And now for something...

May 06, 2010 01:44

Despite arguments contrary to the existence of invisible pixie-gremlins, Gilderoy was undeterred. Questions as to why he'd needed his book to be rid of the creatures, generally, went unaswered, ignored or else were dodged by any means of distraction necessary. The whos and the whys weren't that important. The important thing was to be rid of the beasts before they started attacking the man instead of just his bed. The one good thing he'd discovered was that Joey was a good friend, a splendid singer and likely an excellent actor.

Some time during the past week, he'd found himself in the Rec Center. He would never have admitted to being lost and thankfully no one had asked. While he'd been resting on the beautiful, though slightly outdated couch, a programme had started up. Gilderoy wasn't one who spent any amount of time wasted in front of those television devices normally. That is that he preferred to spend his time in front of the cameras. In actuality, Muggle adoration wasn't the top notch to his list of achievements, though it certainly didn't hurt. Being Gilderoy was a full time experience and finding oneself in such a situation, one did not want to sit around wasting ones' time. Or so Gilderoy would have explained to anyone who might have found themselves as him. However highly unlikely the possibility, one just never knew what was possible when fighting the Darker Magics.

In any case, a programme started which involved a Ministry of Silly Walks. Gilderoy had been about twenty when the programme had first aired. Viewing it again, he'd had two thoughts. One, he really missed ministries. There was a terrible lack of them on the island. And half a dozen remedies to that situation immediately came to his mind. Secondly, John Cleese seemed awfully familiar. Something about Hogwarts, though he couldn't quite place it. To be fair to Gilderoy, Nearly Headless Nick had been petrified for most of Gilderoy's term at Hogwarts.

Eventually he'd made his way back to the Compound. A matter which likely involved following a familiar looking person. Or perhaps, he'd simply ventured down paths on his own.

Today found the golden-haired man once again in front of the bookshelf. No sooner had he entered the Rec Room than the jukebox started up a lively version of John Philip Sousa's The Liberty Bell. Gilderoy took no real mental notice of the song, but did begin to whistle along jovially. Whistling as he thumbed over the titles of today's selection, he soon discovered a theme. The future book he would write about magical pest removal for Muggles was still not forthcoming; however, there was an inordinate number of books whose subject was Monty Python's Flying Circus or the members of the troupe. Amongst the books, there was an unmarked film reel.

"Aha," Gilderoy said to himself. Perhaps this reel was somehow connected to his unwritten book. He wasn't familiar with the projector; however, he was far more determined to be rid of those pests than be defeated by Muggle film equipment.

[Apologies again for the last EP! Ministry of the Silly Walk Help Gilderoy with the reel or else watch him struggle to success. The reel contains the same segment of the Ministry of the Silly Walk.]

gilderoy lockhart

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