(no subject)

Oct 17, 2008 11:27

Well, work is really hopping again. I finally finished the Use Tax forms for all of our states. That was kind of scary. There's not a lot of instruction to go on for each state's website so I had to print the forms from last month & work my way through it. Still, I'm glad to have the experience.

Since beldar's car seemed to be over heating when he brought it home on Wednesday, we carpooled to work yesterday. It went pretty well. He actually made it to my work on time for once. Since we're hardly ever on the north side of town together these days and I have been craving sushi like mad, we went to The Journey for dinner. It was wonderful. Not only was the sushi great but they had little beef rolls filled with enoki mushrooms that totally melted in your mouth. While the place is not particularly cheap, it's well worth the money for the quality of food you get.

It seems that the neighbors are going on a couples retreat this weekend and are having trouble finding a dog sitter. They asked us if we would help out and since Lucy (dog of the devil) is behaving better towards us and actively being sweet to me, we agreed. Lucy was so funny last night as she was trying to rip her leash off. She appeared like a dog possessed. Still, she actually came to me when I called her and wanted pettins (which she never does).

Well, that's really all I have for now. I'll post again later as it's LJ Idol voting day again.


food, animals, work, neighbors

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