and tonight's gonna be TOTALLY AWESOME!

Jul 22, 2010 13:23

Who is excited for the premiere of A Very Potter Sequel tonight?


Knowing our luck, the servers will crash with everyone trying to watch it at once, but still. TOTALLY AWESOME.

Also, just thought I would share this with you guys:

Life In A Day.

This is a really cool project, where a guy making a documentary asks everyone around the world to film themselves on one day: July 24th, 2010, and upload their video to YouTube. It can be of anything: your commute to work, your morning routine, a wedding, a reunion--whatever you want. The more creative or touching, the more likely it is to make it into the film. This sounds like such a great project, and I know a lot of you are super creative and good with cameras, so in case you hadn't heard, you definitely should look into it. I might try doing something just for the fun of it. :]

yay, avpm, linkage, lolz, fangirling, avps

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