
Apr 09, 2010 08:14

I wore my super cute white loafer heels to Japanese yesterday morning, to discover that I need to do some more work on them. They're still too big and slip off if I wear them too long, and I need more arch support. Japanese itself was kind of a pain because we had a lesson quiz >.> I have no idea what the 決まり文句 for a letter are. BLARGH.

I then went home to finish reading The Doctor's Wife and eat lunch, which almost made me sick. The book, on the other hand, caused weird revelations as to extremely unfounded concerns with my future as a mother. I don't want to be horrible and awful to my children-in-law and I don't want to be awful to my children and I don't want to lose children and baaaaaaaaaaaww ):

After class at UNC I struggled with my paper for a bit with Professor Bardsley, then went back to Bryan Center for Al Gore's talk. You'd think for a university with this much money they could improve their audio equipment. We were in Griffith for the simulcast and there was that horrible, sharp, raspy edge to the sound that drove us insane. Nevertheless, Gore is a great speaker, very polished and funny and a Blue Devil fan, so I'm sure that helped :P

I hunted down Yao and we picked up Jordan, and I decided that we should have dinner at Outback (because Yao loves meat, and she said it's really expensive in Taiwan). We were basically done with our dinners and were waiting for dessert when John Scheyer and Brian Zoubek came in with one of their friends. Yao like, seriously freaked out. Jordan and I were kind of watching when they came in, and when Yao turned around she kind of shrieked and then turned back to us really quickly.

She says it's not safe to talk to famous people. She also says that wearing dresses isn't safe.

So they were seated like, 5 feet away and I was like, just go over and say hi. Which made Yao flip out even more. She was really giggly and nervous the entire time, it was so hilarious. She informed me that if I went over to talk to them, she would just leave, which made Jordan laugh hysterically. After dessert I actually did go over to congratulate them, and Yao was like, out the door, so Jordan and I thought she was making good on her promise.

Turns out she just didn't notice me going over to their table, because when we got outside she asked why I didn't go over, and Jordan and I were both like, "Uh... I did."

And she proceeded to freak out in the parking lot.


I feel so special because I picked such an awesome place to have dinner.

I freaked out about being a parent someday to Jordan and Yao, both of whom agreed that I seem like I would be a really fun parent, but that apparently fr rlz I'd be really strict and like, OMG SHUT UP. I admit to being the one who put the kitten in the bathroom, shut the door, and turned up the music so that I could do work. I also shut her in the refrigerator and shower in hopes of teaching her not to go in there.

It also rained last night, which knocked some of the pollen out of the air so I could open a window, but I've already killed a wasp and a roach in my apartment and so I'm sort of over living here.

Today is going to be massively unproductive. I CAN FEEL IT ALREADY.

go blue devils, grad school, japanese, friends, real life, school

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