Yesterday at work we had a meeting in which we went over what each person's duties would be this week. My supervisor made notes on the large whiteboard and when she was done, she pushed a button and the most wonderful thing happened. The sheet she wrote on started moving to the right and rotated all the way around the back and as it did, it printed out a copy of what she had written on the board. It was amazing! (I know, I'm easily impressed).
So, in other news, work's going pretty well. I'm doing okay and seem to be holding my own in all I've been trained on and am picking up new stuff very quickly.
This weekend was nice. On Saturday we went to
Beef & Boards to see "Away in a Basement". I even wore an ugly Christmas sweater to go match the theme. I must say, while I really adored the first two Church Basement Ladies shows, this one was pretty lame. It seemed overly forced and just wasn't that strong a script. Still, the cast gave it their all and did their best to rise above the dreck of a script they were given.
Sunday was spent running errands and then attending an outreach meeting at church.
Overall, things are going rather well. I got a call today and I'm still in the running for the job at Dow. Which is rather good news all around. Great pay and possibly better hours.
So, that's pretty much it for now. I will talk to you again soon.