m a s t e r l i s t

Apr 27, 2015 02:00

disclaimer - my writing is purely fictional. any resemblance of the characters in my fic to their real life counterparts is based on headcanon and does not reflect or claim to be a true portrayal of who they are.

♥ - favourite

♔ B.A.P

» give it up
yongguk/himchan; nc-17; ~2500
“you’ll be begging soon enough,” yongguk growls into his ear, all hot breath and deep, husky voice. pwp. model au.


» nobody but you
junhyung/kikwang; pg-13; ~5800
kikwang knows not to hope and want and love but junhyung unravels him like string. office au
» attention
junhyung/kikwang; pg-13; ~5700
is it so awful that kikwang wants all of junhyung to himself?
» release
junhyung/kikwang; nc-17; ~3800
kikwang was just horny and really junhyung could have tried to be a little more concerned about remedying the situation. pwp.
» do i dare?
kikwang-centric; junhyung/kikwang; pg-13; ~3700
he is a nightmare that kikwang doesn’t want to shake off.
» if i wake up tomorrow will you still be here?
junhyung/kikwang; nc-17; ~1500
junhyung is clingy and needy and wants only kikwang sometimes and kikwang is all too ready to comply. pwp.
» moon and tide ONE | TWO
doojoon/junhyung/kikwang; nc-17; ~9500
at some point, they all blurred into one. at some point, kikwang fell in love.


» crawling into bed with me
minhyuk/jiho; nc-17; ~2800
minhyuk's been waking up to a not completely unwelcome suprise in his bed lately.
» it's a fire
minhyuk/jiho, jaehyo/jiho, minhyuk/jaehyo; nc-17; ~3000
minhyuk is black smoke, curling around jiho like a claw, choking. au.
» the city is at war
minhyuk/jaehyo; r; ~3900
jaehyo thinks that perhaps, when this is all over, if he could be one of minhyuk’s friends, if he could ask him to go have a cup of soju that it would be rather nice. war au.
» to believe in belief
jaehyo/jiho; pg-13; ~300
jaehyo believes in jiho, believes he can overcome anything.
» the art of getting what you want
minhyuk/jiho; r; ~300
jiho really wants to go see this fireworks show.
» dick is a six letter person
jaehyo/yukwon; pg-13/r; ~3000
block b plays twister.
» oppa
jaehyo/jiho; nc-17; ~2600
jiho's such a good boy. really, he is. pwp.
» clockwork
minhyuk/jaehyo; nc-17; ~3100
jaehyo is the stretch of the sunset and minhyuk is a little more than just in love.
» in sickness and in health
jaehyo/kyung, jiho/kyung, minhyuk/jaehyo; pg; ~1900
three sickness related block b drabbles. one written for each pairing listed.


» what it meant to me
junmyeon/jongin; nc-17; ~2300
junmeyon still doesn’t move, just shifts slightly so that jongin feels like the entire right side of his body is touching junmyeon and he loves this. canon.
» hey, i head you were a wild one
wu fan/yixing; nc-17; ~2200
wu fan’s always liked a quick blowjob. besides, fundraising galas were boring anyways. pwp. au.
» give me a part of you, for a part of me
jongin/yixing; nc-17; ~5500
jongin thinks that yixing and he are just a broken mirror, shattered glass the only remnants of the impact. canon.
» you can't have peace without a war
wu fan/yixing/luhan; nc-17; ~10 700
yixing feels as though he’s being split into two, blunt blade digging between his shoulder blades, attempting to cut straight through his spine. one lung for each of them, an arm and a leg, but he wonders who’ll end up with his heart. canon.
» let me keep your secrets
wu fan/yixing; nc-17; ~6200
wu fan finds the rush to be a little dizzying, spreading yixing out across his sheets like a patient. pwp. au.
» it's all in your head
yixing-centric, onesided!wu fan/yixing, wu fan/luhan; pg; ~1200
yixing’s never been much good at winning. canon.
» make it better
wu fan/jongin; pg; ~1500
jongin's got a stomach ache. canon.
» the right answers
wu fan/jongin; nc-17; ~3200
jongin gets a little adventurous. pwp. canon.
» on your knees
jongin/chanyeol; nc-17; ~1500
“I’m going to make you gag on my cock today, hyung.” pwp. canon.
» take care of me
wu fan/sehun; nc-17; ~2500
sehun wants to be a good boy for his daddy. pwp. canon
» once bitten, twice shy
yixing/lu han; pg-13; ~3300
yixing’s never been prone to jealousy but lu han’s always been the exception. canon.
» just yours
kyungsoo/yixing; nc-17; ~1100
it's comfortable, kyungsoo has always been so comfortable. pwp. au.
» slotmachine
sehun/exo, jongin/sehun; nc-17; ~1900
sehun finds himself on his knees for all his bandmates to see. pwp. canon.
» photography connoisseur
zitao/jongin; pg-13; ~1400
jongin keeps a 2gb folder of tao photos on his computer and tao finds out. canon.
» dreaming of you
kyungsoo/sehun; nc-17; ~780
sehun has a little situation. pwp. canon.
» just us, you find out
zitao/jongin; nc-17; ~2600
jongin goes looking for a midnight snack. he gets something better. pwp. canon.
» i kissed your mouth and back
lu han/zitao; nc-17; ~7000
lu han’s catboy is overeager and perpetually horny but sundays are for spoiling. pwp. domestic!au.


» you can count on me to misbehave
hyorin/bora; nc-17; ~2200
it’s then that hyorin notices that bora’s sleepwear is an oversized t-shirt which falls off one shoulder and leaves her tanned legs almost entirely uncovered. pwp. au.


» a heavy heart to carry
beast/block b; junhyung/jaehyo; nc-17; ~4000
cube was his dream. jaehyo wonders when that dream grew to include junhyung as well.
» accidentally (or how jay park falls in love) ONE | TWO | THREE ♥
jay park/b.a.p; jay/yongguk; nc-17; ~6200
jay park doesn't fall in love. or at least, that's what he tells himself.

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