fic: take care of me [exo]

Nov 26, 2012 23:42

take care of me
wu fan/sehun; nc-17; 2500
sehun wants to be a good boy for his daddy. pwp. canon.
warnings: established d/s relationship, daddy kink, humiliation.

take care of me

Sehun comes to realise that the chances of getting time alone with anyone in EXO were next to impossible. They were always in each other’s space and normally Sehun didn’t care much, but today, when he feels horny as fuck and a little desperate under Wu Fan’s concentrated gaze, he really wishes they weren’t a band of twelve members.

Jongin’s telling him something, but Sehun isn’t paying attention, only daring to meet Wu Fan’s eyes for the briefest flash of a second. His mind’s getting ahead of him, thinking up scenes to play out, to set in motion, dick half hard just at the thought of it.

“Are you even listening?” Jongin snaps at him, annoyed and Sehun, always ready to dash Jongin’s hopes, shakes his head. “Not really.”

“Asshole,” Jongin mutters, sinking back into his seat. He follows Sehun’s eyes to where Wu Fan is sitting across the room with an animated Chanyeol and less than impressed Baekhyun. It’s just the five of them in the living room, Junmyeon and Jongdae having escaped earlier into Joonmyun’s room. Sehun resents them a lot.

“Are you two just going to eye-fuck each other for the rest of the night?” Jongin asks dryly, and Sehun flushes, hand flashing out to hit Jongin square in the chest. He whines in pain, hitting Sehun back before scowling darkly. “And here I was going to offer to distract Chanyeol and Baekhyun for you.”

“I’ll do your laundry for a week,” Sehun offers immediately, sounding over-eager but he doesn’t care. He needs Wu Fan to fuck him until he can’t think straight.

“No you won’t,” Jongin snorts, and Sehun knows as much but he tried.

“Come on, please.”

“You owe me a favour,” Jongin says and Sehun nods his head enthusiastically, grinning at Jongin. “You’re the best.”

“I know,” Jongin smirks, rising up from the couch and going for the X-Box remote controls. “Hey Chanyeol, want to watch me beat your ass at Halo.”

Chanyeol, always a little too easily distracted, laughs, already moving to grab the second remote. “Bring it.”

“You sure you don’t want your girlfriend to help you?” Jongin nods his head in Baekhyun’s direction, who raises a perfectly manicured eyebrow at Jongin. Sehun thinks that maybe Jongin should be a little concerned for his well-being but then again, Jongin’s confidence in himself was always blinding enough that he felt it necessary to compete over everything.

Sehun motions toward Wu Fan, head tipping toward the front door. EXO-M’s dorm is empty, the rest of their bandmates having gone out shopping. Wu Fan nods at him, and Sehun slips out of his seat and out of the dorm before anyone realises. When he gets to EXO-M’s front door, he thinks about punching in the code and entering the place before Wu Fan makes it out of EXO-K’s dorm but the sound of footsteps behind him tells him he’s too late.

Big hands wrap around his waist and he’s pulled into Wu Fan’s arms, warm and comfortable, Wu Fan’s breath falling against the shell of his ear. “Did you miss me, baby?”

Sehun can’t help the little whine he lets out, one of Wu Fan’s hands slipping under his t-shirt. The cue for the scene leaves him a little nervous, still embarrassed by how easily Wu Fan unravels him when they play, how easily he begs for Wu Fan’s cock. But he wants it tonight, he thinks, the press of Wu Fan’s cock against his ass sparking desperate want in his belly.

“Y-yes, Daddy, I missed you.”

The sharp intake of Wu Fan’s breath has Sehun rethinking himself but only for a split second as Wu Fan unlocks the door to the dorm and pulls Sehun in, hand tight around his wrist. Wu Fan takes him straight to his room, locking it behind him as he pulls Sehun flush against himself, kissing him hungrily, a hand tightening in Sehun’s messy hair. He moans, knows that Wu Fan likes it when he’s loud and they’re alone, for once, so he figures it’ll be alright.

Wu Fan yanks his head back, exposing his throat, tongue licking up until he can suck on the skin beneath his jaw, teeth nipping and scraping as Wu Fan makes his way back to Sehun’s mouth. “How much did you miss Daddy, baby boy? Tell me. Did you touch yourself thinking about me? About all the filthy things Daddy could do to you? Tell Daddy what a little slut you are.”

Sehun shudders under Wu Fan’s gaze, fingers tightening in the fabric of his cardigan. His mouth’s gone dry but he knows better than to let Wu Fan’s questions go unanswered. “I-I missed Daddy so much,” he says, swallowing around his embarrassment, unable to meet Wu Fan’s eyes. “And I, I thought about h-how Daddy’s fingers feel inside me, how his big cock always makes me so f-full.”

"Did you fuck yourself open, baby?" Wu Fan asks him, a hand palming his ass and Sehun moans as Wu Fan's fingers dig into his asscrack, dragging upwards.

