Raphael from "Angel Sanctuary" (
App Percentage:
87.8% (dup)
Played From: June 2007 to present
That's How Long? 3 years and 5 months
Total Comments: 57,898
Reason For Apping: God, Raph... I don't even know where to begin. I apped him because I wanted this character in CFUD, and I was going to do my best to get him. The past 3 years with Raph have been a roller coaster, and I'm far from done. Raph has character development very slowly and goes on chaotic binges where he fucks over half the people in his life, and never quite figures out why he keeps tripping on his shoelaces. I think there's part of me that wants to make up for the lack of extended development he and the other Archangels don't get in canon, which is why I don't feel that he's done in Camp. In fact, I doubt he'll ever be done in Camp as long as I'm playing here, because he is my baby and that is that. Raph never stops developing; he has thousands of years to make up for, and I intend to hold onto him. He's mine. :E
Select Option 3? FAVORITE CR EVER AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Raikou, Axel, Itachi, David, Mika, Setsuna, Sara, Hatter we have the most amazing Hatter EVER, Sebastian, Konatsu, Takanari, CHIZU-NEE, the list goes on. AND WILL CONTINUE FOREVER.
Also, once LJ develops the technology to keep icons intact in threads after you change the keywords, I'm replacing all of Raph's old keywords with Savage Garden lyrics.
Axel/Akutare from "Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories" (
App Percentage:
95.1%Played From: July 2007 to November 2007
That's How Long? 5 months
Total Comments: 2,527
Reason For Dropping: About 2000 of those comments happened over the course of two and a half months. I played him FRANTICALLY at the beginning because he was a completely new type of character for me (my second character ever!!!!) and I had a hilarious and awesome Adell and Rozalin, and then I became too exhausted to continue. He's still totally my favorite Disgaea 2 character, though. Also, I like to think he was the spiritual predecessor for Soma, and that they would have gotten along fabulously.
Delita Heiral # 1 from "Final Fantasy Tactics" (
App Percentage:
89.7%Played From: September 2007 to March 2008
That's How Long? 7 months
Total Comments: 3,013
Reason For Dropping: IT WAS TOO EARLY. I had no idea how to play him initially and he was one of those characters who was so attached to his home world that I ended up fighting with myself on whether or not to keep him because he was just so stubborn!!! Dropping and reapping him helped immensely, because it was only the second time around that I was able to properly develop his smarm and pompousness.
Dr. Jizabel Disraeli from "Count Cain/Godchild" (
App Percentage:
92%Played From: December 2007 to August 2008
That's How Long? 9 months
Total Comments: 5,235
Reason For Dropping: I couldn't play him anymore! It was a wild and weird experience playing Jizabel, and I had a blast at times. But around July I realized that it wasn't working out anymore, and I let him go to... go back home and die. Except my headcanon says that he lived in another world and settled down in the French countryside somewhere because I did want him to have a happy ending of some kind.
Select Option 3? NII. NII. Good gravy, that was fun. I haven't had a relationship that psychotic between my character and someone else's since. I may be coming up on one with Claire, but only time will tell. I loved Katy and mine's sexy crazy doctor/scientist.
Eugénie Danglars from "Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo" (
App Percentage:
85.2%Played From: January 2008 to April 2009
That's How Long? 1 year and 2 months
Total Comments: 6,241
Reason For Dropping: I don't think it was anything special, it was just that she had run her course and I felt like I'd run out of things to do with her. But! Playing Eugénie was a wonderful experience for me because she was my first female character, and in playing her I learned about how to play female characters well. All my girls come back to Eugénie in one way or another. Her struggle for independence, identity, love for herself and for her important people are the things I worked on developing the most while playing her. If I hadn't done that, half the female characters I've played would just not have happened.
Select Option 3? Eugénie's the most normal character I've played, but also one with the most impact in my skill as a roleplayer. Gankutsuou is the most beautiful anime I've ever seen, to this day. And her CR with Albear, Franz, Peppo, Yuki Sohma, Yuki Eiri, Fujisaki, Brook... I loved it.
