(no subject)

May 13, 2009 10:43

Well, last night's Board Meeting was pretty interesting. Our illustrious host forgot about it and had to be called to turn around and drive back so he could attend. Plus, almost half of the board members weren't there. Still, we got stuff done.

Afterwards, beldar, friendstephen & I went out to Qboda for dinner & to work on the programming grid. We got quite a bit done and once the timing conflicts are resolved, most of our gaps should be filled and the schedule should be done. It's really shaping up quite well and should be pretty impressive once we're done. I know we've been rather worried about our programming schedule but after seeing this morning's rough draft, I think we're gonna not only be fine but have a very entertaining one. In fact, the main complaints I foresee are from people who couldn't see everything they wanted because there was so much offered.

Not too much else going on right now. Just a reminder that since I've got the car charger for my phone, my cell is once again available for calls. I do turn it off while I'm in bed at night to save power but it's pretty much on the rest of the time.

Well, that's it for now. I will talk to you again soon.


coj, phone woes, convention

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