"Yes, D-daddy," Sehun can't get the stutter out of his voice, feeling small in Wu Fan's arms. "Every night."

"Every night?" Wu Fan sounds surprised, shoving Sehun up against the room's door to push a thigh between Sehun's legs. "Were you that desperate for my cock, you little slut? Desperate for Daddy's cock to fill you up."

Sehun ruts against Wu Fan's leg, already panting, and desperate for his cock to be touched. He knows Wu Fan can tease him all night but Sehun doesn't think he can last that long, not with Wu Fan's hands finding his nipples and pinching them roughly. "Fill me up, Daddy, please. Please, I'm Daddy's little slut, please Daddy."

"Look at you, already begging, fucking whore." Wu Fan twists his nipple, swallowing Sehun's cry of pain as he pushes his tongue into Sehun's mouth. Sehun can barely breathe, heart beating erratically in his chest as he grinds down against Wu Fan's thigh, hands fisted in the fabric of his sweater. Wu Fan doesn't break the kiss until he gets annoyed with Sehun's t-shirt, pulling it up and off of him. He bites down on one of Sehun's nipples, pinning him to the door as he reflexively arches into the touch.

Desperate for more, Sehun forgets that there are rules he's meant to follow, that Wu Fan expects him to adhere to unless he wants to be punished. "P-please Daddy, haven't I been a good boy?"

Fingers wrap around his throat, squeezing too tight and Sehun recalls that he can break the scene by using Wu Fan's name but he isn't scared so much of being choked as he is of the bruises he won't be able to cover up in the morning. But more than anything, he wants to please Wu Fan, wants to hear him tell Sehun that he's a good boy, that he took his punishment like a big boy. "Do you think you're in any position to judge how good you've been?"

It's terrifying how cold Wu Fan can sound and Sehun can't help the tears that run down his face, head shaking. "No Daddy, no, I -- I'm sorry Daddy, I won't do it again. I'm so sorry. I'll be obedient, Daddy please."

The grip loosens and Wu Fan slides his thigh out from between Sehun's legs, pushing him toward the bed. "Strip."

Sehun does as he's told, sliding out of his sweat pants and briefs in one go. They lie pooled on the floor and Sehun's body pulses with heat, embarrassment colouring his cheeks as Wu Fan watches him from the door, eyes clouded with lust. Swallowing, Sehun stands very still, waits for Wu Fan to come over to him. He doesn't want to make any more mistakes.

"On your knees, you don't deserve to stand in front of me, you fucking cockslut." Sehun drops down immediately, his cock pulsing painfully, aching to be touched.

Wu Fan walks over to him slowly, Sehun's eyes fixed on the bulge in his pants, mouth-watering at the thought of tasting it. "Do you think you deserve my cock, baby boy? Tell me."

"N-no, I don't deserve anything Daddy gives me." Sehun shakes his head with the words, eyes closing as Wu Fan’s hand cards through his hair, almost as though he were petting him. This doesn’t feel like a punishment but Sehun doesn’t question it, hopes that rather Wu Fan will let it go this one time. "That's right, now tell Daddy who's slut you are and maybe Daddy will take care of you."

"I'm Daddy's slut, only Daddy's,” Sehun gasps, Wu Fan’s fingers yanking at his hair, pulling him to Wu Fan’s bed before tossing him on. Wu Fan says nothing though, eyes unwavering as they watch Sehun’s chest rise and fall. He takes off his cardigan, tossing it over the bed’s head board. His dress shirt follows and then his pants, belt clattering to the ground. Sehun imagines it wrapped around his throat, suffocating him as he chokes on Wu Fan’s cock and shudders, arousal nearly blinding. Maybe he could ask one day.

Wu Fan drags a hand up Sehun’s thigh, fingers ghosting over his cock as they trail upwards to grasp Sehun’s jaw. The hand doesn’t move until Wu Fan bends down to kiss Sehun, a slow exploration of his mouth, tongue sweeping behind his teeth, teeth biting into Sehun’s lower lip. “Show me.”

“I…” and he lets himself trail off because he has no idea what to say, afraid that he might break his rules again. Wu Fan’s smile is ambiguous though, Sehun unable to read it.

“Show me how you fucked yourself, baby,” Wu Fan says, voice dangerously low and Sehun nods frantically, spreading his legs out. For a brief moment, Wu Fan leaves him and Sehun is mesmerized by his long legs, recalls how strong they are when they hold him up in the shower for a quick fuck. He rummages through a drawer in his cabinet before returning back with lube. Sehun waits for it to be handed to him but Wu Fan grabs his hand, squirting the cold liquid onto his fingers. “Go on.”

