(no subject)

Dec 09, 2008 09:46

Yesterday I ended up going home early mostly from the stress at work and an allergic reaction to the dust on the holiday decorations. I'm feeling better now but my stomach is a bit iffy. That's partly because the bitch is wearing a perfume that smells like rancid nursing home.

Not too much exciting happening in my life currently. I think this weekend we're going to try to see some of the Christmas productions we haven't caught around town yet.

I did decide that I'm going to have a cookie party on Saturday the 20th. If you want to come, let me know. If you are planning to bake, you need to bring at least 5 copies of the recipe and and special ingredients, supplies or pans you will need. I've got plenty of cookie sheets and tons of cookie cutters so it should be a good time. We'll each make a batch or two of cookies and then take home a nice assortment of everything that was made (and not eaten). We can also play games and just have a good time all day.

On the work front, I mentioned to the boss that the bitch is no longer making the corrections that I put on her work. She's also destroying all record of the changes I've made. Luckily, I made some notes on the actual invoices and she didn't make the corrections but she threw my written on ones in the shredder box and we don't have a key so I have to catch her at it tomorrow.

As beldar said yesterday, if I submitted this as a script to "The Office" they wouldn't accept it as it's not realistic enough.

Well, that's it for now. Talk to you again tomorrow.


bitchiness, food, party, work, health

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