or pull and see how much we can undo

Apr 10, 2010 16:13

Yesterday was a day of less awesome than Thursday - as predicted, I was very unproductive. For starters I didn't wake up until nearly 11... After a shower I had to go to the TPR office to pick up a key for work, then I waited forever for a C-2 to take me to Trent for the APSI forum where Jordan and Kathi were presenting their capstones. The forum was... long. It started half an hour late, then went for two hours. >.>

I went home, grabbed my car, and drove to UNC; after talking to Professor Bardsley for a bit, I stopped by Chill to get boba for Jordan and Yao. I stopped by Jordan's to give her hers, then went to Bryan to meet up with Yao at the Duke store. She then wanted to go shopping for sandals - and as usual, she was quite particular about what she wanted - so we drove to Southpoint to do a half hour of shopping.

Surprisingly, we went through the shoe departments at Macy's and Nordstrom before we went to Aldo and she found the perfect pair. She enjoys putting things in my hair, so we went to Hot Topic (yes, yes, cry a little inside bitches) and I now have a tiny hat :3 To wear... Well, I'm definitely wearing it Tuesday to class. We even stopped into Express and I got a hot pink shirt with shiny things on it.


There was sundress shopping at Macy's, even though Yao won't wear dresses because they're not safe. I got one that is the color of bubblegum.

Then we had dinner at Maggiano's on the other side of the mall, which was super delicious. omnomnom pasta and stuffed mushrooms. We even managed to finish off the creme brulee!

By the time I got home it was nearly midnight and I was pretty done for the night. I had to do a couple of things before passing out because I had work this morning DX

I also haven't eaten at all today and my stomach is reminding me of this fact. This must be remedied like. Right after I brush my teeth. Then I might either sleep some more or clean my apartment. Today or tomorrow I must also go out and do laundry because our washing machine is still broken. Cry.

grad school, work, shopping, friends, real life, school

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