Sehun nods, lifting his right leg upwards so that he can comfortably reach down to press his fingers to his entrance. His cock twitches as he circles the hole, breathing steady as he presses the first digit past the sphincter. Wu Fan’s eyes on him feel like fire, humiliation burning through his skin but Wu Fan doesn’t move from where he’s sitting on the end of his bed, watching Sehun carefully.

Little whimpers escape Sehun despite himself, pushing his finger all the way in before pulling it back out. He starts a little slowly, watching as Wu Fan begins to palm himself through his black briefs, cock hard. “Add another finger,” Wu Fan instructs him and Sehun obeys, pushing the second finger in.

Groaning, Sehun picks up the pace, scissoring himself open to loosen himself up, cheeks flushing as he curls his fingers to find his prostrate. Wu Fan’s pulled himself out, big hand wrapped around his cock as he pumps himself slowly. Sehun feels cold lube slide down his crack and he knows Wu Fan’s added more but he can barely keep his eyes open, crying out for his Daddy everytime he hits his sweet spot. “Please D-daddy, I need you.”

“Do you?” Wu Fan teases, leaning closer to Sehun, a finger coated in lube pushing into Sehun’s entrance beside his own. He moans at the intrusion, hips canting downwards to meet the fingers fucking into him. When Wu Fan adds a second finger, Sehun feels the tears of desperation run down his cheeks, his free hand fisted in the bedsheets. “Please Daddy, fuck me, I’ll be a good boy, please.”

Wu Fan only laughs, moving to hover over him. He kisses him, devours all of Sehun’s whines and begging until Sehun isn’t sure if he wants to thrust into Wu Fan’s fingers or upwards against Wu Fan’s cock, seeking the friction he so urgently wants. “You want Daddy so much, don’t you? Look at you, so shameless. What would everyone say if they saw you like this?”

“Please,” Sehun sobs, the need to be touched, to be fucked, far too painful. He was going to come if they kept going like this and then he’d be in trouble.

Wu Fan smirks, kisses Sehun softly before pulling his fingers out. Sehun follows suite and Wu Fan coats himself with lube, before pressing himself to Sehun’s entrance. He doesn’t push forward, watching Sehun instead, waiting for him to beg again. “Daddy, please, please, please.”

“There’s a good boy,” Wu Fan praises, thrusting into Sehun in one go, the feeling of being filled completely nearly too much, Sehun’s scream too loud. But Wu Fan looks pleased, his thrusts into Sehun hard and fast, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room along with Sehun’s endless whimpers.

“Daddy, can I come? Please, please it hurts,” Sehun babbles, eyes blurred by tears as he grasps for Wu Fan’s shoulders. His boyfriend leans down, kissing Sehun, little reassurances whispered into his mouth about how good he was being.

“Of course baby, come for Daddy.” Wu Fan’s thrusts are pounding into Sehun so hard that he thinks he can see stars, crying out as Wu Fan finally wraps his hand around Sehun’s tender cock, jerking it twice before pressing his thumb to Sehun’s slit, and rubbing against it. He finds himself repeating “Daddy” over and over again, until he’s coming, voice suddenly lost to the overwhelming pleasure washing over him, his cum squirting out all over Wu Fan’s hand and his own stomach, body shuddering as it rides out his orgasm.

He feels more than hears Wu Fan come, heat pooling inside of him, Wu Fan’s thrusts shallow and slow, his hand on Sehun’s cock finally stilling as the last of his cum drips out. “Such a good boy, aren’t you, baby?” Wu Fan murmurs to Sehun, clean hand smoothing down his sweat soaked hair. His body feels too sensitive, skin tingling as Wu Fan presses small kisses against him.

“Only for Daddy,” Sehun whispers, reaching upwards to wrap his arms around Wu Fan’s neck.

“That’s right, because you’re Daddy’s good little boy,” Wu Fan says, pulling out of Sehun slowly, the emptiness left behind almost painful. Sehun whines at the loss, feels cum dripping down his thighs and ass, but Wu Fan pulls away from him entirely.

“Daddy, don’t leave,” Sehun begs, suddenly terrified, hands following Wu Fan as he stands.

“Ssh,” Wu Fan comforts, kissing him sweetly. “Daddy needs to clean you up. Be right back.”

When Wu Fan’s wiped Sehun clean of his own cum, he wipes off the cum on Sehun’s stomach. Afterwards, once he’s pulled off the bed sheet they've dirtied, choosing to curl up on the fitted sheet alone, Wu Fan inspects Sehun’s neck, kissing the skin softly. They lie quietly in the bed, blanket pulled up around them, Sehun having pressed himself as close as possible to Wu Fan. Heavy eyes force him to close them, Wu Fan’s hand rubbing soft circles against his back. “Sweet dreams, baby boy.”

- what am i doing with my life
- this is all sora's fault
- no seriously, what the fuck am i doing
- thankyou for reading! ♥

everything is nc-17, !fanfic, what am i doing, pairing: wufan/sehun, fandom: exo, !oneshot

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