Time goes by so slo-- suck it, madonna

Oct 06, 2009 04:43

Wednesday morning and she was still stuck in this hellhole. If it wasn’t her doctor (ugh, she had a doctor. How low could she sink in this fucking place?) making sure she didn’t leave, it was Asher watching her like a stuffed hawk, twitching half out his chair every time she moved a muscle. Even glaring at him - constantly - hadn’t shifted his ass from the seat and when she'd finally given up and told him she’d just wait for him to fall asleep before leaving, he’d laughed and told her he'd like to see her try. It seemed he knew her better than she knew herself for the first couple of days of imprisonment. She slept more than she was awake, barely aware sometimes that the lights were about to go out while she was half-way through a weary sentence. One revelling in her murderous plans for the future, most likely - not so scary sounding when it’s interrupted by a croaky sigh and then blissful silence.

Danica had been craving her brother’s attention for a long time but that wasn’t exactly what she had had in mind.

The cough had to get nastier before it was meant to get better. This morning was the first time she had woken up with both her lungs in place. A few moments later she was hacking one up but it was still a personal best. Now she sat, half propped up, arms crossed loosely over her stomach, legs much the same beneath the blanket. Despite having been without food for the best part of a week, Danica was determined not to touch a thing that was given to her, more so if she didn’t know where it had come from. Or who had made it. And though it was a clinic, not a real hospital, the saying about food still held true in her mind. Not that she had ever been in either before in her entire life. And with a distinct lack of television and alcohol, she had abso-fucking-lutely no plans to return.

In fact… Pushing herself up a little bit, she strained her eyes and ears, checking around the room. With no-one there right then this was probably her best chance of escape, and then she’d be able to return Asher kind favor and laugh in his face when she was free. Throwing off the blanket, she swung her legs over the side of the bed, then looked at the IV in her arm. It couldn’t possibly take a fucking genius to work out how to get it out.

[ooc: Dated to Wednesday because I'm moving back to college and wanted to get it up before I leave. To find out why she's in the clinic click here. SL/LT very welcome! Old and new pups, familiar, unfamiliar, doctors, other patients, she's there for anyone to torture! Chocolates would be nice but we don't hold out much hope :T]

danica talos, delirium, stephen colbert

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