Aeris knew it was going to be a wonderful day from the moment she woke. The rain was pouring outside, and she had found a wonderful new
outfit in the clothing box. The sound of the rain was akin to a living, breathing static, that blurred out the silence of the island, and brought every little detail of it to life. She had waited at first, to make sure that the rain was not just a tropic shower, but on this second day, it was clearly here to stay for however long the island felt it should.
The occasionally oppressive heat was still missing, in favor of cool air and dark clouds. Some people might have been disconcerted or upset by it, but Aeris took it as an example that the island still lived, somewhere deep down inside.
She hummed along with the sound of the rain on the boardwalks, and spun in happy circles while it poured. She was soaked, even through the heavy coat the box had offered, but that didn't matter. She could warm up later. She had always loved the rain, even when she could only glimpse it through the plate on the horizon.
Now, she danced to the music of the island that she could almost hear, and held her face upward toward the rain, eyes closed and grin wide. If no one else could see the reason for celebration, then they simply weren't looking hard enough.
[OOC: Set all of the 2nd. She's in a wonderful mood, and its a great time to meet her. ST/LT ♥ ]