is so repetitive, and no substitution for a plot.


fan_elune August 26 2008, 09:58:55 UTC
See, now it's full on bias that makes me go DON'T KILL SYLAR. Or Nathan. But feel free to kill Niki. But mostly don't kill Sylar. He's utterly fascinating.

We are not losing Elle either. This is not open to discussion, show, it's a bloody order.


the_grynne August 26 2008, 10:03:58 UTC
I enjoyed Sylar so much more as a character when he was used more sparingly. Right now, he's lost most of his menace. I'm not sure what role he's suppose to serve any more. Is he a cautionary tale? On the way to redemption? Writers, do you even know? The idea of giving him a romantic interest was just so musguided, in my view.

Niki should stay dead. Tar-eyed Madonna too. Give me a female character I can love, show! Give me Angela Petrelli!


fan_elune August 26 2008, 10:52:22 UTC
Do you mean Maya as a romantic interest? Or have I completely occulted a whole part of the show. She really should have stayed dead, yes. God, how I loved him for shooting her, and was disappointed in him for bringing her back. Except how of course he cares nothing if she lives or dies, and he'll kill her again without a second thought if she gets annoying. She's no more than a fly to him. An annoying fly buzzing around.

I bloody well hope he's not on his way to redemption, in case that wasn't obvious. And yesplease to more Angela Petrelli. She needs to have scenes with Adam.


the_grynne August 26 2008, 12:12:50 UTC
Maya was initially brought in as an intended love interest for Sylar, but in the rewriting (thankfully) most of that seems to have gone. Yet her entire storyline still feels excruciatingly superfluous. Or maybe I just took against her because she cried so much. Meh.


fan_elune August 26 2008, 12:19:00 UTC
Oh dear god I am so thankful they never truly went there. Her character annoys me to no end, but there were times when I enjoyed her storyline... wait, no, bad phrasing. There were times when I enjoyed seeing a side of Sylar that had never been developped before. Now if they'd shown him sleeping with Mohinder back when they were teaming up, it would all have been extremely superfluous. And the Mohinder/Sylar stuff would've been so much more interesting to see than Maya/Sylar, as as much as Mohinder can annoy me, he's still a much better character than Maya. Sadly, Mohinder/Sylar is just fanfic ( ... )


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