(no subject)

Oct 05, 2009 21:49

Some things are better practiced just as night falls, in the twilight where most people have given up and gone on in for the night.

Especially when those things have to do with the very touchy subject of testing whether or not one Gold Chocobo can do what she's been bred and hatched to do.

Yuffie tried not to chew nervously on her thumbnail. Stupid little girl habits, always cropping up where they weren't needed. Besides being the Greatest Ninja of all time, she was aiming for Greatest Chocobo Rancher of all time. The birds needed a steady hand and a calm voice, and definitely not someone who was very aware that what worked back on the Planet didn't always work here.

"Okay," she said to the bird who wasn't so little anymore. "I won't love you any less if you can't do this. But just to make it clear, this is your destiny. Your ancestors traveled over ocean and mountain, long ago, back when the Cetra walked the Planet and Jenova was just another bitch with an attitude problem. You can do this!"

Mako looked at her steadily. Wark!

"That's my girl," Yuffie enthused, and unsnapped the bridle, setting it on the sand. "And I'm trusting you to come back too, okay? No power trips." She let out a long breath.

Snapping her fingers in the way that would indicate Mako should follow, Yuffie walked to the edge of the ocean, until she was about ankle deep in the surf. The choboco trotted after her, and splashed in the surf with interest.

"Come on," whispered Yuffie. She crossed her arms over her chest, hugging herself, hoping and wishing and--

--then Mako let out a familiar cry and began to run, run so fast that in only seconds, the water was under her feet instead of above. As the chocobo gathered speed, she moved further and further from land, racing across the water, a golden glint against the setting sun.

Whooping and hollering, Yuffie jumped up and down, arms in the air, the joy bubbling through her until she might burst. "WE DID IT," she screamed, hearing the music from the race track pounding through her head. "WE DID IT!"

serena van der woodsen, yuffie kisaragi, the doctor, chuck bartowski, wolverine, calvin o'keefe

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