Ten-chan from "Pet Shop of Horrors" (
App Percentage:
94.5%Played From: March 2008 to November 2008
That's How Long? 9 months
Total Comments: 2,942
Reason For Dropping: Lack of canon to work with + inability to maintain that level of mysticism = dropped fox. Tetsu and Ten-chan had run their course, and I was out of good ideas. And I was really against the idea of playing him at a sub-par level, because I have this thing about doing justice to characters, even if that means only playing them for a short period of time.
Select Option 3? Ten-chan and Oz!!!!!! I LOVED THEM SO MUCH AND I STILL LOVE THEM BAWWWW OZ
Gale from "Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga" (
App Percentage:
96%Played From: April 2008 to May 2009
That's How Long? 1 year and 1 month
Total Comments: 3,091
Reason For Dropping: I played Persona 4. NO REALLY. Gale was the precursor to me playing Naoto, because their voices are so similar and it was like he prepared me to play her. I absolutely love him as a character and he and Naoto are tied for Favorite Megaten Characters. He's an absolutely spectacular character who breaks my heart every time I play DDS. I wish I did him more justice because he deserved to be played more consistently. That having been said, I am really fond of my Gale and when I played him. The DDS cast in Camp is consistently incredible and kept me going for the longest time. Gale is the father figure of the Embryon and I loved playing that.
Select Option 3? Gale is the one character I've played that I will not feel broken up over if someone else reapps him. In fact, I want someone else to app him, because he is truly and utterly my favorite DDS character, and the Embryon needs him in Camp. I would also be DELIGHTED to play him and Naoto off one another. SERIOUSLY, THINK ABOUT HOW AWESOME THAT HAS TO BE.
Delita Heiral # 2 from "Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions" (
App Percentage:
98%Played From: July 2008 to July 2009
That's How Long? 1 year
Total Comments: 5,845 - 3,013 = 2,832
Reason For Dropping: I had quite literally explored everything I could do with him. He is and will always be my forever baby (look, I renamed my OOC journal to
haeralis, the name given to Delita hundreds of years after his reign as king, for a reason), but his time in CFUD is over. That having been said, I'd totally reapp him if he had an ongoing canon where I could explore more depths with him. IF HE APPEARS IN DISSIDIA YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN.
Select Option 3? Easily one of my top five favorite CRs of all time is Delita/Ashe. I have never played a character more pretentiously arrogant than Delita and any moment I am not playing him, that need is still there.
Vaan from "Final Fantasy XII" (
App Percentage:
92.2%Played From: September 2008 to July 2009
That's How Long? 10 months
Total Comments: 2,936
Reason For Dropping: Sigh. Vaan is a character I still miss from time to time, and in fact will probably be a character I am always in love with. He's someone who still pings me, I will always love FF12 and every game in the Ivalice Alliance, but once Penelo dropped I realized I couldn't maintain Vaan in an environment where he felt trapped. Vaan's a free spirit type, and after a while I just felt bad keeping him in a place where he couldn't spread his wings.
Select Option 3? I FUCKING LOVED PLAYING VAAN IN HIS HEY-DAY. Zidane and I had amazingly rad times with them, coming up with all sorts of headcanon for them and how the FF12-verse relates to other Ivalices, and so on and so forth. Also,
the Christmas caper is still probably my favorite thing ever. His app is also the longest I've ever written.
Himemiya Chikane from "Kannazuki no Miko" (
App Percentage:
89.4%Played From: December 2008 to January 2009
That's How Long? 1 month
Total Comments: 95
Reason For Dropping: DERP DERP this was a bad decision. LEARN WELL, KIDS: Don't app on a whim for a character you don't like that much without having someone to app the character that character is massively dependent upon.
Select Option 3? This canon is so hilariously bad but I love it. I'm still a big fan of my
horrible pimping post. I also really like her username.
