(no subject)

Sep 04, 2008 12:47

Well, I am still having problems with my coworker. I am beginning to suspect that she is changing some of my entries to make me look bad and to try to get me fired. I have begun saving copies of my daily reports to have something to check on just in case. I say this because every day that there is a check run, we are each given a list of invoices to take off of "hold" status so they can be paid. She's now calling into question any of my invoices that she finds on her list. Not only is this hateful, spiteful and unprofessional it just really accentuates her reluctance to be a team player. She is now openly refusing to use the assignment board and being outwardly uncooperative with everyone.

Still, I do love my job and hope to get hired on soon.

Not much else really going on. I did have some really intense dreams last night, though. I had one in which I was watching an episode of "Barnaby Jones" and it dealt with a murder during a Harry Potter convention (I know the time-lines are impossible but it is a dream). I was trying to DVR the show to watch it later when I became part of it and the murderer was after me. I tried to hide in a bedroom but he came in. However, he had poor eyesight so if I stayed still and was even only slightly behind something he couldn't see me. He finally tried to catch me and I ran down the hall and hid in a closet. The closet bulged out with me in it but he passed me by. He later almost caught me under a bridge but I was rescued by a friend in an RV. We all got inside the RV and then the friend's husband tried to get in but she licked him out to prove how sturdy and safe it was. He was a police officer so he shot at the doors and tried everything he could but he couldn't get in.

Later I was part of a group that had been in a plane and we were stuck in the forest. Most of us had found a large vehicle (similar to the above RV) and were rounding up everyone so we could escape. However, three kids and two adults were taken captive by a group of about 10 passengers who it turns out were Nazis and trying to kill us all. We were trying to rescue them when we trapped the Nazis in a house and burned it down.

While the dreams were strange, I had a wonderfully restful night and slept great.

Not much else going on right now. Tomorrow is the Whoosier Network meeting. Saturday is the after-con party for CoJ. Sunday is currently blissfully free. I'm hoping it remains that way and we can get some cleaning done at home so we can get started playing some of the great games we picked up at GenCon.

BTW, if any of you out there are interested in playing some of them, let me know. The more opinions we can get, the better.

Well, that's it for now. I've got a bunch of work to do since tomorrow is month ending (accounting-wise). Talk to you tomorrow.


coj, doctor who, annoyance, gaming, stress, work

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