(no subject)

Sep 05, 2008 11:58

I know I've been bitching a lot about my coworker lately, but I would like to once again reiterate that I adore my job. My boss called me into his office this morning to inform me that he was going to have the company pay me for Monday's holiday. He had asked me last week if the temp agency gave us Holiday pay. I said yes but I don't qualify for Labor Day but I will qualify for the next Holiday. So, he made sure that I am getting a full week of pay this week. I so love my boss. I so want to work here permanently.

For some reason my nose has been stopped up. It started last night and it's still that way today. I'm also feeling a little fuzzy. I may call the Coumadin clinic later to find out what I can take if it's still this way tomorrow. I'm finally feeling back to normal. I really don't want to be sick now.

Not much else really to talk about. I've got a very busy weekend ahead with lots of fun planned. I hope everyone out there is also going to have a great weekend. I will post again later if I can.


happiness, holiday, work, health

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