you're harry freakin' potter!

Jul 23, 2010 09:17

Nabbed from penny_lane_42 , in an effort to wake myself up: type, "you know you're from [insert state name here] when..." into Google, get the results, and bold the ones that apply to you. Since I am from a lot of states, I'll go with the one I go to school in and actually came from originally:

1. You switch from "Heat" to "A/C" in one day. [Seriously. You can wake up and have it be snowing, and it'll be pushing 80 by the afternoon.]
2. You know what the "People's Republic of Boulder" means. [Hah, technically, I live there, though God, I am NOT from Boulder. This is the most liberal area in all of Colorado, and that's great sometimes, but it's also...kind of strange? It's like this weird, hippie hipster bubble, where people look down on you if you don't drive a Prius and protest stuff to look cool. You go down to Pearl Street, and it's like the 60s never ended. It's just a weird city. Cool, in a lot of ways, but weird.]
3. Your sense of direction is: towards the mountains and away from the mountains. [I am directionally challenged and never before appreciated how great the mountains are until I got epically lost one day.]
4. You're a meat-eating vegetarian.
5. The bike on your car is worth more than your car and you have your own special bike lane.
6. You're able to drive 65 miles per hour through 13 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without even flinching. [This does not apply to all Coloradoans, though, who seem to FREAK OUT any time there's a drop of snow on the road. You'd think they'd be used to it.]
7. You take your out-of-town guests to Casa Bonita even though you would never go there otherwise. [Lmao, half true. I actually haven't been there since I was a little kid, but even though the food sucks, I am dying to go back. People look agape at me when I tell them it's a real place.]
8. You think your major food groups are granola bars, tofu and Fat Tire beer.
9. You design your kid's Halloween costumes to fit over a snowsuit. [Rather, my mom designed mine. :( It ALWAYS freakin' snowed on Halloween. I was routinely mistaken for a purple marshmallow beecaues she made me wear so many layers of snow suit and long underwear.]
10. You think that sexy lingerie is wool socks and flannel PJs.
11. You know all 4 seasons "almost winter, winter, still winter and spring blizzards. [Though really, the snow doesn't stick around that long and it usually doesn't get too cold.]
12. You've been tear gassed in a riot to celebrate a CU/CSU victory. [Practically. I avoid campus anytime CSU is playing us. Or anytime there's a football game. *shudder*]
13. You can never figure out why your out-of-town guests faint from altitude sickness on a picnic to the mountains. [Lmao, I always foget people get sick when they first come to town, usually.]
14. You can drive over a 12,000-foot pass in 4 feet of snow, but can't get to work if there are 4 inches of snow.
15. You know the 'correct' pronunciation of Buena Vista.
16. When you visit friends at sea level, you can drink a case of beer and not get a buzz.
17. Your car insurance costs more than your car.
18. You have surge protectors on every outlet.
19. April showers bring May blizzards. [Just when you think it's over, you wake up to a foot of snow. SURPRISE!!!]
20. 'Timberline' is someplace you have actually been.
21. You know what a 'Chinook' is.
22. You know what a 'Rocky Mountain Oyster' is. [Sadly, most out-of-staters have wised up, and can't be tricked into eating them anymore.]
23. You know what a "fourteener" is.
24. But you don't know what a "turn signal" is. [Hahaha, this applys to way too many people.]
25. A bear on your front porch doesn't bother you nearly as much as a Democrat in Congress does.
26. Your golf bag has a 9-iron, a 3-wood and a lightning rod.
27. You know who Alfred Packer was and what he did. [The number one thing about him I know is the grill in my student union named after him. They make delicious curly fries.]
28. You know who Baby Doe Tabor was. [Uh. I did once, when I was little. And I went to a restaurant named after him/her.]
29. SPF 90 is not out of the question. [The sunlight is intense.]
30. People from out of state breathe 5 times as often as you do. [I don't blame them! Adjusting to the thin air is hard.]
31. Having a Senator named Nighthorse doesn't seem strange.
32. Thunder has set off your car alarm.
33. A full moon has never kept you awake at night.
34. You have an $800 stereo in your $300 truck.
35. A sudden loss of cabin pressure is not a big deal.
36. You think a red light means 3 more cars can go.
37. Where we're going, we don't need roads!!
38. You know where Doc Holliday's grave is.
39. You know where Buffalo Bill's grave is.  [Driven past it multiple times. Pretty neat.]
40. You know where the real "South Park" is. [My friend had to show me. Sadly, I had no idea the guys who created South Park were from CU, or that it was an actual Colorado town until a few years ago. Though, I'd never watched the show before, until the same friend showed me, so...]
41. You can recognize the license plates of all 50 states on sight. [It's the most epic when it's an Alaska or Hawaii plate.]
42. Driving directions are never, "Turn right or turn left," but, "Turn West!" or "Turn East!" [Yep. It's confusing at first, but once you know where those helpful mountains are, you get the hang of it.]
43. You've 'checked for ticks'
44. You've dressed in shorts, sandals, and a parka with a hood.
45. You've gone snow skiing in July and...
46. You've played golf in January and.....
47. They were in the same year!
48. You've urinated on the Continental Divide just so it could 'run into both oceans'
49. And most important: You get a certain satisfaction knowing that California and Texas are both downstream.
50. You know what a down slope and an up slope weather pattern is . [Upslopes suck. Majorly. They involve huge quanitites of snow with no warning.]
51. You still call it "Elitches."  [This refers to Elitches Gardens, the Six Flags amusement park in Denver. They renamed it or something. I don't care. Everyone who knows better calls it Elitches.]
52. You still call it Mile High Stadium. [Another artifact from my childhood they tried to rename. Anyone from the Denver or surrounding area knows what the real name is, and calls it that.]
53. Everyone you know has a pathological hatred of Texas and anyone who hails from there. [Now, this is not ME, or really, any of my friends. I love Texas! Hell, half my family lives there. My parents met and got married there. They have way better food than most places. What's not to love? But most Coloradoans I know really can't stand it for some reason; I think it's because of ski season. Coloradoans get way too snooty about their ski slopes. It's obnoxious.]
 Phew. Okay, I think I'm done with that for now. Lol, there are about three other states I could do that with, but I'm too lazy to bother with all the lists.

I have to go overnight my mom's passport to her. She's at a wedding in Florida, and somehow lost her driver's license on the plane, so unfortunately, she couldn't rent a car, and she needs some form of ID to get back on the plane to California. :\ Poor Mom. My sister also went to New York for camp yesterday--the second time attempting the trip. She'd never flown alone before, and on Wednesday, the day she was SUPPOSED to go, there were issues with the plane being delayed that would've resulted in her missing her connection in Chicago, and then United screwed up and rebooked her on a flight to Buffalo, and the flight to Rochester (where she ACTUALLY needed to go) was full by the time they realized their mistake. They had to let her off the plane, and my mom had to go pick her up. Sucked. Fortunately, everything worked out yesterday. So yeah. Travelling+my family=bad idea, right now, apparently--but of course, all of them are in different places. My dad is in China for the millionth time.

And let's see...AVPS was supermegafoxyawesomehot. I really, really enjoyed it. Not as much as AVPM, but hey, few things can compete. I still laughed really hard, and the ending was so nostalgic, for both the show, and the series. Really cute. I just wish I could have watched it with other fans! It's not as funny when you're laughing by yourself.

Blahhh, I better get up and go to the UPS store to get Mom's passport out. It's kind of sad how much I have to motivate myself to get out of bed, lol.

avpm, lolz, family, colorado, avps, what i do when i'm bored

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