Oct 22, 2010 10:29
Normally, most people who had only caught about 5 hours sleep would be shattered when they got up, but strangely enough, when i got up this morning, i actually had some get-up-and-go. the complete opposite of this time 2 weeks ago.
The late bedtime was due to a combination of getting in at 8:30 from the anime and manga society, then having to wash-up, cook, eat, do laundry, wait for laundry to finish washing, put washing in dryer, wait for dryer to finish, wash up from eating, and the less-imperative task of watching a gripping bit of "Kamen Rider W"
I got into bed at about 1am, but due to a flatmate being more drunk than he's ever been, there was some noise that kept me up for another half-hour.
I'd set my alarm for 10 mins before I was supposed to get up, so I could hit the snooze once, giving my body time to "adjust" to being awake.
After that I actually had enough motivation to eat breakfast and get my lunch ready.
So one of the most wide-awake Friday mornings, which was just as well as the topic for this morning's Computer architecture Lecture was a bit dry, and had i been a bit more tired, i probably would have zoned out
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