Ichinomiya "Maora" Yoshitaka from "Shinshi Doumei Cross" (
App Percentage:
98.2%Played From: March 2009 to November 2009
That's How Long? 8 months
Total Comments: 3,157
Reason For Dropping: Maora became the second casualty of my biggest apping problem, which is that I cannot maintain crack characters beyond a few months. I absolutely adored playing her, loved her cast, loved her CR, loved what I got to explore with her, and honestly thought with all that love that she'd be my new primary. But I lost steam too fast, and had to slow down. Her drop is one that I wish I'd been able to do better, because she became really attached to Camp. I had a blast writing her two Christmas letters, though:
2009 and
Select Option 3? DEVIT-KUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN ;~; Of all my characters, Maora is one of the top three I want to do post-Camp stuff with because I loved her CR with Devit, as well as Hajun and Hali, so so so much. Convincing Shuri that he is King of the Faeries was also brilliant. I've thought about reapping Maora, and if I ever figure out how to fix my problem, I probably will.
Naoto Shirogane from "Persona 4" (
App Percentage:
94.4% (dup)
Played From: May 2009 to present
That's How Long? 1 year and 7 months
Total Comments: 8,312
Reason For Apping: Oh gosh. Naoto's app story is one I'm still proud of, because I wrote her app over the span of three days before the deadline at an incredibly frantic pace. I had just finished playing P4 the week before, and got my pings hit hard. At that time, not only did I know that someone else was planning to app Naoto in the upcoming round, but I had also spoken to two other people who had also planned apping her at some point, too. It was intimidating; roleplayers I respect who I know could play Naoto spectacularly had their eye on her even aside from the apper who was going to app Naoto, whose identity I of course didn't know. I stepped back for a second, looked at myself as a roleplayer, asked myself if I was that reckless, and said fuck it. I would have fought tooth and nail for this girl, and when my app won in the dup I spent a full fifteen minutes running around my house dancing and cheering. Naoto is a character who is never leaving my lineup as long as I can manage it. Even when 4/5 of my cast dropped last year and I seriously considered letting her go as well, I held on because I could not bear the thought of not having Naoto in my lineup.
Select Option 3? This is sort of embarrassing to admit, but I think part of the reason why I'm so determined to play Naoto is because I feel I owe it to the character to do a good job. I want Naoto to make an impact. I want her to do everything she possibly can and then some. Her CR is fantastic, and I love all of it, especially Jennifer, Judith, and Raven. I have amazing castmates and all of it drives me more to keep up with her.
Robin Sena from "Witch Hunter Robin" (
App Percentage:
72.9%Played From: August 2009 to present
That's How Long? 1 year and 4 months
Total Comments: 6,892
Reason For Apping: Robin's story actually goes all the way back to 2006, a full year before I successfully apped Raphael, when I still wasn't in CFUD. I thought to myself: if there was an opportunity for me to app, there's only one character I'd have the urge to play, and that was Robin. I even wrote an app for her on a whim which I knew I'd never send in because I wasn't allowed. I just wanted to see if I could! But it stayed in the back of my mind for a very, very long time. Robin is my favorite female anime heroine of any anime I've ever seen, and still is to this day. WHR is and will always be a series that is close to my heart, and for the two years I played in CFUD without her, in my spare time I was thinking of how to properly capture her voice in an app, because it's tricky. When I finally managed to nail down that voice for her, I apped her as soon as possible. Her app percentage is the lowest I've ever gotten in any of my apps (not counting the one that didn't get in), but I don't give a crap because it took me three years to write it.
Select Option 3? Robin is the closest thing I have to a perfect character type: easy to play, full of hidden depths, subtle but also a little wacky, and has endless potential for character growth. Between that, the Demonverse games, and her absolutely incredible CR, I don't see myself playing without Robin in my lineup for a very, very long time.
