(no subject)

Dec 10, 2008 08:33

I had a dream last night that I was reading a horror magazine and in it there were recommendations for movies to watch. They each had a glossy picture from the film and I had seen them all. On the second page there was a small still from "Hellraiser" and when I looked at it it started playing. I watched it and it was a scene not from the movie but one that easily could have been. It was very detailed and involved many extremely elaborate machines and mutilations and I was surprised by the sheer intensity and graphic nature of it all. I wish I could show it to you. Strangely there was an intense beauty throughout even in the most violent parts.

Well, today's the Company Holiday party and I can't wait to see what sort of entrance the bitch makes. I know she's going to pretend this is all for her and I really can't believe her audacity. I also can't believe that after yesterday when I proved she not only didn't make the changes she was supposed to but she broke the chain of procedure as well that she's still here. My hope is that they're waiting until after the party to toss her on her ear but I don't hold out too much hope in that.

Last night while we were watching stuff on the DVR, we caught Monday night's edition of "The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson". It was a beautiful and tender show. He was on vacation last week because his mom died on Dec. 1st and he had to go back to Scotland for the funeral. He had just gotten off the plane and had to tape the show and was really having a hard time of it all. However, he made it through and the show was a sweet and touching tribute to her and I'm really glad I got to see it.

Now on a happier note, I know I haven't been announcing them here lately but today is the birthday of beldar's sister ambwilson who I will miss very much not seeing this holiday season as well as the lovely rollick. Please feel free to wish them birthday greetings aplenty.

I must go now. Everyone have a good day.


holiday, friends, work, birthday, bitchiness, scars, sadness, dreams, tv review

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