The end is in sight

Nov 07, 2008 01:36

Tomorrow I need to get through class, work, Genderbox, work, law school advising, the API Fair (i.e. work), and the Teach for America app. Also possibly Quizbowl practice. And I really should do a practice GRE. Then I take the GRE on Saturday, and I'm almost free!

*sigh* Oh life. Why do you suck so incredibly?

In (other?) good news, I've been invited to interview with one of the employers at the Boston recruiting day. So oh boy, I get to go back to Boston! In January! When there's snow!

3,967 / 50,000

About 20 minutes of writing today. My first word war of the year!

writing, work, nanowrimo, real life, school

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