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fan_elune August 26 2008, 12:19:00 UTC
Oh dear god I am so thankful they never truly went there. Her character annoys me to no end, but there were times when I enjoyed her storyline... wait, no, bad phrasing. There were times when I enjoyed seeing a side of Sylar that had never been developped before. Now if they'd shown him sleeping with Mohinder back when they were teaming up, it would all have been extremely superfluous. And the Mohinder/Sylar stuff would've been so much more interesting to see than Maya/Sylar, as as much as Mohinder can annoy me, he's still a much better character than Maya. Sadly, Mohinder/Sylar is just fanfic.

Still. Now she's served her purpose and allowed us to see how far Sylar will go in manipulation and make believe, and she should die. Why oh why did he have to bring her back to life.

I watched X3 again a couple months ago (I'm still not sure why I did that to myself) and the one moment of squee I got from it was when the character she plays died. Oh yeah. That actress needs to do something good and interesting if she wants me to stop hoping her characters are gonna kick it.


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