Sep 11, 2009 22:30
So I found a tick on my foster dog, Pearl, today. Nothing serious, it hadn't embedded itself, had actually changed sites-which is what tipped me off lol-and was easy to remove. I saved it in case I need it for testing or something to make sure Pearl hasn't contracted anything from it; it's likely I won't need it though. I've found myself watching it in its little container a lot, slightly facinated, but mostly disturbed because I am reluctant to kill the darn thing.
Now, of course this has to do with my belief that every living being has its right to exist, but I almost feel sorry for the damn thing. I have NO problem killing mosquitos, no guilt whatsoever. I'll admit to a small twinge of regret every time I kill one, but it passes easily. So I am totally boggled at my reaction to this tiny blood sucker. It's a parasite, looked down upon in general and to varying degrees. But I can't help thinking... so are we parasites, if you want to be technical and literal. We are nothing more than parasites to the living world, Earth. The tick didn't get to choose its life, it just is, and it has to survive.
So I find myself staring at it helplessly trying to climb the walls of the container, and feeling sorry for the damn thing. I am uncomfortable with the feeling of being all powerful over something. I don't want to decide its fate, it's not mine to decide as far as I'm concerned. While I'm staring at this helpless little parasite, I find myself thinking...
"Well what if I gave it some blood?"
I also have to ask myself, "If you don't want to kill it, don't feel its right, then is it better to let it starve to death?" What is more cruel? What is least honorable?
Despite my beliefs, I'm not sure what to think, or do.