daemonmuses: Ten really awkward conversations, ten habits other people would like you to break, and ten things you hope people will say about you.
Ten really awkward conversations
- "I am not a Slitheen."
- "Now, when I said 'impossible'..."
- "Who parks a police box on top of someone's garden? Honestly... the nerve of some people!"
- "I am not having sex with your daughter. ...Nor will I have sex with you."
- "Your fiance was using you in a nefarious alien plot. Also, I'm really not from Mars. Would you like to see how the Earth was formed?"
- "I am not having sex with your... Haven't I had this conversation before?"
- "First, it was an accident, and second, I didn't so much touch him as bump into and subsequently get bitten by him. Who touches an angry leopard anyway?"
- "Of course you didn't mean what you said when you said you loved me! In fact, that conversation never happened."
- "Yes, I did leave you stranded in the year 200,100 because you make me uncomfortable. Sorry."
- "What do you mean, where's my daem- oh. Loreana!"
Ten habits Loreana would like the Doctor to break
- Poking things (which are generally best not poked and possibly dangerous).
- Licking things.
- Apologizing for everything under the sun (so to speak).
- Thinking telling someone "don't" or "stop it"... will actually do any good.
- Saying "what could possibly go wrong?" just because he's bored.
- Using the word "impossible" (until he looks it up in a dictionary).
- Using the words "it's complicated" - you don't make friends with smart people so you can treat them like idiots.
- Never. Talking. About anything. Ever.
- Running away - not from aliens and explosions, just from... you know... people.
- Being incredibly stupid for someone so smart. ...Is that too much to ask?
Ten things you wish people would say about you
Alright, let's be honest. People say things about me all the time, and for plenty of good reasons. Time Lord, saved the universe dozens of times and various subsections of the universe a lot more than that (Speaking of which, Earth? Be less jeopardy-friendly.), and... well, if we're still being honest, absolutely brilliant. People notice me, can't help that.
I've been honoured or banished or both by rulers here and there, and there's bound to be records somewhere. UNIT and Torchwood together probably have enough files on me to fill several good-sized libraries, and there are... certain people scattered throughout time and space who mention a Doctor every now and then. Fire and ice and rage or terror and blasphemy and death, the Oncoming Storm or someone's lonely angel or just "I love him"...
It's best anyway when people don't talk about me. Better, safer if no one knows my name, if it's "Doctor who?" instead of "oh, that Doctor!" Best when no one remembers me at all.
Editor's Note: See above, re: habit #8. And #9. And probably #10 too. -Loreana
Muse: Tenth Doctor
Word Count: 471