(no subject)

Sep 03, 2008 11:22

Well, my Coumadin number is down to 1.7. Possibly because I took a 5mg pill instead of a 10. I can't find the leftover 5mg pill in by bottle of 10s. I took 15mg yesterday and am taking 10 all other days until Monday's next test.

I did make it home in time to clean but the bathroom floor is going to need a solid scrubbing. I may do some spot scrubbing soon if I can. After I finished I had to run out to the car as it had begun raining. I stayed in the car for a while and finished cleaning it up. However, with the storm picking up, much of this was done with the windows up (ie hot and sweating profusely).

Needless to say, when beldar got home, I was exhausted. Still, we had to get groceries so we headed out and got some. Afterwards, we got dinner. Our landlord's partner never showed up or called but we'll call him tonight and report the toilet so he will come soon. I'm wondering that if it really is a crack in the base, mightn't some caulk fix the leak. We may try that tonight.

Since I was busy at work yesterday, I missed out on all of the political ramblings. On the whole, I'm with Obama and taking the high road. Besides the fact that someone's chickens have come home to roost, I really understand a lot of the situation. Basically, Alaska is a lot like backwoods Arkansas.

I did hear on the radio today a comment that Alaska has great resources of oil and gas but obviously not rubber.

OK, that's all done.

Things at work are very interesting. One of the girls in the department has always been at odds with another one and she is always pointing out everyone's faults. She only has a few day's seniority on me but has finally been hired on full time. She's really going to town lately about wanting everything to be done her way and not accepting an equal division of work duties. She's also the slowest worker we have and I am constantly having to do half of her work because I'm the fastest. Frankly, the only time we are absolutely at peace is when she's not here (which is very rare). She's the first one in and the last to leave and is annoyed that she doesn't get overtime anymore. I really wish she'd just get fired. She is making things very stressful and not being a team player which all of the rest of us are.

We got a wipe-off board to divvy up the tasks and she won't fill out her part and keeps erasing it if anyone else does. I'm really hoping she pulls another stunt so the boss will have an excuse to fire her. I know that I'm not going to save her ass if it goes on the line and I don't think anyone else will either. *EDIT* she just erased all of the lines on the board and the boss noticed that it wasn't fully filled out. He likes it so maybe ....

I know you guys probably could care less but it's just nice to blow off steam a bit.

Anyway, that's it for now. I will post again soon.


politics, annoyance, stress, work, health

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