Who Do You Love ...

Feb 12, 2007 16:37

Well, I survived another week of LJ Idol. I'm hoping to get a jump on the competition by getting this week's entry in quickly. This week's topic (probably inspired by the Holiday and everything) is: The One I Love.

As for me, the one person I love most would, of course, be beldar. He and I have been together for just over 14 years now and we have stayed together and in love through everything from illness (his cancer & my brain abscess), unemployment (mine, his, ours, etc.), moving (5 new cities, one new state), new and used cars (8 so far), job and career changes amongst other trying challenges.

We've lasted longer than his marriage. While there are often times I want to wring his neck, I remember some of the sweet little things he can do that make him so lovable and endearing. He agreed to leave a convention (and an awesome party) that we had both been looking forward to for months just to take me to see a Glenn Tilbrook concert (he enjoyed the show but really could have cared less if he had gone to see it or not). He stood in the freezing weather so I could get a good space close to the front of the stage at the Finn Brother's concert. He puts up with listening to the music I prefer in the car rather than what he enjoys (our tastes often overlap but he likes a lot of stuff that I hate). He drove out in the snow a couple of years ago just to deliver a dozen roses to me at work so my coworkers would be jealous (didn't work but it melted my heart).

He cooks for me. He makes my tea (a beverage that I could not live without). He washes the dishes (by hand). He carries in the groceries, pumps the gas, kills the bugs, cleans the house and so many other sweet little tasks too numerous to mention.

He puts up with my depression (which is no easy task). He is always surprising me with gifts of penguins or other things that he knows would make me happy.

For Christmas he surprised me with a gift card from Williams Sonoma (even though he shares in the cooking, I still love to cook myself). On the envelope he wrote the following:

So many times I see you in the store Looking and Wishing but leaving empty handed and sadly saying "Someday ..." NOW, "Someday" can be today!

For those of you who know me, I often tend to take a Zen approach to shopping for myself. Unless I absolutely need something or it's very cheap, I feel that I can come back for whatever it is and if I am truly meant to have it, it will be there. This is what the above passage refers to.

How can you not love someone like this? Now for those of you reading this who are not his friend, go check him out and please vote for him in this week's poll. He's a really wonderful person and a fantastic writer and deserves all of the love that he can get. I'd like your vote as well, but would rather you vote for him over me.

bliss, lj idol, happiness, happy, beldar, love, friendship

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