ate a bunch last night, but it was no worse than last weekend, which means i still have the majority of my allowance points left. and that's a good thing. went for a run this morning. it actually felt pretty good and i had some good music playing, so i ended up going longer and burning 200 more calories than i had planned. and after overindulging a bit last night, i felt a lot better, less guilty and not so bloated. i think the
new running shoes i got this week helped too. (i actually got them even cheaper than what they're listed for now; they were temporarily on sale for $24.95, so i ordered them. super comfy and took practically no time to break in!) good morning so far.
english muffin- 1
cream cheese/s.f. jam- 1
turkey- 1
pear- 1
baby carrots- 0
PB2- 1
f.f. clam chowder- 4
8 oz beer- 1
popcorn- 2
prunes- 1
tuna- 2
sandwich thin- 1
cauliflower w/ low fat cheese- 3
vitatop- 1
pb2- 1
fudge bar- 1
s.f. pudding- 1
total points used: 23/22
activity points: 55 min. run (7), pulling weeds (1)- 8
net points: 22
WAPs: 23/35 remaining