Oct 08, 2010 15:00
Up to now, I've not been a fan of energy or stimulation drinks, and would choose something else given the choice, but today a can of relentless was a necessity.
As I'm supposed to be in a Computer Architecture Lecture at 9am on Fridays, I set my alarm for 7am (1 hour to dress, get breakfast, make lunch and wash up, then get the 8:05 bus at the Rowditch to uni, arriving at uni about 25 minutes before the lecture), but for some reason it didn't go off, and I found myself getting woken up by the insurance measure I set up on my PDA at 7:45
Having overslept, I had 15 minutes to get to the bus-stop, luckily I'd packed my bag the day before so it was a simple case of get dressed, grab bag and get out. I still had 10 minutes before then, so I quickly went to the convenience store and got myself some cereal bars to keep me going. Having got on the late bus, I found myself nodding off, so I decided that I needed to get something to keep me awake.
When I got to uni I made a beeline for "Keddies" (the Student's union convenience store). I bought a can of relentless and then picked up a bottle of drench from a vending machine on my way to the lecture. I decided to save the relentless for an emergency, so downed the drench and went to the lecture.
Near the end of the lecture I was feeling tired, so I decided: go to "Madison's" (the English food outlet in the higher food court) and get a proper breakfast (AKA: a fry up) and have the relentless then.
After eating, I drank the relentless when writing the last entry, and then went to my next lecture on Basic Maths Techniques. This was a 2-hour snooze-fest, going over maths techniques I'd learnt anywhere between years 9-12. Today it was rearranging equations, expanding brackets, factorisation, and binomial expansion. Which further highlights the urgency that I must ace those maths tests, as for each I do, I can skip up to 4 weeks worth of BMT sessions (by ace I mean get 100% as otherwise the tutors don't see you as having fully mastered the topic)
Now that's over with, I'm nearly fully rested, but I still plan on seeing if I can avoid most of the hour-long Basic Maths Techniques Tutorial session I have at 4pm
general events,