Saïx from "Kingdom Hearts" (
App Percentage:
98%Played From: November 2009 to present
That's How Long? 1 year and 1 month
Total Comments: 4,141
Reason For Apping: I played 358/2 Days and went oh my heart. Saïx helped me discover a ping I didn't know I had: the jealous ex ping. When I played KH2, Saïx seemed like an interesting character but one that was just not developed enough. After playing Days and seeing the interactions between him, Axel, Roxas, and Xemnas, I knew I could play him. He was an angry, bitter, mean, sadistic shell of a man who still wanted, more than anything, to get his heart back-- and didn't give a shit how ruthless and twisted that made him. I needed another villain in my lineup, and Roxas encouraged me to app, so I caved. He's hard to play, because he fits a type of character I need to examine closely from time to time, but I still love him so much and want to keep playing him for as long as I can.
Select Option 3? KINGDOM HEARTS IS THE CANON THAT KEEPS ON GIVING. I am still so grateful that a month after apping Saïx, the announcements for Birth by Sleep came out and I got backstory for him, which is something I never, ever anticipated. The dynamic between Axel+Saïx and Lea+Isa is one of the best things Square-Enix has ever given me. I will love them forever. I NEED TO PICK HIM BACK UP AGAIN, but I'm positive I'll get back into the swing. ♥
Haruka Tenoh from "Sailor Moon" (
App Percentage:
95.7%Played From: March 2010 to June 2010
That's How Long? 4 months
Total Comments: 1,105
Reason For Dropping: I ran out of steam, and so had Michiru. We had so many plans for them! I'd actually been wanting to app her for like six months. I went through a series of like three apps where I played genderqueer characters and if there was a canon with that type of character I went HHHNNNGGHHHH *_*. I've loved Sailor Moon and Haruka since I was nine, she's still one of my favorite fictional characters ever. And I do miss having a character who is just that smooth sometimes, but I couldn't maintain her anymore.
Select Option 3? I love her icons for no other reason than the fact that I took old old scans of the original Mixx copies of Sailor Moon and turned them into something halfway-decent. Being a dad to Hotaru always gave me warm fuzzies, too.
Soma Asman Kadar from "Kuroshitsuji" (
App Percentage:
96.2%Played From: June 2010 to November 2010
That's How Long? 5 months
Total Comments: 1,435
Reason For Dropping: I HAVE THIS PROBLEM WITH HIGH ENERGY/CRACK CHARACTERS. You'd think after my first two failures (Axel, Maora) I might have figured out that I can't play these types of characters for more than a few months without burning out. The first few months were great! I had lots of fun! But around September, I realized I had nothing else I could come up with on how to maintain Soma because the crack was running out, especially since his major source of support (Agni) wasn't around.
Select Option 3? That CFUW game Sera and Shuri ran where I abused the span tag and Sera banned Soma's account for too much HTML was beautiful. I am also sad that I have yet again dropped a character who had amazing CR with Devit. T_T
Claire Stanfield aka Vino aka The Rail Tracer from "Baccano!" (
App Percentage:
93.9%Played From: October 2010 to present
That's How Long? 2 months
Total Comments: 1,928
Reason For Apping: You ever find a character that awes you so deeply it strikes some deep dark part of your soul you didn't know existed? Claire is that character for me. I fell madly in love with Baccano! within five minutes of the first episode. This show charmed the pants off of me. There is something so wildly, darkly, hilariously charismatic about it and Claire is the culmination of years worth of leveling up as a roleplayer for me. I could not have pulled him off until this point, and I am so glad I waited four months before having a go at him because he is the type of character I needed to sit back and plan for.
Select Option 3? Claire's intro has now topped Maora's in terms of intro posts I am most proud of. I just adore playing him when I do, and he lets me explore areas of RPing that I've not touched upon before. I want him to touch all the campires. His bromance with Lloyd is my new favorite CR.
I've played here HOW long? 3 years and 5 months
Overall Comment Count: 113,780
Shortest Kept: Chikane
Longest Kept: Raphael (3 years, 5 months)
Highest Percentage: Maora (98.2%)
Lowest Percentage: Robin (72.9%)
Successful apps: 16/17
Table code from
Juri, who I am not actually damning because I ♥ her.